Papers by Leyre Morgado-Roncal

Lvcentvm, 2024
EN. Looms constitute one of the main instruments for textile production in Antiquity. However, th... more EN. Looms constitute one of the main instruments for textile production in Antiquity. However, their localization in the archaeological record is scarce and limited. The vertical loom with pondera is the best-known typology, but not the only one. Exceptionally, we can encounter material vestiges in the archaeological record of band weaving looms. Those looms were used for the confection of narrow repp bands that were generally, generously decorated. One of the main issues has been the identification of these pieces; the definition of their textile functionality and the existent confusion between the different types of band weaving looms. Consequently, not only are they difficult to find archaeologically, but frequently not recognized as a textile tool.
In this paper we present an approach to the technology of band-weaving looms in Hispania through a new discovery: a rigid heddle or rigid heddle loom from a recent contextualized funerary context from Augusta Emerita (Mérida). Besides the analysis of the archaeological piece, we have also proposed a study of its context, hence the possibility of a chronological assessment. An anthropological study of the male deceased has been included. Thanks to the anthropological assessment, it has been possible to discuss interesting ideas regarding gender and the social organisation of textile artisans. Similarly, we have collected the state of art regarding the technology of rigid heddle-weaving thanks to a revision of the current archaeological vestiges along the Roman Empire.
With this article, we hope to offer a deep look into this type of textile technology and showcase its materialization in the archaeological record.
ES. Los telares constituyen uno de los principales instrumentos para la producción textil en la Antigüedad. No obstante, su localización en el registro arqueológico es escasa y limitada. Los telares verticales de pesas son la tipología más conocida, pero no la única.
Excepcionalmente, se encuentran en el registro arqueológico evidencias materiales de telares de bandas para el desarrollo de estrechas cenefas que, por lo general, presentan ricas decoraciones. Una de las principales problemáticas ha sido la identificación de estas piezas, la definición de su funcionalidad textil y la confusión existente entre los distintos tipos de telares de bandas. En consecuencia, no solo son difíciles de encontrar arqueológicamente, sino que a menudo no han sido reconocidas como instrumental textil.
En este trabajo, aportamos un acercamiento a la tecnología de los telares de bandas en Hispania a partir de un nuevo hallazgo: un telar de rejilla o lizo de marco procedente de un contexto funerario recientemente intervenido en Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Badajoz). Además del análisis de la pieza, planteamos un estudio contextual que permita hacer apreciaciones cronológicas. A ello se le une el estudio antropológico del difunto varón. Esto nos ayuda a plantear y discutir interesantes apreciaciones de género respecto a la configuración social del artesanado textil. Del mismo modo, recogemos un estado actual de la cuestión sobre la tecnología del telar de lizo de marco gracias a una revisión de todas las evidencias encontradas hasta la fecha a lo largo del Imperio.
Con este artículo, esperamos ahondar en este tipo de tecnologías textiles, visibilizarlas y dar a conocer su materialización en el registro arqueológico.

Archaeological Textiles Review, 65, 2023
EN. In Roman archaeology of the provinces situated in modern-day Europe, textile studies have bee... more EN. In Roman archaeology of the provinces situated in modern-day Europe, textile studies have been traditionally approached through written and iconographic sources. The archaeological textile corpus in the first half of the first millennium CE is particularly scarce, and often come from old excavations without detailed contexts. Moreover, the findings are difficult to locate in the scientific literature. In the last few decades, Roman period textiles have been studied with an interdisciplinary approach, including fibre or dyestuff analyses and scientific methods. For example, Raman and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and spectrophotometry. It is also important to study the contexts of the textiles, the graves, settlements and hoards and thereby understand the archaeological textiles in situ. This article provides an overview of a lesser-known phenomenon: textiles attached to Roman coins. It presents evidence of textiles preserved attached to coins in archaeological contexts from the Roman provinces (Hispania, Noricum, and Pannonia). It draws attention to a little studied textile function and compares findings from different regions of the Roman Empire.
ES. En la Arqueología de las provincias romanas situadas en la actual Europa, los tejidos, tradicionalmente, se han aproximado a través de las fuentes escritas e iconográficas. El corpus de tejidos arqueológicos en la primera mitad del primer milenio a.C. es particularmente escaso y a menudo procedente de antiguas excavaciones con escasa información de contexto. Además, los descubrimientos suelen ser difíciles de localizar en la bibliografía científica. En las últimas décadas, los tejidos romanos se han estudiado con perspectivas interdisciplinares, incluyendo el análisis de las fibras y tines con métodos científicos. Por ejemplo, Raman and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and spectrophotometry. También es importante estudiar los contextos textiles, las tumbas, los asentamientos y las acumulaciones de monedas para entender así los tejidos in situ. Este artículo ofrece una síntesis sobre un fenómeno menos conocido: tejidos adheridos a monedas romanas. Se presentan tejidos conservados en contacto con monedas procedentes de distintas provincias (Hispania, Noricum y Pannonia). Se centra la atención en una función textil menos estudiada y se comparan ejemplares de distintas zonas del Imperio.
