Papers by Elba Gutiérrez-Santiuste

This study analyzes the use of e-portfolios in Higher Education, specifically, participants' opin... more This study analyzes the use of e-portfolios in Higher Education, specifically, participants' opinion concerning various aspects of the experience and the teaching methods used. Its main purpose is to determine the influence of professors in student satisfaction in this virtual environment, through a descriptive study performed using a mixed focus that combines quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The data collection instruments were a questionnaire for recording the students' opinions and a structured interview of three professors. The study's sample of 251 was drawn from students who were enrolled in different subjects. According to the results obtained, the professor is a decisive variable in student satisfaction when analyzing pedagogical issues concerning the e-portfolio, students' opinions about the professor's teaching actions, and usability of the platform. The students' opinions differ most on issues of time management and collaborative learning, but also on issues such as participation, motivation, and reflection on learning.
I Congreso Internacional Virtual De Formacion Del Profesorado, Aug 1, 2010

Breve descripción: Licenciada en Psicopedagogía, Maestra, Técnico Especialista en Informática y T... more Breve descripción: Licenciada en Psicopedagogía, Maestra, Técnico Especialista en Informática y Técnico Auxiliar en Diseño Gráfico. A lo largo de 14 años he trabajado como monitora y coordinadora de actividades educativas en diversos centros, orga-nizaciones y administraciones; durante 3 años he trabajado como Teacher Assistant en la Universidad John Hopkins (Baltimore, USA) en educación virtual; en España he obtenido diversas becas y en los últimos 2 años he trabajado como Apoyo Técni-co en una investigación en la Universidad de Granada que compatibilizo con mis estudios de Doctorado relacionado con la educación virtual y miembro del Grupo de Investigación FORCE del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la misma universidad. [email protected] Resumen: La utilización del chat como herramienta didáctica requiere del conoci-miento por parte del profesorado de diversos aspectos que influyen directamente en su eficacia: en primera instancia, analizamos las habilidades que ...

Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa
The research focuses on two aspects of educational leadership in an environment of computer-media... more The research focuses on two aspects of educational leadership in an environment of computer-mediated communication: how teachers develop instructional leadership and how students assume distributed leadership according to the indicators organization, motivation, and content. We performed a content and frequency analysis of the virtual communication between teachers and students in chats, forums, and emails. The study provides empirical confirmation of two aspects of instruction that the teachers develop to promote distributed leadership among the students. The analysis reveals the areas in which leadership is most evident in the virtual communication; these involve organization and contribution to knowledge. We conclude that it is possible to implement an educational structure in online environments that develops leadership skills in students through instructional leadership exercised by professors.
The purpose of this article is to reflect on the possible improvements that the computer mediated... more The purpose of this article is to reflect on the possible improvements that the computer mediated communication (CMC) can produce in the process of teaching-learning at the university. For that reason, we believe that a fundamental step is to have an empirical system, solid and well-grounded in the research on the computer mediated communication in the international context, oriented to the analysis of such communication. We show the progress of a pilot study in which we exprience the use of an ad hoc analysis model of synchronous and asynchronous interventions in a virtual environments of learning in Higher Education. We offer, in conclusion, suggestions to continue working on this line of research.
A la vista de la necesidad de investigación sobre el nuevo escenario para la educación online (MO... more A la vista de la necesidad de investigación sobre el nuevo escenario para la educación online (MOOC, Massive Open Online Courses), se presenta un avance sobre las diferencias en cuanto a barreras en la comunicación y percepción del alumnado sobre interactividad entre dos formatos de aprendizaje virtual: MOOC y b-learning. Considerando la literatura previa y los hallazgos en el análisis de investigaciones anteriores se utilizan dos sistemas categoriales. Las herramientas de recogida de información son cuestionarios y el análisis de contenido de las comunicaciones realizadas a través de foros. Se debate sobre la pertinencia de los factores analizados en base a las investigaciones precedentes y la necesidad de contextualización de la investigación.
