Faculty of Graduate Studies Appeals
Academic assessment decisions regarding candidacy or thesis exams are appealable to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
How to appeal a decision
IMPORTANT: Final course grades are not appealable through FGS. If you have concerns regarding a course grade, contact the Teaching Faculty of the course. Information on grade reappraisals and appeals of grade reappraisal decisions can be found in Section I of the Academic Calendar.
Prepare your appeals package
All appeals must include a completed cover sheet as well as the following:
- A copy of the decision being appealed;
- A letter detailing the grounds for the appeal;
- Supporting documentation.
Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Student Ombuds Office for advice regarding their appeal and for support in preparing their appeals package.
Submit your appeal
Appeal packages can be submitted by email to [email protected], or in-person at MT230, by the deadline stated in the decision letter. If you need to request an extension to your appeal deadline, this request must be made prior to the original appeal deadline.

Learn more about how to prepare an appeal
Refer to this document for detailed instructions on the appeal process.
Your registration
If the academic assessment decision you are appealing has an impact on your registration (i.e., you have been required to withdraw as a result of the academic assessment decision), you may have the right to continued registration while under appeal.
For more information, see Section J.1 of the Academic Calendar.
10 business days from the decision: Graduate Student submits appeal.
2 Business Days of receipt of the appeal: Dean' Office will acknowledge receipt of the appeal.
10 Business Days of receipt of the appeal: Dean will resolve the appeal or forward to the Faculty Appeals Committee Chair for review.
10 Business Days of the date of receipt of the appeal from the Dean: Chair will determine whether the appeal will proceed to a hearing. If the Chair denies permission to appeal, the appeals process ends at this stage. If appeal is proceeding to hearing, Chair will request that the Respondent provide a response to the appeal.
5 Business Days before the hearing: All documentation that will be used by the Faculty Appeals Committee in making its decision are circulated to the Appellant, Respondent and to the Faculty Appeals Committee.
10 Business Days after the hearing: Faculty Appeals Committee decision is issued.
Who can attend
- The members of the Appeal Panel
- The Appellant (the graduate student) and one support person (advance notice of support person is required)
- The Respondent (the decision-maker, usually an Associate Dean) and one support person (advance notice of support person is required)
- Support personnel and/or legal counsel for the Appeal Panel
- Witnesses invited by either party to the appeal
No recording by any party of any hearing in the Faculty of Graduate Studies is allowed.
Hearings are not open to the public. All written and oral information regarding the hearing is confidential and should not be shared or discussed outside the proceedings. Written material must not be copied or distributed to anyone not involved in the proceedings.
What happens at the hearing
1. Introduction
- The Chair opens the hearing with introductions and an overview of the process.
3. Conclusion
- The Chair invites the Respondent to provide a closing statement.
- The Chair invites the Appellant to provide a closing statement.
- The Chair adjourns the hearing. The Appeal Panel convenes to deliberate.
2. Presentation of the case
- The Chair invites the Appellant to present their case first. The respondent is invited to ask questions, and then the Appeal Panel is invited to ask questions.
- If the Appellant is bringing a witness, they join the hearing and the Respondent and Panel are invited to ask questions. The witness leaves after questions are completed.
- The Chair invites the Respondent to present their case. The Appellant is invited to ask questions, and then the Appeal Panel is invited to ask questions.
- If the Respondent is bringing a witness, they join the hearing and the Appellant and Panel are invited to ask questions. The witness leaves after questions are completed.
After the hearing
Reaching a decision
The decision of the Appeal Panel will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing and on written submissions to the appeal, which will be available to all parties. The Appeal Panel's decision will be issued in writing within 10 business days of the hearing.
Three possible outcomes
- To uphold the appeal and approve the outcome being sought
- To uphold the appeal and determine an alternative outcome
- To deny the appeal