Boletín Ex Officina Hispana, 14, 2023
ES. Se presentan cinco lucernas emeritenses a raíz de su decoración, una escena erótica con la pr... more ES. Se presentan cinco lucernas emeritenses a raíz de su decoración, una escena erótica con la presencia de lo que hemos interpretado como un posible telar vertical de pesas. Para ver la reflexión actualizada de dicha interpretación, véase Morgado-Roncal, Müller, J. & Kerbizi, 2024: 232-234.
EN. In this paper we present five oil lamps from Augusta Emerita due to its particular iconography, an erotic scene with a possible warp-weighted loom.

Arqueología, 2023
EN. We present some fragments of fabric from Roman times recovered in a recent excavation carried... more EN. We present some fragments of fabric from Roman times recovered in a recent excavation carried out at Mitreo domus, located in the ancient capital of Lusitania, one of the provinces into which ancient Hispania was divided (Mérida, Badajoz, Spain). In this work, we address the archaeometric, historical, and functional analysis of this interesting find, unique for its good preservation. Despite the fragmentary condition of the remains, their archaeometric characterization allowed a technological approach, suggesting hypotheses about its origin. Moreover, the results have been verified with other regional and international parallels that reinforced empirical corroboration. The characterization of this bursa or bag for coins has allowed us to reflect on the production of linen in ancient times once the analyses confirmed this raw material as support. Consequently, we hope that with the analysis of this singular finding we can contribute to deepening the knowledge of linen production in Antiquity.

DAMA, 6, 2021
This paper is the result of my first organization of a roundtable at the congress "JIA: ESTAT DE ... more This paper is the result of my first organization of a roundtable at the congress "JIA: ESTAT DE XARRADA 2020" (Alicante, Spain).
The fragmentary nature of the archeological record causes that we can only find a negligible part of what we originally had in the past. However, organic vestiges are hardly preserved, or we also make them invisible. The introduction of archaeometry and the development of Archaeology as a science is enabling the comprehension of invisible matters such as: the residues of amphorae, the chaîne opératoire of technological processes or migrations in Prehistory. Despite this, interdisciplinary methodologies seem to have fossilized in Prehistory and Protohistory leaving Antiquity aside. This situation has progressively changed, but still, we firmly believe in the importance of discussing Ephemeral Archaeology and its significance in Antiquity. Consequently, we pretend to explore the state of question regarding the analysis of ephemeral remains in Antiquity (textiles, wood, cordage, food residues, etc.), propose improvements in the detection and documentation of these remains and explore future perspectives. As a result, we hope to visualize a line of research that has been for so long in the margin of Archaeology.
@rqueologia y Territorio, nº 18, 2022
In the last decades, the investigations around Textile Archaeology have experimented a revitaliza... more In the last decades, the investigations around Textile Archaeology have experimented a revitalization. We are currently in a time of methodological consolidation, the formalisation as an independent discipline. However, the Archaeology of Textiles in Spain counts with a long tradition of over a hundred years of research. Consequently, in this paper we want to reflect how those changes have affected the current state of the discipline. As a result, with this historiographical analysis we hope to showcase the past, present, and future of this fascinating line of research.

Revista Onoba, nº 9, Jun 16, 2021
En este trabajo presentamos un estado de la cuestión de los restos de tejidos encontrados en la p... more En este trabajo presentamos un estado de la cuestión de los restos de tejidos encontrados en la península ibérica entre el siglo I y III d.C. Los textiles son vestigios materiales de indudable complejidad y una magnifica fuente para conocer la identidad social. Sin embargo, durante mucho tiempo, su carácter efímero ha hecho que en época romana sea un campo de estudio sin explorar.
Gracias al desarrollo de una metodología analítica y a la aportación de la Arqueología, el estudio de los textiles está cada vez más presente. Sin duda, es necesario revisar en que punto nos encontramos y reflexionar entorno a nuevas estrategias para su análisis. Consecuentemente, este trabajo pretende recoger todos los restos arqueológicos de tejidos de Hispania, analizarlos y mostrar el potencial de estudio de la Arqueología Textil romana. Con ello, esperamos visibilizar y reivindicar la importancia de las evidencias textiles y con ellas, el estudio de la Arqueología Efímera en la Antigüedad.
