I am
grateful_today for so many things, including the following:
1. My sobriety, which has enabled me to bring so many good things into my life
2. My partner Seth, who is sweet, kind, loving and who accepts me and loves me as I am
3. My health, which allows me to run, workout, a feel good
4. My job, which provides economic security, and interesting work
5. My education, from which my curiosity and love of knowledge are enhanced and enabled
6. My home, which is comfortable, warm, and safe
7. My community, which provides clean water, good services and pleasant surroundings
8. My co-workers, who are kind, good-humoured, respectful and thoughtful
9. My car, which provides me with safe and comfortable transportation and mobility
10. All of the authors in the world who produce great books to read
11. All of the musicians in the world who produce beautiful music
12. The internet, which puts knowledge and resources literally at my fingertips
For all of this and for so much more, I am