Este artículo investiga las percepciones de los futuros docentes sobre las competencias digitales... more Este artículo investiga las percepciones de los futuros docentes sobre las competencias digitales necesarias para el ejercicio de su profesión. Proporciona información -analizada cuantitativa y cualitativamente- sobre competencias docentes adquiridas y no adquiridas, examinando también la evolución de sus percepciones así como con sus reflexiones sobre dónde y cómo obtenerlas. Los futuros docents se sienten preparados y tienen una visión positiva sobre su utilización pero necesitan formación adicional en TIC para su futuro desempeño profesional
Se propone un sistema categorial para el análisis del liderazgo distribuido en entornos virtuales... more Se propone un sistema categorial para el análisis del liderazgo distribuido en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. La herramienta está concebida para el análisis de las comunicaciones escritas síncronas y asíncronas. Está construida según un procedimiento mixto basado tanto en la literatura como en el análisis del contenido llevado a cabo por las investigadoras. Se obtiene la fiabilidad del sistema categorial a través del coeficiente de correlación intraclase alcanzando un valor de ,878. Como conclusión, el sistema categorial propuesto puede ser empleado para la codificación de comunicaciones virtuales a través de chats, foros y correos electrónicos con el fin de obtener resultados fiables que faciliten la comprensión del liderazgo distribuido en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en entornos virtuales.

La investigación se centra en dos aspectos del liderazgo educativo en un entorno de comunicación ... more La investigación se centra en dos aspectos del liderazgo educativo en un entorno de comunicación mediada por ordenador: cómo desarrolla el profesorado el liderazgo instruccional y cómo asume el alumnado el liderazgo distribuido según los indicadores organización, motivación y contenido. Se realiza un análisis de contenido y frecuencias de las comunicaciones virtuales de profesorado y estudiantes en chats, foros y correos electrónicos. El estudio permite la comprobación empírica de los aspectos que desarrolla el profesorado para promover un liderazgo distribuido entre el alumnado. El análisis ha hecho emerger las áreas donde el liderazgo se hace más patente en las comunicaciones virtuales; éstas son de carácter organizativo y de contribución al conocimiento. Se concluye que en entornos online es posible la implementación de una estructura educativa que desarrolle las capacidades de liderazgo en el alumnado a través de un liderazgo instruccional ejercido por el profesorado.
Communication is studied in a virtual collaborative community of future teachers. The participant... more Communication is studied in a virtual collaborative community of future teachers. The participants collaborate in a virtual learning environment in higher education. The main theme of this article is computer-mediated communication and the analysis of the three most used communication tools (chats, forums and emails). The different types of communication (social presence, cognitive presence, teaching presence) and the perception of the future teacher on them are exposed in the article. The results show differences in the elements analyzed for the
communication tool which is used. The analysis of communication in virtual collaborative environments is a promising line of research to contribute improving the initial training of teachers and therefore improving education.
This study explores barriers in computer-mediated communication in a university collaborative lea... more This study explores barriers in computer-mediated communication in a university collaborative learning community. We analyze the students' perceptions of the obstacles in their online communication, the evolution of
the obstacles over time, and the influence of gender on students’ perception of the barriers. We use qualitative and quantitative analysis of the communication. Low levels of barriers are the most common, both in the communications and in the students’ perceptions. There are statistically
significant correlations between the different kinds of barriers, the barriers decrease over time, and gender influences perception of the technical barriers. We conclude that the technical barriers have particular concreteness. This research can be useful to minimize the possible implications of these obstacles for proper development of e-learning.
The study analyzes the type and quantity of co-occurrence of social, cognitive, and teaching pres... more The study analyzes the type and quantity of co-occurrence of social, cognitive, and teaching presence in a Community of Inquiry (CoI). Content analysis of the virtual educational communication shows units of analysis that must be assigned to more than one category. By crossing the categories of the CoI model, we observe that Social Presence is involved in all of the crossings and that graphic, linguistic, and paralinguistic elements change the meaning of the communication in the social, cognitive, and teaching interaction. We demonstrate the
communicative richness of the educational encounters in which Social Presence interacts with the other elements and draw conclusions about the importance of support for communication in virtual communication. We stress the need to analyze co-occurrences to achieve a full analysis of computer-mediated communication.