Boletin Ex Officina Hispana 11, 2020
Book Chapters by Leyre Morgado-Roncal
Zea E-Books, Lincoln, University of Nebraska , 2024
EN. The representations of textiles convey social constructions and their cultural perception. Th... more EN. The representations of textiles convey social constructions and their cultural perception. Their study is the focal point of this article: The ways in which textiles and clothing are described by the imagery shown in Greek and Roman statuary and iconography, as well as in contemporary Albanian literature and mythology. This paper and its different case studies (Greek dress imagery; Roman Textile Production in iconography; Textile imagery in Albanian contemporary mythology and literature) will highlight the potential and ‘power’ of images, and their role in creating textile narratives. This crossover methodology emphasizes the need to keep introducing interdisciplinary visions to approximate past representations of textiles and clothes.

Colección Petracos, 12, 2023
This paper is part of the session "Arqueología de la Producción Textil en la península ibérica" t... more This paper is part of the session "Arqueología de la Producción Textil en la península ibérica" that I organized in the last congress of young Spanish researchers in Archaeology (JIA 2022, Alicante, Spain).
EN. In this paper we present an analysis of Roman Textile Production in the Iberian Peninsula with a special focus on textile tools. We will be briefly showcasing the state of question of this area of research. However, our focus will be the study of instrumenta textilia as a new research path to study textile production and handcrafts in Hispania. In fact, it is a line of investigation that has been barely explored for this chronological and geographical context. We will be examining previous research and the methodologies applied. Moreover, we will be proposing a multi-proxy perspective and examining some case studies from other regions of the Roman Empire. Consequently, we hope to reopen the debate around the ways of approximating handcrafts and Roman Textile Archaeology with special attention to textile tools as the main subject of archaeological study.
ES. En esta comunicación planteamos un análisis sobre la Arqueología Textil romana en la península ibérica con especial énfasis en el instrumental textil. En primera instancia mostraremos el estado de la cuestión. No obstante, nos centraremos en los instrumenta textilia como una vía para investigar la producción textil y el artesanado hispanorromano. De hecho, se trata de una línea de investigación poco explorada para esta horquilla crono-cultural. Revisaremos los estudios que se han hecho en la península ibérica y las metodologías aplicadas. En esa misma línea, propondremos un enfoque multi-proxy y ejemplos de otras zonas del Imperio donde se han aplicado estas perspectivas. Con ello, esperamos reabrir el debate en torno a las formas de aproximar la Arqueología Textil y el artesanado.
Narcea, S. A. De Ediciones, 2023
EN. In this article we present the preliminary results of the collaborative project "Textrina Uni... more EN. In this article we present the preliminary results of the collaborative project "Textrina Universitaria" (PLAN FIDO UGR; I.P. M. Bustamante-Álvarez) that were shared in the XXXII Congreso Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. This project is based on Experimental Archaeology and it has enabled us to create an Experimental Collection of tools related to Roman Textile Production.
ES. En este artículo se presentan los resultados preliminares del proyecto "Textrina Universitaria" (PLAN FIDO UGR; I.P. M. Bustamante-Álvarez) presentados el XXXII Congreso Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales.

SFECAG, Actes du Congrès de Clermont-Ferrand, 2022
FR. Le pesons en terre cuite constitue un des outils textiles plus récurant dans les fouilles arc... more FR. Le pesons en terre cuite constitue un des outils textiles plus récurant dans les fouilles archéologiques. Les pesons permettent d’aborder la question des techniques du tissage pratiquées et la présence de l’activité textile. Par ailleurs, leur bon état de conservation permet d’observer les traces d’usure et dont leur mode de suspension.
Dans la péninsule ibérique, à l’époque romaine, l’étude des instrumenta textilia ont été rare. Par conséquent, on ne connait pas systématiquement les poids de tisserand. Cet article cherche d’offrir une première approximation typologique où on montre la variété morphologique des pesons qu’on avait trouvais en Hispania avec le cas d’Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Espagne).
L’approche typologique aidera à commencer une étude plus profonde, connaître ces matériaux textiles et compare avec autre régions. Par suite, on espère que ce projet révèle une visionne général de la diversité des pesons romaines de la péninsule ibérique.
EN. Loom weights constitute one of the most common textile tools that we can find in archaeological excavations. Loom weights allow us to answer technical questions regarding textile manufacture and they confirm the presence of textile activities. Moreover, their good state of preservation enables us to observe traces of usage and their system of suspension.
