Papers by Mohammad Delwar Hussain

Over and done with empirical reviews, this paper tried to ascertain the contribution of micro, sm... more Over and done with empirical reviews, this paper tried to ascertain the contribution of micro, small, & medium enterprises (MSMEs) in their capacities to eradicate poverty. To accumulate empirical literatures on micro, small, and medium enterprises development and poverty alleviation, a thorough search was done using online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald, Scopus, UniMAP Library WorldCat and EBSCO HOST etc. The survey identified that the development of micro, small, & medium enterprises depends on individuals or a group of peoples that have certain factors such as innovativeness, family background, government support programs, and training or education. Others also include, individual entrepreneurial characteristics, an increase in women participation in entrepreneurship and youth empowerment. A strong collaboration between government-university-industry also plays a major role in developing entrepreneurship, not only c...
The principal purpose of this paper is to make evident that the relationship between entrepreneur... more The principal purpose of this paper is to make evident that the relationship between entrepreneurship education and poverty alleviation constructed on empirical reviews. This study conducted a general search to accumulate empirical literature by the name of entrepreneurship education and poverty alleviation in different online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald, Scopus, UniMAP Library WorldCat and EBSCO HOST, etc. This study identified the innovation, entrepreneurship training & edification, individual entrepreneurial characteristics, youth empowerment, government support program, a collaboration of government-university-industry is the key tool for entrepreneurship development which is stimulating employment are eventually alleviating poverty.

The Clarion- International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2016
The appearance of sustainable development as the complex perception of social and environmental i... more The appearance of sustainable development as the complex perception of social and environmental issues which must be addressed growing influence in the accounting practices. The main purpose of this paper is to identify how environmental accounting can be able to contribute for ensuring sustainable development. This construing used existing empirical literature especially it has conducted general search by the name of environmental accounting application in the sustainable development in different online database sources such as Science Direct, Emerald, Springer Link, EBSCO Host, Scopus and Google Scholars, etc. The study summarized from the review findings that proper practices of environmental accounting is a vital issue for sustainable development especially to concentrate on environmental taxes, environmental costs, valuing ecosystem services, costing of carbon dioxide, and cost of water pollution and ensure income sustainability of green products in the way of sustainable development.

Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives
This study aims to examine the relationship between board independence and the performance of mic... more This study aims to examine the relationship between board independence and the performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs). Early studies on microfinance have made immense contributions, particularly in identifying the factors that influence performance. However, studies addressing board independence and its impact on performance remain scarce. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: This study utilised a panel dataset involving 80 MFIs in Bangladesh for the period of 2005-2018. A panel data regression technique was applied to measure the relationship between MFIs' performance and board independence based on the 80 cross-sectional MFIs with 13 years of data. Research findings: Our findings suggest that independent directors and board size facilitate MFIs to become financially sustainable. The findings also indicate that CEO duality enhances institutional sustainability but does not enhance outreach to the poor. While the results of this study partially support the proposition of stewardship theory, the proposition of agency theory is rejected. This indicates that MFIs in Bangladesh are operated by motivated agents with similar interests to the MFIs' owners. Theoretical contribution/ Originality: This investigation contributes to the microfinance governance literature by highlighting the argument that board independence reduces conflict between MFIs' principal and agent. This study also contributes to the global debate concerning CEO duality and MFIs' double bottom line performance from the perspective of a developing country, such as Bangladesh. Practitioner/ Policy implication: The practical implication of this research is on governance mechanisms in terms of their effectiveness, which is influenced by MFIs' competence. Since board members should promote stakeholders' interests rather than the interests of the organisation, there is a need for sound guiding principles that should form an integral part of the policy for better MFI governance practices. Limitation/ Implication: The limitation of this study mainly concerns the lack of evidence concerning whether or not every licensed MFI in Bangladesh has non-manageable stakeholders. Similarly, this study fails to capture the insolvency level of customers. Therefore, future studies may expand on this approach and create a measure for MFIs' outreach to the poor.
Asian Academy of Management Journal
Scholars argue that the agency theory has some limitations as the sustaining theory of governance... more Scholars argue that the agency theory has some limitations as the sustaining theory of governance. It is its inability to distinguish the wider stakeholder influencing forces effecting on organisations. This paper delivers a concise picture incorporating other management-based theories to supplement agency theory in distinguishing the wider stakeholder influencing forces as well as the consequential extended governance standard it creates. Yet, for developing the theory building approach it has reviewed and critically examined the existing literatures. Furthermore, a circumstance is built to assimilate four existing theories that supplement each other to distinguish the wider stakeholder influencing forces. Finally, further studies have been recommended to certify the approach with wide-ranging real life institutional settings.