through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and the other formal through b-learning. We
compare ... more through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and the other formal through b-learning. We
compare the communication barriers and the satisfaction perceived by the students (N = 249) by
developing a qualitative analysis using semi-structured questionnaires and content analysis of the
virtual communication in both formats. The results show that the students perceive a low level of
barriers and that statistically significant differences exist between the formal and non-formal
groups regarding psychological and sociological issues. Our findings show that students express
high satisfaction in both educational modes, while the groups’ satisfaction differs in matters
related to planning, content, professors, and communication. Finally, we reflect on the strengths
and weaknesses of both modes, in hopes that the understanding gained from analyzing each
mode may improve or complement the scenario of the other.

La evaluación del aprendizaje es una característica central en el diseño
pedagógico de cursos en ... more La evaluación del aprendizaje es una característica central en el diseño
pedagógico de cursos en línea masivos y abiertos (MOOC) (Sandeen,
2013). Aunque el fenómeno MOOC es nuevo, la literatura sobre evaluación
electrónica (e-assessment) proporciona una base de conocimiento derivado de la investigación hacia el necesario apoyo del aprendizaje de los participantes. Unida a la evaluación, la satisfacción de los participantes en los MOOC adquiere un protagonismo especial, teniendo en cuenta el interés
que suscitan los cursos y las elevadas tasas de abandono que sufren. El objetivo de este artículo es doble, por una parte el análisis de los procesos
de evaluación que se desarrollan en 87 cursos de diferentes plataformas
de MOOC (internacionales, de universidades españolas y otras) y, por otra, la reflexión sobre esos procesos basada en el estudio de MOOC desarrollados
en la Universidad de Granada (España). Se describen los resultados
agrupados en: qué se evalúa, quién realiza la evaluación, momento en que se efectúa, instrumentos empleados, tipo de evaluación y carácter de la certificación (participación/acreditación). Se estudia la satisfacción sobre la evaluación de 516 participantes de la primera edición de MOOC ofertados por AbiertaUGR en 2013. La satisfacción de los participantes está relacionada con la interactividad y el aprendizaje percibido se corresponde con una evaluación formativa o evaluación para el aprendizaje. Se aportan propuestas de mejora sobre el diseño pedagógico de la evaluación en futuros MOOC.

British Journal of Educational Technology, 2014
This study investigates the phases of development of each synchronous and asynchronous virtual co... more This study investigates the phases of development of each synchronous and asynchronous virtual communication produced in a community of inquiry (CoI). It focuses on observing the internal structure of each intervention in the forum and each chat session through the evolution of their social, cognitive, and teaching character. We also analyze the participating higher education students’ satisfaction with the activities, with the professors’ actions, and with themselves. We use a mixed methodology that includes content analysis of the virtual communications by crossing two categorization
systems: (a) type of communication according to the model adopted from Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000)—social, cognitive, and teaching presence; and (b) phases in the evolution of the communication—initiation, proposal, development, opinion/closing, and good-byes. The data are related to the students’ satisfaction. The results suggest differences in the quantity and content of the communication in each phase and an evolution from social to cognitive elements, ending with social contributions. The students are satisfied with the virtual communications related to both
the activities and the professors and evaluate themselves positively.

Teaching in Higher Education, 2014
We present a case study to analyze how higher education students attending a Spanish University (... more We present a case study to analyze how higher education students attending a Spanish University (N=100) democratize the virtual classroom by assuming responsibility for their learning and that of the other members of the class;
participate actively in social, cognitive, and teaching issues; and collaborate by creating a learning community and reflecting individually and as a group. Our mixed methodology includes: (a) content analysis with a categorization system adapted from the Community of Inquiry (CoI) approach and (b) two questionnaires on students’ perception of the democratic elements in the virtual classroom. The results show that the students assume democratic principles of responsibility, critique, participation, and collaboration. We observe the role that the teachers play in facilitating democratization of the classroom through flexible design of instruction, promotion of social relationships, and orientation of the debate toward the learning objectives. This investigation shows the implementation of democratic principles in the virtual classroom.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2013
This study performs a content analysis of the communication that develops in online educational s... more This study performs a content analysis of the communication that develops in online educational situations. It focuses on two aspects of communication in a context in which we observe instructional leadership: how leadership is seen in the virtual classroom and how teachers view their role. Our study attempts to answer the question of how teachers lead this
methodological change, that is, instructional leadership at the service of distributed leadership. The study analyzes the online interaction and teachers’ reflections on the communication between teachers and students in the process of virtual teaching, specifically in post-compulsory secondary education in Spain.