In the Iberian Peninsula, during Roman Times, the studies of instrumenta textile have been rare and sporadic. Consequently, loom weighs have not been systematically studied. This article searches to offer a preliminar typological approximation where we showcase the morphological variety of loom wights that we can find in Hispania through the case study of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).
- To obtain the full article you can purchase the volume at
Villavieja (Fuentes de Cesna, Algarinejo, Granada) is a Prehistoric walled enclosure located on a... more Villavieja (Fuentes de Cesna, Algarinejo, Granada) is a Prehistoric walled enclosure located on a high plateau which overlooks the river Genil.
The settlement is dated in the III millennium B. C. Villavieja has an incredible wall which is even visible today and it closes three hectares of the settlement. Furthermore, the wall was built with large stone blocks that enabled an exceptional state of preservation. Recently, archaeological excavations have revealed that the wall used to be over three meters high. To conclude, Villavieja is a fascinating archaeological site in which you will be amazed.
Conference Presentations by Leyre Morgado-Roncal
Brief abstract of my conference presentation at the EAA Annual Meeting in Budapest (31 aug -- 3 s... more Brief abstract of my conference presentation at the EAA Annual Meeting in Budapest (31 aug -- 3 sept 2022).
Abstracts de la sesión ST7 de las próximas JIA-lacant 2022 (23 al 26 de marzo de 2022, Universita... more Abstracts de la sesión ST7 de las próximas JIA-lacant 2022 (23 al 26 de marzo de 2022, Universitat d'Alacant).
Theoretical Archaeological Group (TAG Antiquity), 2021
Brief abstract of my conference presentation at TAG Antiquity 2021 (online format).

III Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores del Mar (JIS), 2021
Frequently when we talk about textiles in Antiquity we think about clothing. However, textiles co... more Frequently when we talk about textiles in Antiquity we think about clothing. However, textiles constitute a more complicated reality. It is not just its technology but the production process, textiles handcrafts, the obtaining of raw materials or the tools used in its confection. Textiles occupied more aspects of the daily life in the past and one of them was the sea. For example, fishing nets, marine silk (byssus) or textile tools. Despite this, there is a lack of investigation around textile handcrafts and the sea. Moreover, the studies of fishing gear have been focused on hunting tools (fishing hooks, harpoons...), but without considering other subsidiary economies such as textiles. Due to this situation, we offer a state of question regarding the Hispano-Roman handcrafts and the Sea. In order to do so, we will evaluate the tools employed to elaborate fishing nets (shuttles, pondera, needles and so on), the archaeological evidence and the iconographic representations of fishing nets and the use of byssus. To sum up, we hope to showcase a new perspective that expresses the signification of fishing subsidiary economies, the importance of the cultural value of the Sea and its intimate relationship with textiles handcrafts.
Call for Papers by Leyre Morgado-Roncal

From Monday 19th to Friday 23th, September 2022, in Granada (Spain)
From September 19th to 23h, ... more From Monday 19th to Friday 23th, September 2022, in Granada (Spain)
From September 19th to 23h, 2022, the International Doctoral Summer School Ceramics in changing times during Antiquity, will offer PhD students and early career doctors from all over the world the opportunity to present their ongoing or recently completed research, getting qualified comments from some of the most renowned experts, and be advised in regard to their postdoctoral projection.
The seminar is specially designed so that researchers who are beginning their research career can present their research linked to their doctoral thesis and other works in progress, before high-level and prestigious academic reviewers in the field of archaeometry and technological studies in various chrono-cultural periods. In this way, they will be able to discuss and comment on their research within the discipline at a global level, taking into account the latest advances in material characterisation techniques.
Mentoring by professors from the fields of Archaeology and History will be facilitated, as well as a fluid academic exchange with peers with similar research interests. The aim is to generate opportunities for collaboration between young researchers from different disciplines related to Archaeology, History or Anthropology.
Papers by Leyre Morgado-Roncal
In this paper we present an approach to the technology of band-weaving looms in Hispania through a new discovery: a rigid heddle or rigid heddle loom from a recent contextualized funerary context from Augusta Emerita (Mérida). Besides the analysis of the archaeological piece, we have also proposed a study of its context, hence the possibility of a chronological assessment. An anthropological study of the male deceased has been included. Thanks to the anthropological assessment, it has been possible to discuss interesting ideas regarding gender and the social organisation of textile artisans. Similarly, we have collected the state of art regarding the technology of rigid heddle-weaving thanks to a revision of the current archaeological vestiges along the Roman Empire.
With this article, we hope to offer a deep look into this type of textile technology and showcase its materialization in the archaeological record.
