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Gratitude: Today is the perfect day to be grateful

Long Overdue Gratitude List
I am grateful today for so many things, including:

1. My sobriety which enables me to live life on life's terms and not do stupid things that I'll regret.
2. My AA program, which keeps me grounded and sane.
3. My partner Seth who is never shy about reminding me that I am loved and who gives me an outlet for my love.
4. Meditation, which helps to quiet my mind, a mind that get out of control very easily.
5. Canada, which has to be the best country in the world to live in.

For all of this and about a million more things I am grateful_today.


100 Things I am Grateful For
I haven't done this for a long time, and am overdue. I posted this first in my own journal and decided to cross-post it here.

100 Things I Am Grateful ForCollapse )

Surprisingly, that took much less time than I expected (under an hour), which must mean that I have so much to be grateful for. Here's wishing that the same is true for you.

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The Hills Are Alive
I am grateful_today for many things, including the following:

1. Being healthy and fit enough to run five miles of hills
2. A beautiful day for running
3. A safe neighbourhood to run in
4. Comfortable running shoes
5. My weight loss since I've been running regularly
6. My lowered resting heart rate since I've been running regularly
7. Sleeping better because of regular running
8. Being 60% of the way toward my weight goal
9. An abundance of good healthy food to eat
10. Feeling better overall because of regular exercise

and for all of this and much much more, I am grateful_today.

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And the beat goes on
It was another day to be grateful_today for so many things including:

1. The gym I get to use 365 days a year, 24/7 for only $50 (annual fee)
2. The great book I just finished reading (and reviewing on bookish)
3. My lowest weight and fat% reading this year so far
4. Getting to spend lots of time hanging out with my partner
5. Another day of great weather
6. Getting to sleep in this morning
7. An abundance of good healthy food in the house
8. A very good day in my workplace hockey pool
9. This very comfy loveseat that I'm sitting on
10. A comfortable bed to sleep in tonight

For all of this and much much more, I am grateful_today.

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Grateful for No Green Beer
I am grateful_today for so many things, including the following:

1. A sober St. Patrick's day
2. My AA home group, which met tonight and had a lot of funny stories about not so sober St. Patrick's days
3. A slack day at work today, with the chance to catch up on something I've been meaning to do for a while
4. Beautiful weather today
5. Running into an old friend that I haven't seen in a long time
6. A pleasant walk tonight on which I felt energized
7. My weight loss so far this year
8. An unexpected day off tomorrow (making for a three day weekend and the chance to sleep in tomorrow)
9. Tim Horton's ice caps
10. Living in a safe neighbourhood

For all of this and so much more, I am grateful_today.

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Gratitude on Thursday evening
Some things I am grateful for right now.

Finding a job close to home.
Finding the determination to stick with the training.
Spring flowers blooming.
Nice weather-sunshine.
The gift of what meditation can bring.
Time in the AM during the week to do a bit of art journaling.
Getting some money back on our taxes.
Dear husband that knows how to do our taxes.
Planning out a nice weekend starting soon.
Being able to take a lovely nap this afternoon.

A Journal is a Terrible Thing to Waste
I am grateful_today for so many things, including the following:

1. Coming home from work and getting to snuggle with the man I love
2. Good weather for my run
3. My new running shoes
4. My AA home group
5. Getting to help other people with their problems rather than having those problems myself
6. A job that gives me the chance to travel
7. A comfortable place to sit and journal
8. Making noticeable progress in my fitness and weight loss goals
9. My dorky interests which feed my inquisitive mind
10. Livejournal

For all of these things and so much more I am grateful_today

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Gratitude List
I am grateful_today for so many things, including the following:

1. My sobriety, which has enabled me to bring so many good things into my life
2. My partner Seth, who is sweet, kind, loving and who accepts me and loves me as I am
3. My health, which allows me to run, workout, a feel good
4. My job, which provides economic security, and interesting work
5. My education, from which my curiosity and love of knowledge are enhanced and enabled
6. My home, which is comfortable, warm, and safe
7. My community, which provides clean water, good services and pleasant surroundings
8. My co-workers, who are kind, good-humoured, respectful and thoughtful
9. My car, which provides me with safe and comfortable transportation and mobility
10. All of the authors in the world who produce great books to read
11. All of the musicians in the world who produce beautiful music
12. The internet, which puts knowledge and resources literally at my fingertips

For all of this and for so much more, I am grateful_today

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Today is my AA anniversary. I am grateful for so many things today including:

1. My sobriety
2. My AA program
3. My AA home group and the local AA community
4. Finding my spiritual path and no longer feeling unworthy or undeserving of one
5. The ability to live life on life's terms
6. Freedom from the obsession to drink
7. No longer having to live in a state of fear or regret
8. A clear mind
9. Opportunities and experiences that I would have been denied if I had kept on drinking
10. Love that I would not have found if I had kept on drinking

For all of this and so much more, I am grateful_today

You're ready

A Grateful Heart
Today I am grateful for so many things, including the following:

1. My sobriety, without which, I wouldn't have many of the other things I am grateful for
2. My partner, who I love and who makes me feel loved
3. My health, which allows me to walk a lot when I'm on trips away from home, as I am now
4. My economic security which allows me to be a good provider and to take trips like the one I'm on now
5. My job which is interesting, which allows me to work with nice people and which allows me to have my economic security
6. My home, where I will be tonight, a safe, comfortable and loving home
7. Abby, our dog, who will greet me warmly when I get home tonight
8. Living in an age of air travel that allows me to jet across the continent in a matter of hours
9. The AA International Convention that I just attended, and all those who spoke, all those who organized it and all those who attended, especially those I was able to talk with
10. All of the people who work in the service industry in the city of Atlanta, every single one of which that I interacted with was, without exception, kind, polite, friendly and welcoming.

For all of this and much much more, I am grateful today!