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
This study focuses on the relationships established between the elements that compose the Communi... more This study focuses on the relationships established between the elements that compose the Community of Inquiry (CoI): cognitive, social, and teaching presence. Using three questionnaires, we analyze the students’ perception of synchronous and asynchronous virtual in text-based communication (chats, forums and emails). Starting from the high correlations found between the three elements, we perform a multiple linear regression analysis. The findings show that relationships can be established in the model in which the cognitive elements are strongly predicted, to a greater extent by social presence than by teaching presence. In the forums the cognitive presence is better explained by other
presences than in chats and emails. The results reveal the need to analyze the three kinds of presence jointly, assessing the impact of each on student learning. We also determine that
the instructor benefits from knowing which tool is more valid for the learning objectives.

Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 2015
The study presents a comparative analysis of two virtual learning formats: one non-formal through... more The study presents a comparative analysis of two virtual learning formats: one non-formal through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and the other formal through b-learning. We compare the communication barriers and the satisfaction perceived by the students (N=249) by developing a qualitative analysis using semi-structured questionnaires and content analysis of the virtual communication in both formats. The results show that the students perceive a low level of barriers and that statistically significant differences exist between the formal and non-formal groups regarding psychological and sociological issues. Our findings show that students express high satisfaction in both educational modes, while the groups’ satisfaction differs in matters related to planning, content, professors, and communication. Finally, we reflect on the strong and weak points of the two modes, in the hope that each mode may improve or complement the other from the perspective of the other’s scenario.
Papers by Elba Gutiérrez-Santiuste
communication tool which is used. The analysis of communication in virtual collaborative environments is a promising line of research to contribute improving the initial training of teachers and therefore improving education.
the obstacles over time, and the influence of gender on students’ perception of the barriers. We use qualitative and quantitative analysis of the communication. Low levels of barriers are the most common, both in the communications and in the students’ perceptions. There are statistically
significant correlations between the different kinds of barriers, the barriers decrease over time, and gender influences perception of the technical barriers. We conclude that the technical barriers have particular concreteness. This research can be useful to minimize the possible implications of these obstacles for proper development of e-learning.
communicative richness of the educational encounters in which Social Presence interacts with the other elements and draw conclusions about the importance of support for communication in virtual communication. We stress the need to analyze co-occurrences to achieve a full analysis of computer-mediated communication.
compare the communication barriers and the satisfaction perceived by the students (N = 249) by
developing a qualitative analysis using semi-structured questionnaires and content analysis of the
virtual communication in both formats. The results show that the students perceive a low level of
barriers and that statistically significant differences exist between the formal and non-formal
groups regarding psychological and sociological issues. Our findings show that students express
high satisfaction in both educational modes, while the groups’ satisfaction differs in matters
related to planning, content, professors, and communication. Finally, we reflect on the strengths
and weaknesses of both modes, in hopes that the understanding gained from analyzing each
mode may improve or complement the scenario of the other.
pedagógico de cursos en línea masivos y abiertos (MOOC) (Sandeen,
2013). Aunque el fenómeno MOOC es nuevo, la literatura sobre evaluación
electrónica (e-assessment) proporciona una base de conocimiento derivado de la investigación hacia el necesario apoyo del aprendizaje de los participantes. Unida a la evaluación, la satisfacción de los participantes en los MOOC adquiere un protagonismo especial, teniendo en cuenta el interés
que suscitan los cursos y las elevadas tasas de abandono que sufren. El objetivo de este artículo es doble, por una parte el análisis de los procesos
de evaluación que se desarrollan en 87 cursos de diferentes plataformas
de MOOC (internacionales, de universidades españolas y otras) y, por otra, la reflexión sobre esos procesos basada en el estudio de MOOC desarrollados
en la Universidad de Granada (España). Se describen los resultados
agrupados en: qué se evalúa, quién realiza la evaluación, momento en que se efectúa, instrumentos empleados, tipo de evaluación y carácter de la certificación (participación/acreditación). Se estudia la satisfacción sobre la evaluación de 516 participantes de la primera edición de MOOC ofertados por AbiertaUGR en 2013. La satisfacción de los participantes está relacionada con la interactividad y el aprendizaje percibido se corresponde con una evaluación formativa o evaluación para el aprendizaje. Se aportan propuestas de mejora sobre el diseño pedagógico de la evaluación en futuros MOOC.
