PA-25-301 NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts

NIH Institute or Center Contacts Institute/Center Specific Information

NIH Institute or Center Contacts

Institute/Center Specific Information

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Alex Tuttle, Ph.D.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
Phone: 301-814-6115
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Debbie Chen
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
Phone: 301-594-3788
Email: [email protected]


National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Research and Funding Contacts
Telephone: 240-276-6390

Grants Management Contact:
Crystal Wolfrey
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Telephone: 240-276-6277
Email: [email protected]


National Eye Institute (NEI)

Scientific Program Contacts:

Grants Management Contact:
Karen Robinson Smith
Telephone: 301-451-2020
Email: [email protected]



National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Jennifer Troyer, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Deanna L. Ingersoll
Telephone: 301-435-7858
Email: [email protected]

NHGRI supports resources, approaches, and technologies that accelerate genomic research focused on the structure and biology of genomes; the genomics of disease; the implementation and effectiveness of genomic medicine; computational genomics and data science; the impact of genomic technology, advances, and implementation on health disparities and health equity; and ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) related to genomic advances.

In general, NHGRI supports studies that provide generalizable methods and knowledge. Approaches that are comprehensive across the genome or are generalizable across variants, tissues, diseases, or function may be in scope for NHGRI to the extent they address priority areas described in the NHGRI 2020 Strategic Vision:

Applications for studies relevant only to a particular disease or organ system should be directed to the appropriate Institute or Center. Applications whose primary scientific objective is to understand a single biological or behavioral process, the pathophysiology of a disease, or the mechanism of action of an intervention do not fall under the mission of NHGRI. NHGRI strongly encourages potential applicants to contact program staff in the early stages of developing your application:

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Julie Panepinto, MD, MSPH, Director
Division of Blood Diseases and Resources
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 202-450-9015

Michelle Olive, PhD
Division of Cardiovascular Sciences
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 301-443-7933

James P. Kiley, Ph.D., Director
Division of Lung Diseases
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 301-435-0202

George A. Mensah, MD, FACC, Director
Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS)
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 301-435-0422

Grants Management Contact:
Anthony Agresti
Telephone: 301-827-8014
Email: [email protected]


National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Rene Etcheberrigaray, M.D.
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Telephone: 301-451-9798
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Traci Lafferty
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Phone: 301-496-8987
Email:  [email protected]


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research
Gregory Bloss
Telephone: 301-443-3865
Email: [email protected]

Division of Medications Development Research
Joanne B. Fertig, Ph.D.
Telephone: 301-443-0635
Email: [email protected]

Division of Metabolism and Health Effects
Svetlana Radaeva, Ph.D.
Telephone: 301-443-1189
Email: [email protected]

Division of Neuroscience and Behavior
John Matochik, Ph.D.
Telephone: 301-451-7319
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Judy Fox
Telephone: 301-443-4704
Email: [email protected]


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Qian “Joy” Liu, M.D., MSc.
Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT)
Telephone: 301-761-6621
Email: [email protected]
Madelon Halula, PhD
Division of AIDS (DAIDS)
Telephone: 240-292-4843   
Email: [email protected]

Glen C. McGugan, Jr., Ph.D
Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID)
Telephone: 240-627-3314
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Ann Devine
Telephone: 240-669-2988
Email: [email protected]


National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Erik Edgerton
Telephone: 301-594-7760
Email:  [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

For information regarding NIAMS supported scientific areas/programs and contacts, please see:

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Moria Bittmann, Ph.D.
[email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Katie Ellis
Phone: 301-451-4791
Email: [email protected]


NIBIB interests include the development and integration of advanced bioengineering, sensing, imaging, and computational technologies for the improvement of human health and medical care. An application is not within the NIBIB mission if its principal focus is the development of a technology with the goal of understanding basic biological function or pathological mechanisms. Additionally, NIBIB only supports projects developing platform technologies that are applicable to a broad spectrum of disorders and diseases. However, applicants may propose research that utilizes only a single tissue, organ, or physiological condition as a model system to facilitate the development of what is expected to be a more broadly applicable enabling technology.

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the appropriate Program Director in their scientific program area of interest ( to determine if their research fits within the NIBIB mission.

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Scientific Program Contact:

Grants Management Contact:
Bryan S. Clark, MBA
Telephone: 301-435-6975
Email: [email protected]

NICHD Research Priorities
NICHD funds research in areas relevant to normal and abnormal human development, including contraception, fertilization, pregnancy, childbirth, prenatal and postnatal development, childhood development through adolescence, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and rehabilitation medicine.
Grant applications and project proposals must fall within the missions of the scientific branches of NICHD's Division of Extramural Research or its National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to visit these pages for recent scientific advances and emerging public health topics.

