Papers by Angel Custodio Mingorance-Estrada
Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
The aim of this article is to know the role of learning tasks within the pedagogical content know... more The aim of this article is to know the role of learning tasks within the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of novel sports coaches in initial stages of sports training of children/young people and their impact on their daily work. Participants are two coaches in their first or second working year. A mixed methodology was used by means of polar coordinates analysis. The results agree with previous studies that established that (1) PCK of novel coaches presents deficits in task selection and modification, (2) motivation is the key factor determining tasks selection process, and (3) they do not know how much time they should dedicate to each task. Even so, better development was found in the PCK of the coaches.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
The worldwide pandemic situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to a state... more The worldwide pandemic situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to a state of confinement of the population, which has caused, following consulted research, an increase in stress. Faced with this situation, the Spanish university not only had to adapt to the changes derived from the causes of the pandemic but also had to face a new methodological model-e-learning teaching-for which not all teachers and students were prepared. This could cause an increase in stress due to the uncertainty caused by this time of change. This research analyzes the relationship between perceived self-efficacy in the confinement period and the level of trait anxiety (TA) and state anxiety (SA) during COVID-19. Four hundred twenty-seven students from the University of Granada (Spain) participated in this study. The adaptation of two scales that measure perceived academic self-efficacy and anxiety (TA and SA) has been applied. The results indicated that there was an inversely proportional relationship between anxiety and self-efficacy; men showed the highest perception of self-efficacy, while women had higher scores in TA and SA; the latter was accentuated in cases when a relative died. To conclude, students who show a higher level of anxiety (TA and SA) express more negative emotions and also perceive themselves with less academic self-efficacy. Therefore, a stressful situation (pandemic and confinement) together with a critical event (illness and death of a relative/friend due to COVID-19) increases anxiety levels and influences the perception of academic self-efficacy.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Psychological distress and psychosocial factors are studied in the sports context in players of v... more Psychological distress and psychosocial factors are studied in the sports context in players of various specialties, but are only little studied with coaches who carry out their work with these athletes; that is where we put the emphasis, trying to determine the perception of coaches on psychological distress and psychosocial risk factors that may influence their sports work in times of a pandemic. It is an ex post facto study with a single-group retrospective design, with a representative sample of 94 coaches out of a possible 109. The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and the short version of the ISTAS21 Psychosocial Risk Assessment at Work Questionnaire were adapted to the sports context. The results show that the youngest, those with the least experience and level 1 and level 2 coaches show the highest levels of stress. According to the psychosocial risk assessment, level 1 and 2 coaches, with experience between 6 to 10 years, are in the risk zone. Therefore, it is important ...

Sustainability, Apr 25, 2018
This research analyzed Physical Education students' degree of academic performance with the incor... more This research analyzed Physical Education students' degree of academic performance with the incorporation of active methodologies, specifically flipped classroom mixed learning, restricted to evaluation periods in the months of June and September. The study focused on whether there are significant differences in this variable through the scores obtained. Through a simple random sampling, 131 students participated in this empiric-analytic research, using an ex-post-facto study with a retrospective design with quasi-control group. A robust test of averages comparison, multiple linear regressions and an evaluation of the relative importance of predictors was conducted. The results show how flipped classroom methodology linearly and positively influences academic performance and correlational motivation and support. As main conclusion, in a hybrid and digitalized learning context, the value of the consideration of active methodologies (flipped classroom) based on emerging pedagogies, allows improving students' achievement and competence development, providing critical, significant, ubiquitous, transformational and especially motivating experiences.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, 2021
Validation of a questionnaire on the use of Interactive Response System in Higher Education Objec... more Validation of a questionnaire on the use of Interactive Response System in Higher Education Objective: this study aims to design and validate a questionnaire to measure the students' perception of the use of IRS as a technopedagogical resource in the classroom. Method: a 24 items questionnaire (Interactive Response System for the Improvement of the Teaching-Learning Process) was designed ad hoc for this research and applied to 142 university students. Results: both the exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis yielded 3 dimensions: classroom environment, teaching-learning processes and learning assessment. The results obtained both in reliability (Cronbach's alpha= 0.955) and in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (χ2/df=1.944, CFI=0.97; GFI=0.78; RMR=0.077; RMSEA=0.08) reveal highly satisfactory indices. Conclusion: statistical analyses confirm that this instrument is a valid, reliable, and easy-to-apply tool for professors to evaluate the student perception of studentcentred learning.
Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 2006
Análisis de las capacidades perceptiv Análisis de las capacidades perceptivas en jugadores as en ... more Análisis de las capacidades perceptiv Análisis de las capacidades perceptivas en jugadores as en jugadores y jugador y jugadoras de baloncesto de 13 años as de baloncesto de 13 años

Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, Oct 1, 2010
Frecuencia de práctica y motivos de participación/no participación en activida Frecuencia de prác... more Frecuencia de práctica y motivos de participación/no participación en activida Frecuencia de práctica y motivos de participación/no participación en activida-des físicas en función del género de escolares de 10-12 años de Melilla des físicas en función del género de escolares de 10-12 años de Melilla Practice frequency and reasons for participation/no participation in physical Practice frequency and reasons for participation/no participation in physical activities of 10-12 years old schoolchildren from Melilla activities of 10-12 years old schoolchildren from Melilla J u a n G r a n d a V e r a M a r i a n o M o n t i l l a M e d i n a J o s é C a r l o s B a r b e r o Á l v a r e z Á n g e l M i n g o r a n c e E s t r a d a I n m a c u l a d a A l e m a n y A r r e b o l a Facultad de Educación y Humanidades (Melilla) Universidad de Granada El presente artículo expone los resultados de un estudio dirigido a conocer la influencia del género en la frecuencia semanal y diaria de práctica de actividad física, así como en los motivos/no motivos de práctica de actividad física que manifiestan escolares de 10-12 años de Melilla. Los participantes han sido todos los escolares de los cursos 5º y 6º (10-12 años) de tres colegios públicos de Melilla (n= 439). Los datos se han recogido a través del cuestionario de "Hábitos de participación en Actividades Físicas". Los resultados muestran la existencia de diferencias significativas en función del género en la frecuencia diaria de práctica (z= 2,72, p < ,01), y que los motivos principales para la participación en actividades físicas son aquellos relacionados con la salud "me gusta estar saludable", "es bueno hacer ejercicio", "para mantener la línea", mientras que los relacionados con los aspectos sociales "me gusta divertirme y ocupar mi tiempo de ocio" y "encontrarme con los amigos". Los motivos que les llevan a no participar en programas de actividad física son "falta de tiempo" y "estudios, hacer deberes", resultados similares a los hallados en estudios anteriores en otros contextos nacionales e internacionales.
Social sciences, Nov 15, 2019
In recent years, educational research has focused on analyzing significant differences in the aca... more In recent years, educational research has focused on analyzing significant differences in the academic performance of university students according to the intervention model of the traditional methodology vs. the flipped classroom. This empirical-analytical research is based on a quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent groups. The results reveal significant differences on the average grades of university students; those participating in the flipped classroom obtained higher scores than students following a traditional methodology, regardless of the specialization. Moreover, this research concludes that the flipped classroom approach offers an opportunity to transform the traditional system by improving the classroom environment, the teaching-learning process and the student's assessment.
Sustainability, Jan 9, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Los tiempos actuales llevan a ver al jefe como un igual, inclusive a criticarlo y desafiarlo. En ... more Los tiempos actuales llevan a ver al jefe como un igual, inclusive a criticarlo y desafiarlo. En anos pasados el jefe contaba con apoyo y respeto y se le veia como un superior; ahora el jefe debe contar con la habilidad para manejar situaciones y tratar a sus “empleados” adecuadamente para ganarse asi su obediencia y lealtad, este es un merito que solo puede obtener el que es lider. En este articulo vamos a intentar hacer un breve recorrido por las distintas dimensiones y tipos de liderazgo, los rasgos personales que caracterizan a un lider y las relaciones entre el lider y su grupo.
La mediación como estrategia de resolución de conflictos en ámbitos sociales y educativos., 2020

The new Higher Education Framework suggests transforming the paradigm of intervention, focusing o... more The new Higher Education Framework suggests transforming the paradigm of intervention, focusing on more active, hybrid methods that are centered on the student’s learning process, where technological tools aimed at developing and improving the teaching-learning process can be incorporated. The initial intention is to determine whether the average grades of students using the flipped method are significantly higher than the average grades of those students using traditional methods. This project, which can be considered an empirical/practical exploratory work, uses an ex post facto study with a retrospective design and a quasi-control group; the data collection process has a cross-sectional design. Results have shown there is a significant difference between the average grades of students who use a flipped method and the average grades of those who do not, with the former obtaining higher marks than the latter.