ES. Los telares constituyen uno de los principales instrumentos para la producción textil en la Antigüedad. No obstante, su localización en el registro arqueológico es escasa y limitada. Los telares verticales de pesas son la tipología más conocida, pero no la única.
Excepcionalmente, se encuentran en el registro arqueológico evidencias materiales de telares de bandas para el desarrollo de estrechas cenefas que, por lo general, presentan ricas decoraciones. Una de las principales problemáticas ha sido la identificación de estas piezas, la definición de su funcionalidad textil y la confusión existente entre los distintos tipos de telares de bandas. En consecuencia, no solo son difíciles de encontrar arqueológicamente, sino que a menudo no han sido reconocidas como instrumental textil.
En este trabajo, aportamos un acercamiento a la tecnología de los telares de bandas en Hispania a partir de un nuevo hallazgo: un telar de rejilla o lizo de marco procedente de un contexto funerario recientemente intervenido en Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Badajoz). Además del análisis de la pieza, planteamos un estudio contextual que permita hacer apreciaciones cronológicas. A ello se le une el estudio antropológico del difunto varón. Esto nos ayuda a plantear y discutir interesantes apreciaciones de género respecto a la configuración social del artesanado textil. Del mismo modo, recogemos un estado actual de la cuestión sobre la tecnología del telar de lizo de marco gracias a una revisión de todas las evidencias encontradas hasta la fecha a lo largo del Imperio.
Con este artículo, esperamos ahondar en este tipo de tecnologías textiles, visibilizarlas y dar a conocer su materialización en el registro arqueológico.
ES. En la Arqueología de las provincias romanas situadas en la actual Europa, los tejidos, tradicionalmente, se han aproximado a través de las fuentes escritas e iconográficas. El corpus de tejidos arqueológicos en la primera mitad del primer milenio a.C. es particularmente escaso y a menudo procedente de antiguas excavaciones con escasa información de contexto. Además, los descubrimientos suelen ser difíciles de localizar en la bibliografía científica. En las últimas décadas, los tejidos romanos se han estudiado con perspectivas interdisciplinares, incluyendo el análisis de las fibras y tines con métodos científicos. Por ejemplo, Raman and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and spectrophotometry. También es importante estudiar los contextos textiles, las tumbas, los asentamientos y las acumulaciones de monedas para entender así los tejidos in situ. Este artículo ofrece una síntesis sobre un fenómeno menos conocido: tejidos adheridos a monedas romanas. Se presentan tejidos conservados en contacto con monedas procedentes de distintas provincias (Hispania, Noricum y Pannonia). Se centra la atención en una función textil menos estudiada y se comparan ejemplares de distintas zonas del Imperio.
EN. In this paper we present five oil lamps from Augusta Emerita due to its particular iconography, an erotic scene with a possible warp-weighted loom.
The fragmentary nature of the archeological record causes that we can only find a negligible part of what we originally had in the past. However, organic vestiges are hardly preserved, or we also make them invisible. The introduction of archaeometry and the development of Archaeology as a science is enabling the comprehension of invisible matters such as: the residues of amphorae, the chaîne opératoire of technological processes or migrations in Prehistory. Despite this, interdisciplinary methodologies seem to have fossilized in Prehistory and Protohistory leaving Antiquity aside. This situation has progressively changed, but still, we firmly believe in the importance of discussing Ephemeral Archaeology and its significance in Antiquity. Consequently, we pretend to explore the state of question regarding the analysis of ephemeral remains in Antiquity (textiles, wood, cordage, food residues, etc.), propose improvements in the detection and documentation of these remains and explore future perspectives. As a result, we hope to visualize a line of research that has been for so long in the margin of Archaeology.
Gracias al desarrollo de una metodología analítica y a la aportación de la Arqueología, el estudio de los textiles está cada vez más presente. Sin duda, es necesario revisar en que punto nos encontramos y reflexionar entorno a nuevas estrategias para su análisis. Consecuentemente, este trabajo pretende recoger todos los restos arqueológicos de tejidos de Hispania, analizarlos y mostrar el potencial de estudio de la Arqueología Textil romana. Con ello, esperamos visibilizar y reivindicar la importancia de las evidencias textiles y con ellas, el estudio de la Arqueología Efímera en la Antigüedad.
Book Chapters by Leyre Morgado-Roncal
EN. In this paper we present an analysis of Roman Textile Production in the Iberian Peninsula with a special focus on textile tools. We will be briefly showcasing the state of question of this area of research. However, our focus will be the study of instrumenta textilia as a new research path to study textile production and handcrafts in Hispania. In fact, it is a line of investigation that has been barely explored for this chronological and geographical context. We will be examining previous research and the methodologies applied. Moreover, we will be proposing a multi-proxy perspective and examining some case studies from other regions of the Roman Empire. Consequently, we hope to reopen the debate around the ways of approximating handcrafts and Roman Textile Archaeology with special attention to textile tools as the main subject of archaeological study.
