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Thursday, October 26th, 2006

Posted by:dandd_fiend.
Time:9:08 pm.
Uh, Hi!

I was updating my "favorites" links and ran across this journal and community I'd pretty much forgotten about. Would anyone like to takeover the community? If no one is using it, or wants to use it, then there's no sense in keeping it and I'll just delete it.

Alternatively, this community could be useful if it was made public and searchable. The function of the comm could change from one group's games to a place to advertise gaming and gamers all over GR.

Feedback would be great, here. If I don't get any, I'll assume there's no interest.
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Friday, July 22nd, 2005

Subject:Races & Classes
Posted by:reamshanker.
Time:8:11 am.
If any of you guys would like to contribute Race or class ideas to the D&D world I'm building. feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email.
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Friday, June 24th, 2005

Subject:"and I hope I grow old before I die"
Posted by:rebooten_tag.
Time:4:01 pm.
Here is some crack for you all to enjoy, inside jokes of course:

"I have a small shield!"


"But who would wan't Data babies?"

More to come later...Mwhahahahahah *chortle*
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Tuesday, May 31st, 2005

Posted by:grnerd.
Time:9:29 pm.
Trying to enter my character in e-tools, and I am not seeing some of the feats I need. I can't find wild empathy or animal companion. Am I looking in the wrong place?
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Monday, May 16th, 2005

Subject:reniasance festival
Posted by:rebooten_tag.
Time:11:05 am.
Mood: tired.
if you're interested in going;

everyone comment with what saturdays / sundays you are free for the weeks from Auguest 13 to September 25

The Themes:
Read more...Collapse )

Then we can decide from there which weekend to go.
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Posted by:rebooten_tag.
Time:11:01 am.
Mood: tired.
Friday, June 24, I might be going to a very exciting concert in detroit. I wouldn't even think about it unless it was a group that I really really like.

so yeah, in advance, I may not be available the 24th because of a concert.

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Friday, May 13th, 2005

Subject:Michigan Reniasance festival
Posted by:rebooten_tag.
Time:1:06 pm.
Hey everyone, Ray, Eli, Rich, Ben, Chris, Scott, Joe, Aja!

We need to plan some sort of trip to the Michigan Reniasance Festival in Holly!!!

who agrees?

heres the link:
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Monday, May 2nd, 2005

Subject:Next game session
Posted by:reamshanker.
Time:9:24 am.
Mood: curious.
What do you guys think? Should we game this Friday, or should we wait till the week after camping?
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Tuesday, April 26th, 2005

Posted by:grnerd.
Time:9:47 am.
Mom's coming up on Friday, so I am out for this weekend. Sorry guys.
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Monday, April 25th, 2005

Posted by:reamshanker.
Time:3:31 pm.
Mood: curious.
How interested would you guys be to try the ebberon campaign setting? I was thinking about getting the book, but only if you guys are interested in trying it.
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Subject:this friday
Posted by:rebooten_tag.
Time:2:00 am.
hey guys,

Are we actually playing on friday or just lollygagging like we have been the past week or so.

because if we are not playing, I would like to skip it this week so I can have extra time to study.

This week is my last full week of school, then monday I have two final exams and one wednesday. I need all the time I can get to study.

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Wednesday, April 20th, 2005

Subject:Cormyr Campaign
Posted by:alchemical_ali.
Time:3:26 pm.
So far, we have:

Ray = Monk
Eli = Druid

Please post you class so those who haven't created characters yet can have an easier time deciding

Ray, do you think you can get me a copy of Eli's and your characters? That would be really helpful
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Subject:Harpers Books
Posted by:grnerd.
Time:11:04 am.
What do you think would be the best book to start with when reading the Harpers series? There does not seem to be a real rhyme or reason to their order.
Comments: Read 7 orAdd Your Own.

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

Subject:Friday Night
Posted by:reamshanker.
Time:3:30 pm.
Mood: curious.
Did you guys want to game this Friday or do something else?
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Monday, April 11th, 2005

Posted by:rpggurleli.
Time:7:00 am.
Since I work until 7 pm on Friday, we will aim for gaming at 7 pm. (It takes me about 5 minutes to get home.) I'm sure it's fine if you guys game over earlier to hang out though. :-D So gaming at 7 pm this week!
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Thursday, April 7th, 2005

Posted by:reamshanker.
Time:10:56 am.
I've been thinking about putting instant kills in our D&D game. Let me know what you guys think.
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Wednesday, March 30th, 2005

Subject:Saturday Part II
Posted by:grnerd.
Time:11:07 am.
After playing around with the module last night and since we have a couple players who are new to NWN, and I am new to the DM thing, I have decided to start us out with a "warmup module" called the Faerun Survial Course. It is designed as a beginners guide to the tools and tacics.

That being said, you will actually be starting out at lvl 1, and will make it to lvl 4 by the end of the quick course. We can then move those characters into the starting area for the other module I have planned.

As far as party composition, you should have at least one each of the following classes in your party:

1. Fighter/Ranger/Paladin/Barbarian - melee fighter (I think Ray has claimed that class)
2. Rogue - scout/trap detector/lock-picker
3. Cleric/Druid - healer/divine spellcaster
4. Wizard/Sorcerer - arcane spellcaster
5. Any class

Post here if you want to lay claim to one of those before saturday.

Just get an idea of what you want, we will build them on Saturday.

I will be e-mailing you all a couple of documents that will help you prep.
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Tuesday, March 29th, 2005

Posted by:grnerd.
Time:11:22 am.
OK, here is the deal for the NWN game on Saturday. The module I have picked is for a party of 3-5 players. So far I think that means Ray and Eli, Jason, Rich, and possibly Chris or another buddy of mine. If I missed someone, let me know.

The module will start everyone out at 4th level, and give you the appropriate gold for that starting level, and there will be a merchant available to purchase gear and supplies.

Start thinking about your characters, and I suggest the party have at least a cleric, a rouge and a mage. Alignment is flexible, but in order for you to finish, there needs to be at least one good aligned character in the party.

As far as I am concerned, we can start as early as you want. I am not sure how much play time is in this module, but the download says 8-12 hours. We don't have to do it all in one shot, so I figured we can play it by ear.

Any questions?
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Thursday, March 24th, 2005

Posted by:ellzie.
Time:3:39 pm.
Mood: blank.
Okay, you guys.
I've been really busy lately. School, job hunting, family shit that alex's parents constantly wanting me to stay home with them, and other few reasons.
SO, i'm sorry to say that I will be quitting.

Ray, i will dig through my whole entire house for your die and find some way to get it back to you.

Aja and Joe, if you guys ever decide to make a new campaign, email me, eh?

and i'm sure some of you are quite happy about this.

*hugs to all* I'll see you guys when I see you.
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Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005

Subject:Good Friday
Posted by:grnerd.
Time:12:54 pm.
I have this friday off, and while all of the good christians are at church I was wondering if anyone else wanted to come over and playtest NWN. Nothing really organized, just to give me a chance to work with the DM client.
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