This plugin helps users easily create Register / Login / Update Profile / Lost Password forms.
Type Of Form: select the form type you need by clicking on the corresponding form
1. “None” is the default display of the form
2. “User Registration Form” for user to register account
- “Login after registration” field: Tick if you want to login after registration, otherwise leave blank.
- “Generate password” field: If you leave blank, you will create a password when submitting the form, if it is ticked, password will be automatically created and you will change password on your email later.
- “Select User Role” field: you can select any role you want.
- “User Fields” field: information you want to collect from user such as Username, Email, First Name, … or any information you want to collect that be created in next field “Custom User Fields”
Scroll down to the bottom and select “Add Custom Meta”
- “Register Success Message” field: Users can create any content they want for this field.
- “Account Approval” field:
If you tick “Yes”, successful account registration will be saved in “User” => “Pending Activations”, here is a place to contain the list of accounts are waiting for approval.
You want to active or delete any account, you just need to hover in that account, select active or delete. You also can select multiple accounts at the same time to active or delete them, then click “Bulk actions” and select.
If you want to active user_test3, you click “active”, then click “OK”, it’s done.
Or you want to delete user_test9, you click “delete”, then click “OK”, it’s done.
- “Delete entry after submit” field: Select this option to automatically remove the form entry after it has been successfully submitted.
3. “Login Form” to create a login form and then redirect the user to where you want after login.
- “Login Fields” field: User fill out user name, password.
- “Remember Login” field: Select this option to display the remember account option on the login form
If you click Yes, login screen will display “Remember me”
If no, login screen will not display “Remember me”
- “Forgot password” field: Select this option to display the forgot password option on the login form
If you click Yes, login screen will display “Lost your password”
If no, login screen will not display “Lost your password”
- “Redirect after login to” field: Specify the URL where user should be redirected to after successfully logging in.
- “Delete entry after submit” field: Select this option to automatically remove the form entry after it has been successfully submitted.
4. “Update Profile Form”: this form helps user update their information and profile fields
- “User Fields” field: It will display information currently user and user can edit those.
- “Custom User Fields” field: It allows you to create personalized form fields to collect specific information from users by scroll down to the bottom and select “Add Custom Meta”
- “Update Success Message” field: Users can create any content you want for this field.
- “Delete entry after submit” field: Select this option to automatically remove the form entry after it has been successfully submitted.
5. “Lost Password Form”: to reset password
- “Username or Email” field: user can fill out username or email
- “Email Subject” field: The field can be a title or a brief description that user want
- “Email Message” field: The content email that will be sent to the recipient along with link where the reset link should be
- “Delete entry after submit” field: Select this option to automatically remove the form entry after it has been successfully submitted.