ES. En esta comunicación planteamos un análisis sobre la Arqueología Textil romana en la península ibérica con especial énfasis en el instrumental textil. En primera instancia mostraremos el estado de la cuestión. No obstante, nos centraremos en los instrumenta textilia como una vía para investigar la producción textil y el artesanado hispanorromano. De hecho, se trata de una línea de investigación poco explorada para esta horquilla crono-cultural. Revisaremos los estudios que se han hecho en la península ibérica y las metodologías aplicadas. En esa misma línea, propondremos un enfoque multi-proxy y ejemplos de otras zonas del Imperio donde se han aplicado estas perspectivas. Con ello, esperamos reabrir el debate en torno a las formas de aproximar la Arqueología Textil y el artesanado.
ES. En este artículo se presentan los resultados preliminares del proyecto "Textrina Universitaria" (PLAN FIDO UGR; I.P. M. Bustamante-Álvarez) presentados el XXXII Congreso Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales.
Dans la péninsule ibérique, à l’époque romaine, l’étude des instrumenta textilia ont été rare. Par conséquent, on ne connait pas systématiquement les poids de tisserand. Cet article cherche d’offrir une première approximation typologique où on montre la variété morphologique des pesons qu’on avait trouvais en Hispania avec le cas d’Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Espagne).
L’approche typologique aidera à commencer une étude plus profonde, connaître ces matériaux textiles et compare avec autre régions. Par suite, on espère que ce projet révèle une visionne général de la diversité des pesons romaines de la péninsule ibérique.
EN. Loom weights constitute one of the most common textile tools that we can find in archaeological excavations. Loom weights allow us to answer technical questions regarding textile manufacture and they confirm the presence of textile activities. Moreover, their good state of preservation enables us to observe traces of usage and their system of suspension.
In the Iberian Peninsula, during Roman Times, the studies of instrumenta textile have been rare and sporadic. Consequently, loom weighs have not been systematically studied. This article searches to offer a preliminar typological approximation where we showcase the morphological variety of loom wights that we can find in Hispania through the case study of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).
- To obtain the full article you can purchase the volume at
The settlement is dated in the III millennium B. C. Villavieja has an incredible wall which is even visible today and it closes three hectares of the settlement. Furthermore, the wall was built with large stone blocks that enabled an exceptional state of preservation. Recently, archaeological excavations have revealed that the wall used to be over three meters high. To conclude, Villavieja is a fascinating archaeological site in which you will be amazed.
Conference Presentations by Leyre Morgado-Roncal
Call for Papers by Leyre Morgado-Roncal
Nina Ferrante (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)
Giulia Muti (Independent researcher, United Kigdom)
Leyre Morgado-Roncal (University of Granada, Spain)
Patricia Rosell Garrido (Independent researcher/University of Alicante, Spain)
Keywords: textiles; textile production; exchanges; social interactions: the Mediterranean
More details in the EAA (search for session 717):
Keywords: Chaîne opératoire, Archaeology of Production, Artisanal practices, Material culture, Mediterranean
From September 19th to 23h, 2022, the International Doctoral Summer School Ceramics in changing times during Antiquity, will offer PhD students and early career doctors from all over the world the opportunity to present their ongoing or recently completed research, getting qualified comments from some of the most renowned experts, and be advised in regard to their postdoctoral projection.
The seminar is specially designed so that researchers who are beginning their research career can present their research linked to their doctoral thesis and other works in progress, before high-level and prestigious academic reviewers in the field of archaeometry and technological studies in various chrono-cultural periods. In this way, they will be able to discuss and comment on their research within the discipline at a global level, taking into account the latest advances in material characterisation techniques.
Mentoring by professors from the fields of Archaeology and History will be facilitated, as well as a fluid academic exchange with peers with similar research interests. The aim is to generate opportunities for collaboration between young researchers from different disciplines related to Archaeology, History or Anthropology.
In this paper we present an approach to the technology of band-weaving looms in Hispania through a new discovery: a rigid heddle or rigid heddle loom from a recent contextualized funerary context from Augusta Emerita (Mérida). Besides the analysis of the archaeological piece, we have also proposed a study of its context, hence the possibility of a chronological assessment. An anthropological study of the male deceased has been included. Thanks to the anthropological assessment, it has been possible to discuss interesting ideas regarding gender and the social organisation of textile artisans. Similarly, we have collected the state of art regarding the technology of rigid heddle-weaving thanks to a revision of the current archaeological vestiges along the Roman Empire.