The main purpose of this paper is to corroborate the relationship between entrepreneurship develo... more The main purpose of this paper is to corroborate the relationship between entrepreneurship development and poverty alleviation constructed on empirical reviews. In this study, we conducted general search to accumulate empirical literatures by the name of entrepreneurship development and poverty alleviation in different online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald full text, Scopus, and EBSCO HOST etc. We found innovation, entrepreneurship training & education, family background, government support program, social entrepreneurship, women participation, individual entrepreneurial characteristics, participation of micro, small & medium enterprises, youth empowerment, collaboration of government-university-industry is the key tool for entrepreneurship development which is stimulating employment are eventually alleviating poverty.

Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives (AJAP), 2021
This study aims to examine the relationship between board independence and the performance of mic... more This study aims to examine the relationship between board independence and the performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs). Early studies on microfinance have made immense contributions, particularly in identifying the factors that influence performance. However, studies addressing board independence and its impact on performance remain scarce.
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: This study utilised a panel dataset involving 80 MFIs in Bangladesh for the period of 2005-2018. A panel data regression technique was applied to measure the relationship between MFIs' performance and board independence based on the 80 cross-sectional MFIs with 13 years of data.
Research findings: Our findings suggest that independent directors and board size facilitate MFIs to become financially sustainable. The findings also indicate that CEO duality enhances institutional sustainability but does not enhance outreach to the poor. While the results of this study partially support the proposition of stewardship theory, the proposition of agency theory is rejected. This indicates that MFIs in Bangladesh are operated by motivated agents with similar interests to the MFIs' owners.
Theoretical contribution/ Originality: This investigation contributes to the microfinance governance literature by highlighting the argument that board independence reduces conflict between MFIs' principal and agent. This study also contributes to the global debate concerning CEO duality and MFIs' double bottom line performance from the perspective of a developing country, such as Bangladesh.
Practitioner/ Policy implication: The practical implication of this research is on governance mechanisms in terms of their effectiveness, which is influenced by MFIs' competence. Since board members should promote stakeholders' interests rather than the interests of the organisation, there is a need for sound guiding principles that should form an integral part of the policy for better MFI governance practices.
Limitation/ Implication: The limitation of this study mainly concerns the lack of evidence concerning whether or not every licensed MFI in Bangladesh has non-manageable stakeholders. Similarly, this study fails to capture the insolvency level of customers. Therefore, future studies may expand on this approach and create a measure for MFIs' outreach to the poor.

This study provides a comprehensive review of scholarly research on corporate governance in micro... more This study provides a comprehensive review of scholarly research on corporate governance in microfinance organizations during the last 20 years and elaborates an agenda for future research. The article used a systematic literature review process for the different online databases including EBSCOHost, Emerald, JSTOR, SAGE Knowledge, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SpringerLink, University Library WorldCat, Wiley and Web of Science database over the period 2000-2019. This research has identified three major factors which are the most important for the microfinance governance studies, these are, (i) board of directors who set strategic directions for the organization, (ii) top-level management who implements decisions and manages risks, and (iii) external governance who works to ensure compliance with standards, policies, and procedures. The paper contributes through synthesizing and pinpointing standing as well as evolving research streams.
International Journal of Business and Management Science, 2019
This study explores new evidence considering the global debate regarding board leadership structu... more This study explores new evidence considering the global debate regarding board leadership structure and its effects on the dual performance of microfinance by observing 80 microfinance institutions in Bangladesh from 2010 to 2015. Random (GLS) and fixed (LSDV) effects models were applied in identifying the insignificant positive effects of CEO duality into microfinance sustainability and the negative effects on outreach of the poor. Results indicate that the structure of board leadership, have positive effects on the sustainability performance of microfinance but have negative effects on outreach performance. The findings contribute to the microfinance governance literature on board leadership and its effects on the dual performance of microfinance.

MAYFEB Journal of Business and Management, 2018
Social entrepreneurship is considered an important tool in enabling the nation development and po... more Social entrepreneurship is considered an important tool in enabling the nation development and poverty alleviation. The main purpose of this paper is to justify the linkage between social entrepreneurship development and poverty alleviation based on empirical reviews. In this study, we conducted the general search to collect empirical literatures by the name of entrepreneurship development and poverty alleviation in different online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald full text, Scopus, and EBSCO HOST etc. We found that social entrepreneurship development is a key tool for poverty reduction; stimulating employment as well as fast-tracking realization of universal prime education and promoting gender equality. It is hoped that it would be useful to fellow researchers who are undertaking studies in this area. In the light of recent world events, this has become a crucial area to study and understand.

International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship, 2017
The academician and policy makers already declared that micro enterprise have significant positiv... more The academician and policy makers already declared that micro enterprise have significant positive role for reducing poverty specifically emergent economic nations. The micro entrepreneurs face lots of obstacles considering personal qualifications, start-up the business and most importantly survival and growth issues. Therefore, this study contemplates micro enterprise development, income up-liftmen and its impact on poverty alleviation. It also concentrates on personal entrepreneurial competencies, venture initiation and success with survival and growth competencies. The authors proclaimed that the three competency of a micro entrepreneur have significant positive effects on alleviating poverty. It needed to applied different dimension of statistical analytical tools for presenting descriptive as well as inferential results. Moreover, this study has manifold contributions considering micro enterprise developments, poverty alleviation and most importantly policy level discussions.

MAYFEB Journal of Business and Management, 2017
Over and done with empirical reviews, this paper tried to ascertain the contribution of micro, sm... more Over and done with empirical reviews, this paper tried to ascertain the contribution of micro, small, & medium enterprises (MSMEs) in their capacities to eradicate poverty. To accumulate empirical kinds of literature on micro, small, and medium enterprises development and poverty alleviation, a thorough search was done using online
database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald, Scopus, UniMAP Library WorldCat and EBSCO HOST etc. The survey identified that the development of micro, small, & medium enterprises depends on individuals or a group of peoples that have certain factors such as innovativeness, family background, government support programs, and training or education. Others also include individual entrepreneurial characteristics, an increase in women participation in entrepreneurship and youth empowerment. A strong collaboration between government-university-industry also plays a major role in developing entrepreneurship, not only can stimulate employment and create job opportunities but also to eventually alleviating poverty.
MAYFEB Journal of Business and Management, 2017
The principal purpose of this paper is to make evident that the relationship between entrepreneur... more The principal purpose of this paper is to make evident that the relationship between entrepreneurship education and poverty alleviation constructed on empirical reviews. This study conducted a general search to accumulate empirical literature by the name of entrepreneurship education and poverty alleviation in different online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald, Scopus, UniMAP Library WorldCat and EBSCO HOST, etc. This study identified the innovation, entrepreneurship training & edification, individual entrepreneurial characteristics, youth empowerment, government support program, a collaboration of government-university-industry is the key tool for entrepreneurship development which is stimulating employment are eventually alleviating poverty.
Asian Academy of Management Journal, 2019
Scholars argue that the agency theory has some limitations as the sustaining theory of governance... more Scholars argue that the agency theory has some limitations as the sustaining theory of governance. It is its inability to distinguish the wider stakeholder influencing forces effecting on organisations. This paper delivers a concise picture incorporating other management-based theories to supplement agency theory in distinguishing the wider stakeholder influencing forces as well as the consequential extended governance standard it creates. Yet, for developing the theory building approach it has reviewed and critically examined the existing literature. Furthermore, a circumstance is built to assimilate four existing theories that supplement each other to distinguish the wider stakeholder influencing forces. Finally, further studies have been recommended to certify the approach with wide-ranging real life institutional settings.
International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship, Jun 2016
The appearance of sustainable development as the complex perception of social and environmental i... more The appearance of sustainable development as the complex perception of social and environmental issues which must be addressed had a growing influence in the accounting practice. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how Environmental accounting can able to contribute for ensuring sustainable development. The study used existing empirical literature especially it has conducted general search by the name of environmental accounting application in the sustinable development in different online database sources such as Science Direct, Emerald full text, Scopus and Google Scholars etc. The study summarized from the review findings that proper practice of environmental accounting is a vital issue for sustainable development especially to concentrate on environmental taxes,

Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2014
The main purpose of this paper is to corroborate the relationship between entrepreneurship develo... more The main purpose of this paper is to corroborate the relationship between entrepreneurship development and poverty alleviation constructed on empirical reviews. In this study, we conducted general search to accumulate empirical literatures by the name of entrepreneurship development and poverty alleviation in different online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald full text, Scopus, and EBSCO HOST etc. We found innovation, entrepreneurship training & education, family background, government support program, social entrepreneurship, women participation, individual entrepreneurial characteristics, participation of micro, small & medium enterprises, youth empowerment, collaboration of government-university-industry is the key tool for entrepreneurship development which is stimulating employment are eventually alleviating poverty.
Books by Mohammad Delwar Hussain

