Papers by José Luis Vidal
Historia De La Literatura Latina 1997 Isbn 84 376 1533 X Pags 155 176, 1997
Scherzo Revista De Musica, 1997

Valeri Flac, en el seu poema epic Argonautica, te com a models visibles, en quant a la materia, e... more Valeri Flac, en el seu poema epic Argonautica, te com a models visibles, en quant a la materia, el poema epic hel·∙lenistic d’Apol·∙loni de Rodes i, en quant a la forma, el model indiscutible de L’Eneida de Virgili. Pel que fa al tema, Valeri intenta acomodar-‐‑lo als interessos romans del moment inserint en el relat mitic referencies contemporanies. Pel que fa a la forma, la voluntat neoclassica o, si es vol, neovirgiliana de Valeri, com la dels altres epics flavis, es indiscutible. Valeri llegeix Apol·∙loni a traves de la lent de Virgili, pero els impulsos que havia aportat a la literatura romana la generacio anterior, la de l’epoca neroniana, especialment Seneca i Luca, actuen de forma latent en el seu poema Argonautica i s’oposen, amb major o menor violencia, o s’adapten, amb major o menor equilibri, a la conscient vocacio neoclassica. Aquesta tensio (en aquest article se n’examinen alguns exemples) caracteritza l’art de l’expressio de Valeri.
Scherzo Revista De Musica, 1992
Unidad Y Pluralidad En El Mundo Antiguo Actas Del Vi Congreso Espanol De Estudios Clasicos Isbn 84 249 0878 3 Pags 237 243, 1983

Two oak cant timbers were sawn up to a total of 58 boards. As a dependent variable, the energy co... more Two oak cant timbers were sawn up to a total of 58 boards. As a dependent variable, the energy consumption while manufacturing a board was measured. As influencing variables, timber and saw blade characteristics were assessed, including density, moisture content, log feed speed, blade profile, and sawing sequence. Four types of forces acting in a saw-tooth were derived, namely, the dust particle shaving force, the particle accelerating force, the dust compressing force, and the frictional force as a consequence of blade wear. The experiment showed that the most prominent factor is the shaving force if the blade was newly sharpened, and that the dust accelerating and compressing forces were negligibly small. The frictional force grew from insignificant at the first board to more than one fourth of the force total at the 58 th board. With each board, the saw tooth tips receded by more than 2 μm. With these data, the course of blades' deterioration from wear was characterised.
Papers by José Luis Vidal