With this article, we hope to offer a deep look into this type of textile technology and showcase its materialization in the archaeological record.
ES. Los telares constituyen uno de los principales instrumentos para la producción textil en la Antigüedad. No obstante, su localización en el registro arqueológico es escasa y limitada. Los telares verticales de pesas son la tipología más conocida, pero no la única.
Excepcionalmente, se encuentran en el registro arqueológico evidencias materiales de telares de bandas para el desarrollo de estrechas cenefas que, por lo general, presentan ricas decoraciones. Una de las principales problemáticas ha sido la identificación de estas piezas, la definición de su funcionalidad textil y la confusión existente entre los distintos tipos de telares de bandas. En consecuencia, no solo son difíciles de encontrar arqueológicamente, sino que a menudo no han sido reconocidas como instrumental textil.
En este trabajo, aportamos un acercamiento a la tecnología de los telares de bandas en Hispania a partir de un nuevo hallazgo: un telar de rejilla o lizo de marco procedente de un contexto funerario recientemente intervenido en Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Badajoz). Además del análisis de la pieza, planteamos un estudio contextual que permita hacer apreciaciones cronológicas. A ello se le une el estudio antropológico del difunto varón. Esto nos ayuda a plantear y discutir interesantes apreciaciones de género respecto a la configuración social del artesanado textil. Del mismo modo, recogemos un estado actual de la cuestión sobre la tecnología del telar de lizo de marco gracias a una revisión de todas las evidencias encontradas hasta la fecha a lo largo del Imperio.
Con este artículo, esperamos ahondar en este tipo de tecnologías textiles, visibilizarlas y dar a conocer su materialización en el registro arqueológico.
ES. En la Arqueología de las provincias romanas situadas en la actual Europa, los tejidos, tradicionalmente, se han aproximado a través de las fuentes escritas e iconográficas. El corpus de tejidos arqueológicos en la primera mitad del primer milenio a.C. es particularmente escaso y a menudo procedente de antiguas excavaciones con escasa información de contexto. Además, los descubrimientos suelen ser difíciles de localizar en la bibliografía científica. En las últimas décadas, los tejidos romanos se han estudiado con perspectivas interdisciplinares, incluyendo el análisis de las fibras y tines con métodos científicos. Por ejemplo, Raman and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and spectrophotometry. También es importante estudiar los contextos textiles, las tumbas, los asentamientos y las acumulaciones de monedas para entender así los tejidos in situ. Este artículo ofrece una síntesis sobre un fenómeno menos conocido: tejidos adheridos a monedas romanas. Se presentan tejidos conservados en contacto con monedas procedentes de distintas provincias (Hispania, Noricum y Pannonia). Se centra la atención en una función textil menos estudiada y se comparan ejemplares de distintas zonas del Imperio.
EN. In this paper we present five oil lamps from Augusta Emerita due to its particular iconography, an erotic scene with a possible warp-weighted loom.
The fragmentary nature of the archeological record causes that we can only find a negligible part of what we originally had in the past. However, organic vestiges are hardly preserved, or we also make them invisible. The introduction of archaeometry and the development of Archaeology as a science is enabling the comprehension of invisible matters such as: the residues of amphorae, the chaîne opératoire of technological processes or migrations in Prehistory. Despite this, interdisciplinary methodologies seem to have fossilized in Prehistory and Protohistory leaving Antiquity aside. This situation has progressively changed, but still, we firmly believe in the importance of discussing Ephemeral Archaeology and its significance in Antiquity. Consequently, we pretend to explore the state of question regarding the analysis of ephemeral remains in Antiquity (textiles, wood, cordage, food residues, etc.), propose improvements in the detection and documentation of these remains and explore future perspectives. As a result, we hope to visualize a line of research that has been for so long in the margin of Archaeology.
Gracias al desarrollo de una metodología analítica y a la aportación de la Arqueología, el estudio de los textiles está cada vez más presente. Sin duda, es necesario revisar en que punto nos encontramos y reflexionar entorno a nuevas estrategias para su análisis. Consecuentemente, este trabajo pretende recoger todos los restos arqueológicos de tejidos de Hispania, analizarlos y mostrar el potencial de estudio de la Arqueología Textil romana. Con ello, esperamos visibilizar y reivindicar la importancia de las evidencias textiles y con ellas, el estudio de la Arqueología Efímera en la Antigüedad.
