University of Granada
Medicina Legal, Antropología Física Y Toxicología
In 2008, Salahuddin and Datta [1] proposed that a ferroelectric material operating in the negative capacitance region could act as a step-up converter of the surface potential in a MOS structure, opening a new route for the realization of... more
In 2008, Salahuddin and Datta [1] proposed that a ferroelectric material operating in the negative capacitance region could act as a step-up converter of the surface potential in a MOS structure, opening a new route for the realization of... more
Ge metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) has been developed including the dependencies on the germanium mole fraction, the doping concentration, and the width of the strained-Si layer. We have also obtained a good... more
In this work some variants of a deterministic simulation of p-n junctions are considered. From a mathematical point of view, this will be done by means of the numerical resolution of the corresponding Boltzmann transport’s equations... more
In this work, we develop a comprehensive model of the total gate capacitance (C G ) of circular-cross-section surrounding gate transistors that accounts for both the insulator gate capacitance (C ins ) and the inversion capacitance (C inv... more
A semiempirical model was developed for calculating the inversion charge of cylindrical surrounding gate transistors (SGTs), including quantum effects. To achieve this goal, we used a simulator that self-consistently solves the 2-D... more
We studied the effect of the depletion charge in the polysilicon gate on electron mobility in ultrathin oxide MOSFETs. An improved theory for remote-charge-scattering-limited mobility in silicon inversion layers is developed. The model... more
The trend toward continuous integration of the nanometer scale and the rise of nonconventional device concepts such as multigate transistors present important challenges for the semiconductor community. Simulation tools have to be adapted... more
In this work, we study the differences caused in the Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) characteristics of MOS devices when SiO2 is replaced by HfO2 as the gate dielectric. A self-consistent Schrödinger-Poisson solver has been developed to include... more
A new approach to calculate the subthreshold swing of short channel bulk and silicon-on-insulator metal oxide semiconductor ®eld eect transistors is presented. The procedure utilizes a channel-potential expression appropriate for... more
In this paper, simulation-based research on the electrostatics of Pi-gate silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOSFETs is carried out. To do so, a 2-D self-consistent Schrödinger-Poisson solver has been implemented. The inclusion of the quantum... more
A model to study the effect of the roughness at the poly-Si/SiO/sub 2/ interface in silicon inversion layers on the electron mobility is obtained. Screening of the resulting perturbation potential by the channel carriers is taken into... more
- by Andres Godoy
A Quantum Ensemble Monte Carlo (QEMC) simulator is used to calculate electrical characteristics and transient response of actual nanotransistors: both sub-50 nm CMOS N-MOSFETs and ultrathin double gate SOI transistors have been deeply... more
In this work, a self-consistent solution of the 2D Schrödinger-Poisson equations is used to analyze Multiple-Gate MOSFETs. Classical simulations overestimate the peak density compared to quantum simulations and therefore the total... more
The Monte Carlo simulation method is used to analyze the behavior of electron and hole mobility in different nanoelectronic devices including double gate transistors and FinFETs. The impact of technological parameters on carrier mobility... more
Electron transport properties in double-gate-silicon-on-insulator (DGSOI) transistors are comprehensively studied. Quantum effects are analyzed by self-consistently solving the 1 D Poisson and Schroedinger equations. Once the electron... more
Ge metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) has been developed including the dependencies on the germanium mole fraction, the doping concentration, and the width of the strained-Si layer. We have also obtained a good... more
The evolution of traditional metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) from planar single-gate devices into 3-D ones with multiple gates and high-κ insulators imposes the use of new electrical models that accurately... more
Ge metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) has been developed including the dependencies on the germanium mole fraction, the doping concentration, and the width of the strained-Si layer. We have also obtained a good... more
In this work some variants of a deterministic simulation of p-n junctions are considered. From a mathematical point of view, this will be done by means of the numerical resolution of the corresponding Boltzmann transport’s equations... more