systems: (a) type of communication according to the model adopted from Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000)—social, cognitive, and teaching presence; and (b) phases in the evolution of the communication—initiation, proposal, development, opinion/closing, and good-byes. The data are related to the students’ satisfaction. The results suggest differences in the quantity and content of the communication in each phase and an evolution from social to cognitive elements, ending with social contributions. The students are satisfied with the virtual communications related to both
the activities and the professors and evaluate themselves positively.
participate actively in social, cognitive, and teaching issues; and collaborate by creating a learning community and reflecting individually and as a group. Our mixed methodology includes: (a) content analysis with a categorization system adapted from the Community of Inquiry (CoI) approach and (b) two questionnaires on students’ perception of the democratic elements in the virtual classroom. The results show that the students assume democratic principles of responsibility, critique, participation, and collaboration. We observe the role that the teachers play in facilitating democratization of the classroom through flexible design of instruction, promotion of social relationships, and orientation of the debate toward the learning objectives. This investigation shows the implementation of democratic principles in the virtual classroom.
methodological change, that is, instructional leadership at the service of distributed leadership. The study analyzes the online interaction and teachers’ reflections on the communication between teachers and students in the process of virtual teaching, specifically in post-compulsory secondary education in Spain.
presences than in chats and emails. The results reveal the need to analyze the three kinds of presence jointly, assessing the impact of each on student learning. We also determine that
the instructor benefits from knowing which tool is more valid for the learning objectives.
communication tool which is used. The analysis of communication in virtual collaborative environments is a promising line of research to contribute improving the initial training of teachers and therefore improving education.
the obstacles over time, and the influence of gender on students’ perception of the barriers. We use qualitative and quantitative analysis of the communication. Low levels of barriers are the most common, both in the communications and in the students’ perceptions. There are statistically
significant correlations between the different kinds of barriers, the barriers decrease over time, and gender influences perception of the technical barriers. We conclude that the technical barriers have particular concreteness. This research can be useful to minimize the possible implications of these obstacles for proper development of e-learning.
communicative richness of the educational encounters in which Social Presence interacts with the other elements and draw conclusions about the importance of support for communication in virtual communication. We stress the need to analyze co-occurrences to achieve a full analysis of computer-mediated communication.
compare the communication barriers and the satisfaction perceived by the students (N = 249) by
developing a qualitative analysis using semi-structured questionnaires and content analysis of the
virtual communication in both formats. The results show that the students perceive a low level of
barriers and that statistically significant differences exist between the formal and non-formal
groups regarding psychological and sociological issues. Our findings show that students express
high satisfaction in both educational modes, while the groups’ satisfaction differs in matters
related to planning, content, professors, and communication. Finally, we reflect on the strengths
and weaknesses of both modes, in hopes that the understanding gained from analyzing each
mode may improve or complement the scenario of the other.
pedagógico de cursos en línea masivos y abiertos (MOOC) (Sandeen,
2013). Aunque el fenómeno MOOC es nuevo, la literatura sobre evaluación
electrónica (e-assessment) proporciona una base de conocimiento derivado de la investigación hacia el necesario apoyo del aprendizaje de los participantes. Unida a la evaluación, la satisfacción de los participantes en los MOOC adquiere un protagonismo especial, teniendo en cuenta el interés
que suscitan los cursos y las elevadas tasas de abandono que sufren. El objetivo de este artículo es doble, por una parte el análisis de los procesos
de evaluación que se desarrollan en 87 cursos de diferentes plataformas
de MOOC (internacionales, de universidades españolas y otras) y, por otra, la reflexión sobre esos procesos basada en el estudio de MOOC desarrollados
en la Universidad de Granada (España). Se describen los resultados
agrupados en: qué se evalúa, quién realiza la evaluación, momento en que se efectúa, instrumentos empleados, tipo de evaluación y carácter de la certificación (participación/acreditación). Se estudia la satisfacción sobre la evaluación de 516 participantes de la primera edición de MOOC ofertados por AbiertaUGR en 2013. La satisfacción de los participantes está relacionada con la interactividad y el aprendizaje percibido se corresponde con una evaluación formativa o evaluación para el aprendizaje. Se aportan propuestas de mejora sobre el diseño pedagógico de la evaluación en futuros MOOC.