If you have questions about projects within a specific research area, you may find an NICHD program officer at or contact:
NICHD Referral Office
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Email: [email protected]

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Scientific Program Contact:
Yuki Lama, PhD
Phone: 301-443-4577
[email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Pam Fleming
Telephone: 301-480-1159
Email: [email protected]


National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

Scientific Program Contact:
Integrative Biology and Infectious Diseases Branch
Amanda Melillo, Ph.D.
Phone: 301-594-7703
Email: [email protected]

Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Branch
William Elwood, PhD
Telephone: 301-402-0116
Email: [email protected]

Translational Genomics Research Branch
Zubaida Saifudeen, PhD
Phone: 301-827-3334
Email: [email protected]

Center for Clinical Research
Dena Fischer, DDS, MSD, MS
Telephone: 301-594-4876
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Gabriel Hidalgo
Telephone: 301-827-4630
Email: [email protected]

National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

NIDDK conducts and supports medical research in diabetes and other endocrine and metabolic diseases; digestive diseases, nutritional disorders, and obesity; and in kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases. To learn more, visit our Research Programs and Contacts page.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Scientific Program Contact:
Kimberly McAllister, Ph.D.
Telephone: 984-287-3287
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
James Williams
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Telephone: 984-287-3338
Email:[email protected]

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

NIGMS supports basic biomedical research that contributes to the understanding of fundamental cellular and physiological principles. General areas of interest include cell biology, biophysics, genetics, developmental biology, pharmacology, physiology, biological chemistry, biomedical technology, bioinformatics and computational biology. Please visit the NIGMS website for additional information about NIGMS’ research interests, as well as a list of relevant contacts.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Scientific Program Contact:

Grants Management Contact:
Terri Jarosik
Phone: (301) 443-3858
Email: [email protected]

NIMH Program Staff contacts Inquiries may be directed to [email protected].
Also, see Division web pages (below)

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Division web pages:

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)

Scientific Program Contact:

Grants Management Contact:
Priscilla Grant, JD
Telephone: 301-594-8412
Email:  [email protected]

The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) will accept investigator-initiated research projects (R01) for all program areas supported by the Institute.

Please click on links below for descriptions of NIMHD’s main research interest areas and contact information for a scientific program contact in each area:
Community Health and Population Sciences
Clinical and Health Services Research
Integrative Biological and Behavioral Sciences

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Scientific Program Contact:

Grants Management Contact:
Chief Grants Management Officer
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Email: [email protected]

Only applications that fall within the scientific mission of the NINDS will be accepted and considered for funding by NINDS (NINDS Mission).

To assess the relevance of an application topic, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NINDS program staff before submitting. A listing of NINDS program staff can be found at: Program Directors and Managers.

National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

Scientific Program Contact:

Grants Management Contact:
Brian Albertini
Telephone: 301-594-6869
Email: [email protected]

The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) will accept applications for projects in areas that are mission-relevant (The National Institute of Nursing Research 2022-2026 Strategic Plan). Please contact the NINR Program Director listed in the area of science in which you are interested. NINR Program Staff contacts may be found at:

National Library of Medicine (NLM)

Scientific Program Contacts:
Catherine Farrell, PhD
Scientific contact for Data Science (Computation/Curation, Information Management, Omics) and Bioinformatics
Telephone: 301-402-7081
Email: [email protected]

Sung Sug (Sarah) Yoon, PhD
Scientific contact for Clinical Informatics (Electronic Health Records, Statistical Modeling, Social Determinants of Health) and Personal Health Informatics
Telephone: 301-496-7101
Email: [email protected]

Goutham Reddy, MD, MS
Scientific contact for Clinical Informatics (Health Care Delivery, Imaging, Knowledge Representation)
Phone: 301- 827-6728
Email: [email protected]

Clayton Bingham, PhD
Scientific contact for Data Science (Imaging, Visualization, Statistical Models)
Telephone: 301-594-5929
Email: [email protected]

Yanli Wang, PhD
Scientific contact for Data Science (Data Management, Data Analytics), Translational Informatics, Personal Health Informatics, and Digital Health
Telephone: 301-435-4372
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Andrea Culhane
Chief Grants Management Officer
Telephone: 301-496-4221
Email: [email protected]

For information regarding NLM supported scientific areas/programs, please see:

Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)

Scientific Program Contact:
Sige Zou, PhD
Telephone: 301-435-0749
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Rachel Norcio
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) – ORIP Team
Phone: 301-594-2553
Email: [email protected]

The proposed project should be resource-related and aimed at developing, improving, characterizing, and preserving animal models and biomaterials, and related technologies, and methodologies, relevant to human health and diseases. The proposed project must have broad application to multiple NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) to align with the NIH-wide mission of the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP). The proposed studies must explore multiple body systems or evaluate diseases that impact multiple body systems. Applications that develop models focused on a specific disease or area of research or propose studies primarily relevant to a single NIH IC and only peripherally to the interests of other ICs will be considered not acceptable.

This page last updated on: March 4, 2025
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