Modern Corporate Governance Strategies for Sustainable Value Creation, 2024
The only financial sector where stakeholders may gain from both poverty alleviation and sustainab... more The only financial sector where stakeholders may gain from both poverty alleviation and sustainability is microfinance. Microfinance practitioners argue that the absence of governance standards in microfinance institutions (MFIs) is the reason for this dual role. The focus will be on understanding how effective governance can enhance the performance and sustainability of MFIs, ensure accountability, and protect the interests of stakeholders, including borrowers, investors, and the community. The focus of this research is on data from a frontier market economy, and the research framework takes into account multiple theories, including three management-based theories (resource dependence, stakeholder, and stewardship) and the economic-based agency theory. The chapter will provide a blend of theoretical insights, practical examples, and case studies to offer a comprehensive understanding of the critical role governance plays in the microfinance sector. It was discovered that the profitability of MFI has a non-linear impact on its services for the impoverished, taking into account both "social-welfare and commercial logic." MFIs' outreach typically declines when they aim for large profits. Consequently, the study's conclusions recommend creating a governance handbook that prioritizes social welfare reasoning while increasing MFI services for clients who are less fortunate. It is also necessary to generate institutional structures and separate governance guideline, based on the social welfare logic. As part of their responsibility to ensure that the MFIs adhere to the social mission, the microfinance board of directors may designate a social director. These directors have been acting on behalf of the MFIs' clients.
Papers by Mohammad Delwar Hussain
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: This study utilised a panel dataset involving 80 MFIs in Bangladesh for the period of 2005-2018. A panel data regression technique was applied to measure the relationship between MFIs' performance and board independence based on the 80 cross-sectional MFIs with 13 years of data.
Research findings: Our findings suggest that independent directors and board size facilitate MFIs to become financially sustainable. The findings also indicate that CEO duality enhances institutional sustainability but does not enhance outreach to the poor. While the results of this study partially support the proposition of stewardship theory, the proposition of agency theory is rejected. This indicates that MFIs in Bangladesh are operated by motivated agents with similar interests to the MFIs' owners.
Theoretical contribution/ Originality: This investigation contributes to the microfinance governance literature by highlighting the argument that board independence reduces conflict between MFIs' principal and agent. This study also contributes to the global debate concerning CEO duality and MFIs' double bottom line performance from the perspective of a developing country, such as Bangladesh.
Practitioner/ Policy implication: The practical implication of this research is on governance mechanisms in terms of their effectiveness, which is influenced by MFIs' competence. Since board members should promote stakeholders' interests rather than the interests of the organisation, there is a need for sound guiding principles that should form an integral part of the policy for better MFI governance practices.
Limitation/ Implication: The limitation of this study mainly concerns the lack of evidence concerning whether or not every licensed MFI in Bangladesh has non-manageable stakeholders. Similarly, this study fails to capture the insolvency level of customers. Therefore, future studies may expand on this approach and create a measure for MFIs' outreach to the poor.
database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald, Scopus, UniMAP Library WorldCat and EBSCO HOST etc. The survey identified that the development of micro, small, & medium enterprises depends on individuals or a group of peoples that have certain factors such as innovativeness, family background, government support programs, and training or education. Others also include individual entrepreneurial characteristics, an increase in women participation in entrepreneurship and youth empowerment. A strong collaboration between government-university-industry also plays a major role in developing entrepreneurship, not only can stimulate employment and create job opportunities but also to eventually alleviating poverty.
Books by Mohammad Delwar Hussain
Design/ Methodology/ Approach: This study utilised a panel dataset involving 80 MFIs in Bangladesh for the period of 2005-2018. A panel data regression technique was applied to measure the relationship between MFIs' performance and board independence based on the 80 cross-sectional MFIs with 13 years of data.
Research findings: Our findings suggest that independent directors and board size facilitate MFIs to become financially sustainable. The findings also indicate that CEO duality enhances institutional sustainability but does not enhance outreach to the poor. While the results of this study partially support the proposition of stewardship theory, the proposition of agency theory is rejected. This indicates that MFIs in Bangladesh are operated by motivated agents with similar interests to the MFIs' owners.
Theoretical contribution/ Originality: This investigation contributes to the microfinance governance literature by highlighting the argument that board independence reduces conflict between MFIs' principal and agent. This study also contributes to the global debate concerning CEO duality and MFIs' double bottom line performance from the perspective of a developing country, such as Bangladesh.
Practitioner/ Policy implication: The practical implication of this research is on governance mechanisms in terms of their effectiveness, which is influenced by MFIs' competence. Since board members should promote stakeholders' interests rather than the interests of the organisation, there is a need for sound guiding principles that should form an integral part of the policy for better MFI governance practices.
Limitation/ Implication: The limitation of this study mainly concerns the lack of evidence concerning whether or not every licensed MFI in Bangladesh has non-manageable stakeholders. Similarly, this study fails to capture the insolvency level of customers. Therefore, future studies may expand on this approach and create a measure for MFIs' outreach to the poor.
database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald, Scopus, UniMAP Library WorldCat and EBSCO HOST etc. The survey identified that the development of micro, small, & medium enterprises depends on individuals or a group of peoples that have certain factors such as innovativeness, family background, government support programs, and training or education. Others also include individual entrepreneurial characteristics, an increase in women participation in entrepreneurship and youth empowerment. A strong collaboration between government-university-industry also plays a major role in developing entrepreneurship, not only can stimulate employment and create job opportunities but also to eventually alleviating poverty.