systems: (a) type of communication according to the model adopted from Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000)—social, cognitive, and teaching presence; and (b) phases in the evolution of the communication—initiation, proposal, development, opinion/closing, and good-byes. The data are related to the students’ satisfaction. The results suggest differences in the quantity and content of the communication in each phase and an evolution from social to cognitive elements, ending with social contributions. The students are satisfied with the virtual communications related to both
the activities and the professors and evaluate themselves positively.
participate actively in social, cognitive, and teaching issues; and collaborate by creating a learning community and reflecting individually and as a group. Our mixed methodology includes: (a) content analysis with a categorization system adapted from the Community of Inquiry (CoI) approach and (b) two questionnaires on students’ perception of the democratic elements in the virtual classroom. The results show that the students assume democratic principles of responsibility, critique, participation, and collaboration. We observe the role that the teachers play in facilitating democratization of the classroom through flexible design of instruction, promotion of social relationships, and orientation of the debate toward the learning objectives. This investigation shows the implementation of democratic principles in the virtual classroom.
methodological change, that is, instructional leadership at the service of distributed leadership. The study analyzes the online interaction and teachers’ reflections on the communication between teachers and students in the process of virtual teaching, specifically in post-compulsory secondary education in Spain.
presences than in chats and emails. The results reveal the need to analyze the three kinds of presence jointly, assessing the impact of each on student learning. We also determine that
the instructor benefits from knowing which tool is more valid for the learning objectives.
El proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje virtual se circunscribe en una esfera dominada por dos sustantivos, educación y comunicación, y un nombre que adjetiva a los dos anteriores, virtualidad. Partimos del presupuesto de que la educación es comunicación como proceso de intercambio de conocimientos y creación conjunta del mismo a través de comunidades de aprendizaje. La virtualidad entra en esta relación educación/comunicación como un factor que va a influir en el desarrollo del proceso comunicativo que se produce en la educación.
En el contexto internacional existe interés por parte de las administraciones públicas para abordar una seria reflexión sobre los problemas actuales del sistema educativo así como de la implicación de las tecnologías para su mejora. Así, la investigación en la educación virtual es una necesidad en la sociedad actual y ha sido planteada en innumerables documentos oficiales a nivel nacional e internacional que se hacen eco de la importancia de la formación del profesorado en esta materia (Consejo de Coordinación Universitaria, 2006; Consejo y Comisión Europea, 2002).
De esta forma, la educación debe plantear su quehacer en un ambiente influenciado por la tecnología donde la forma de comunicación virtual se ha convertido en un elemento esencial. Este giro debe hacerse desde planteamientos proactivos encaminados a la adaptación de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a esta situación. Sin embargo, como señala Duart (2000):
La web es, pues, un medio, un sistema diferente a través del cual se relacionan los sujetos y los objetos que intervienen en el proceso educativo, pero no es una finalidad educativa por sí misma … no tenemos que supeditar la tecnología a la educación, sino que la tecnología tiene que estar, en el caso que nos ocupa, al servicio de la educación. (p. 17)
La utilización de las herramientas telemáticas como canales de comunicación entre alumnado y profesorado producen niveles de interacción entre éstos que pueden apoyar nuevos modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en consonancia con los ideales de comunicación en la educación universitaria en el espacio europeo. De tal forma que los contenidos no son los determinantes por sí solos de la calidad de la educación, en ella influyen notoriamente el tipo de interacciones inherentes al intercambio y la capacidad de gestionar la experiencia educativa por parte del profesorado y, como señala Ferraté (2000), optimizando las posibilidades comunicativas e introduciendo la interactividad en el proceso. Para ello es necesario un profesorado cualificado capaz de gestionar la comunicación educativa hacia objetivos basados en la reflexión, la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo.