Papers by Barbara Güimil
La conservation-restauration sur le site d’Orikos, 2019
Article qui explique le travail de restaurateur de terrain lors de missions archéologiques. Il ex... more Article qui explique le travail de restaurateur de terrain lors de missions archéologiques. Il explique diverses interventions réalisées, notamment l'extraction des crapaudines en 2017, la reconstruction d'un bloc du monoptère en 2019 et quelques interventions sur des monnaies en argent, bronze et un sceau en plomb.
Perxuraos, 2019
Este breve artículo recoge, de manera preliminar, los resultados de las actuaciones arqueológicas... more Este breve artículo recoge, de manera preliminar, los resultados de las actuaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el Prao Lugo, en Lugo De Llanera, proyecto promovido por la Concejalía de Cultura, Deportes y Turismo del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Llanera para el estudio, investigación y realización de diferentes análisis históricos en el yacimiento de Lucus Asturum, sito en el entorno de Lugo de Llanera, en el Concejo de Llanera. Estas actuaciones forman parte de una actuación multidisciplinar para promover la valoración del potencial arqueológico del yacimiento, ya estudiado en décadas precedentes, para su sometimiento a excavaciones sistemáticas y su puesta en valor.
Thesis Chapters by Barbara Güimil
Análisis de las alteraciones de petroglifos en el concello de Pontevedra - Eficacia de los sistemas de catalogación, impactos actuales y soluciones para la gestión futura, 2016
This paper presents an investigation about the petroglyphs of Pontevedra’s town Council. Based
on... more This paper presents an investigation about the petroglyphs of Pontevedra’s town Council. Based
on the data collected in the inventory of the archaeological heritage of the Xunta, the author noted
that some have disappeared from the 80s and others still exists. She tried to locate these latter in
the field with the coordinates indicated on the inventory record and made a comparison between
the condition of conservation noted in the catalogue and the reality. Using the results, she developped
a critique of the record card and improvement solutions are proposed.
Papers by Barbara Güimil
Thesis Chapters by Barbara Güimil
on the data collected in the inventory of the archaeological heritage of the Xunta, the author noted
that some have disappeared from the 80s and others still exists. She tried to locate these latter in
the field with the coordinates indicated on the inventory record and made a comparison between
the condition of conservation noted in the catalogue and the reality. Using the results, she developped
a critique of the record card and improvement solutions are proposed.
on the data collected in the inventory of the archaeological heritage of the Xunta, the author noted
that some have disappeared from the 80s and others still exists. She tried to locate these latter in
the field with the coordinates indicated on the inventory record and made a comparison between
the condition of conservation noted in the catalogue and the reality. Using the results, she developped
a critique of the record card and improvement solutions are proposed.