EN. In this paper we present an analysis of Roman Textile Production in the Iberian Peninsula with a special focus on textile tools. We will be briefly showcasing the state of question of this area of research. However, our focus will be the study of instrumenta textilia as a new research path to study textile production and handcrafts in Hispania. In fact, it is a line of investigation that has been barely explored for this chronological and geographical context. We will be examining previous research and the methodologies applied. Moreover, we will be proposing a multi-proxy perspective and examining some case studies from other regions of the Roman Empire. Consequently, we hope to reopen the debate around the ways of approximating handcrafts and Roman Textile Archaeology with special attention to textile tools as the main subject of archaeological study.
ES. En esta comunicación planteamos un análisis sobre la Arqueología Textil romana en la península ibérica con especial énfasis en el instrumental textil. En primera instancia mostraremos el estado de la cuestión. No obstante, nos centraremos en los instrumenta textilia como una vía para investigar la producción textil y el artesanado hispanorromano. De hecho, se trata de una línea de investigación poco explorada para esta horquilla crono-cultural. Revisaremos los estudios que se han hecho en la península ibérica y las metodologías aplicadas. En esa misma línea, propondremos un enfoque multi-proxy y ejemplos de otras zonas del Imperio donde se han aplicado estas perspectivas. Con ello, esperamos reabrir el debate en torno a las formas de aproximar la Arqueología Textil y el artesanado.
ES. En este artículo se presentan los resultados preliminares del proyecto "Textrina Universitaria" (PLAN FIDO UGR; I.P. M. Bustamante-Álvarez) presentados el XXXII Congreso Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales.
Dans la péninsule ibérique, à l’époque romaine, l’étude des instrumenta textilia ont été rare. Par conséquent, on ne connait pas systématiquement les poids de tisserand. Cet article cherche d’offrir une première approximation typologique où on montre la variété morphologique des pesons qu’on avait trouvais en Hispania avec le cas d’Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Espagne).
L’approche typologique aidera à commencer une étude plus profonde, connaître ces matériaux textiles et compare avec autre régions. Par suite, on espère que ce projet révèle une visionne général de la diversité des pesons romaines de la péninsule ibérique.
EN. Loom weights constitute one of the most common textile tools that we can find in archaeological excavations. Loom weights allow us to answer technical questions regarding textile manufacture and they confirm the presence of textile activities. Moreover, their good state of preservation enables us to observe traces of usage and their system of suspension.
In the Iberian Peninsula, during Roman Times, the studies of instrumenta textile have been rare and sporadic. Consequently, loom weighs have not been systematically studied. This article searches to offer a preliminar typological approximation where we showcase the morphological variety of loom wights that we can find in Hispania through the case study of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain).
- To obtain the full article you can purchase the volume at
The settlement is dated in the III millennium B. C. Villavieja has an incredible wall which is even visible today and it closes three hectares of the settlement. Furthermore, the wall was built with large stone blocks that enabled an exceptional state of preservation. Recently, archaeological excavations have revealed that the wall used to be over three meters high. To conclude, Villavieja is a fascinating archaeological site in which you will be amazed.
Nina Ferrante (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)
Giulia Muti (Independent researcher, United Kigdom)
Leyre Morgado-Roncal (University of Granada, Spain)
Patricia Rosell Garrido (Independent researcher/University of Alicante, Spain)
Keywords: textiles; textile production; exchanges; social interactions: the Mediterranean
More details in the EAA (search for session 717):
Keywords: Chaîne opératoire, Archaeology of Production, Artisanal practices, Material culture, Mediterranean
From September 19th to 23h, 2022, the International Doctoral Summer School Ceramics in changing times during Antiquity, will offer PhD students and early career doctors from all over the world the opportunity to present their ongoing or recently completed research, getting qualified comments from some of the most renowned experts, and be advised in regard to their postdoctoral projection.
The seminar is specially designed so that researchers who are beginning their research career can present their research linked to their doctoral thesis and other works in progress, before high-level and prestigious academic reviewers in the field of archaeometry and technological studies in various chrono-cultural periods. In this way, they will be able to discuss and comment on their research within the discipline at a global level, taking into account the latest advances in material characterisation techniques.
Mentoring by professors from the fields of Archaeology and History will be facilitated, as well as a fluid academic exchange with peers with similar research interests. The aim is to generate opportunities for collaboration between young researchers from different disciplines related to Archaeology, History or Anthropology.
Fecha límite para mandar las comunicaciones: 10 enero 2022.
Keywords: textiles, textile production, exchanges, social interactions, the Mediterranean
Keywords: Chaîne opératoire, Archaeology of Production, Artisanal practices, Material culture, Mediterranean