This research analyzed Physical Education students' degree of academic performance with the incor... more This research analyzed Physical Education students' degree of academic performance with the incorporation of active methodologies, specifically flipped classroom mixed learning, restricted to evaluation periods in the months of June and September. The study focused on whether there are significant differences in this variable through the scores obtained. Through a simple random sampling, 131 students participated in this empiric-analytic research, using an ex-post-facto study with a retrospective design with quasi-control group. A robust test of averages comparison, multiple linear regressions and an evaluation of the relative importance of predictors was conducted. The results show how flipped classroom methodology linearly and positively influences academic performance and correlational motivation and support. As main conclusion, in a hybrid and digitalized learning context, the value of the consideration of active methodologies (flipped classroom) based on emerging pedagogies, allows improving students' achievement and competence development, providing critical, significant, ubiquitous, transformational and especially motivating experiences.
In recent years, educational research has focused on analyzing significant differences in the aca... more In recent years, educational research has focused on analyzing significant differences in the academic performance of university students according to the intervention model of the traditional methodology vs. the flipped classroom. This empirical-analytical research is based on a quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent groups. The results reveal significant differences on the average grades of university students; those participating in the flipped classroom obtained higher scores than students following a traditional methodology, regardless of the specialization. Moreover, this research concludes that the flipped classroom approach offers an opportunity to transform the traditional system by improving the classroom environment, the teaching-learning process and the student's assessment.

The worldwide pandemic situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to a state... more The worldwide pandemic situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to a state of confinement of the population, which has caused, following consulted research, an increase in stress. Faced with this situation, the Spanish university not only had to adapt to the changes derived from the causes of the pandemic but also had to face a new methodological model-e-learning teaching-for which not all teachers and students were prepared. This could cause an increase in stress due to the uncertainty caused by this time of change. This research analyzes the relationship between perceived self-efficacy in the confinement period and the level of trait anxiety (TA) and state anxiety (SA) during COVID-19. Four hundred twenty-seven students from the University of Granada (Spain) participated in this study. The adaptation of two scales that measure perceived academic self-efficacy and anxiety (TA and SA) has been applied. The results indicated that there was an inversely proportional relationship between anxiety and self-efficacy; men showed the highest perception of self-efficacy, while women had higher scores in TA and SA; the latter was accentuated in cases when a relative died. To conclude, students who show a higher level of anxiety (TA and SA) express more negative emotions and also perceive themselves with less academic self-efficacy. Therefore, a stressful situation (pandemic and confinement) together with a critical event (illness and death of a relative/friend due to COVID-19) increases anxiety levels and influences the perception of academic self-efficacy.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Validation of a questionnaire on the use of Interactive Response System in Higher Education, 2021
Validation of a questionnaire on the use of Interactive Response System in Higher Education Objec... more Validation of a questionnaire on the use of Interactive Response System in Higher Education Objective: this study aims to design and validate a questionnaire to measure the students' perception of the use of IRS as a technopedagogical resource in the classroom. Method: a 24 items questionnaire (Interactive Response System for the Improvement of the Teaching-Learning Process) was designed ad hoc for this research and applied to 142 university students. Results: both the exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis yielded 3 dimensions: classroom environment, teaching-learning processes and learning assessment. The results obtained both in reliability (Cronbach's alpha= 0.955) and in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (χ2/df=1.944, CFI=0.97; GFI=0.78; RMR=0.077; RMSEA=0.08) reveal highly satisfactory indices. Conclusion: statistical analyses confirm that this instrument is a valid, reliable, and easy-to-apply tool for professors to evaluate the student perception of studentcentred learning.
The aim of this article is to know the role of learning tasks within the pedagogical content know... more The aim of this article is to know the role of learning tasks within the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of novel sports coaches in initial stages of sports training of children/young people and their impact on their daily work. Participants are two coaches in their first or second working year. A mixed methodology was used by means of polar coordinates analysis. The results agree with previous studies that established that (1) PCK of novel coaches presents deficits in task selection and modification, (2) motivation is the key factor determining tasks selection process, and (3) they do not know how much time they should dedicate to each task. Even so, better development was found in the PCK of the coaches.

The objective has been to know the impact of the flipped classroom methodology on the academic pe... more The objective has been to know the impact of the flipped classroom methodology on the academic performance of students during their training process in relation to the traditional methodology over time, in order to establish baselines in the academic grades in both models. The research is of a quasi-experimental type of non-equivalent groups, with a longitudinal trend design in the data collection process. The entire available population has been selected, with 1.236 students participating, exploring the grades as an analytical resource, from the 2010/2011 to the 2019/2020 academic years. The results show statistically significant differences in the improvement of academic performance with the flipped classroom methodology. Furthermore, the results reinforce that the flipped teaching model effectively promotes students' interest, their capacity for autonomous learning and personal and cooperative relationships.
Papers by Angel Custodio Mingorance-Estrada