Papers by fatih öner kaya
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, Dec 1, 2012
The Shipley-2 (Shipley, Gruber, Martin, & Klein, 2009) is a revised and restandardized version of... more The Shipley-2 (Shipley, Gruber, Martin, & Klein, 2009) is a revised and restandardized version of the Shipley Institute of Living Scale (Shipley, 1940), a brief yet robust measure of cognitive functioning and impairment. Like the previous version, the Shipley-2 assesses crystallized ability, which is gained through education and experience, and fluid cognitive ability, which is the capacity to use logic to learn and acquire new information or solve problems, as two distinct aspects of cognitive ability. According to Shipley et al.(2009),“ ...
SHS Web of Conferences, 2016
European Urology Supplements, Nov 1, 2012

The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of resistance training with elastic bands on... more The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of resistance training with elastic bands on strike force at the martial art of Taekwondo. During the study, 24 Taekwondo athletes were randomly but homogenously classified into three groups. In 2 of these groups elastic bands (Uguralp® Istanbul-Turkey) with different elasticity levels were utilized while the 3 rd group remained as the control group. The 1 st group used a kind of elastic band with (n=8):1.5 m stress value and 7.25 kg impact value which was particularly designed for the sport of Taekwondo (Type 1 band); the 2 nd group used a kind of elastic band with (n=8):1.5 m stress and 14.5 kg impact value (Type 2 band); and the 3 rd group did not used any elastic bands and maintained their usual Taekwondo training schedule. Each of these groups went on with their training which comprised of a 6-week training period for 3 days a week with 90 minutes a day covering the same number of strikes and techniques. During the pre-and post-training periods of the 6-week long training period, the variations of impact force of the participants were measured for Palding chagi (roundhouse kick), Dollyo chagi (turning kick) and aeryo chagi (downward kick). In order to realize the measurements, Herman Digital Trainer®, which measures and records the impact of a preselected number of hits, was utilized. As a result, it was established that resistance training sessions conducted with elastic bands have positive effects on strike force of Taekwondo athletes (p< .05). The same way, it was observed that through 2 different elastic bands better results were obtained for the members of the 2 nd group (p<.05).

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2016
The aim of this study is to investigate vertebral body bone mineral density (BMD) changes followi... more The aim of this study is to investigate vertebral body bone mineral density (BMD) changes following posterolateral fusion with transpedicular screw fixation using quantitative computerized tomography (QCT) in short and relatively long-term periods. A retrospective study was performed to investigate vertebral body BMD changes in the patients who underwent posterolateral fusion with transpedicular screw fixation at thoracic and lumbar spine. A total of 160 patients were enrolled into the study. According to the follow-up period, patients were divided into two subgroups (group 1, early follow-up, mean follow-up period, 279.3±162.3 days and group 2, later follow-up, mean follow-up period, 969.1±274.2 days). The trabecular BMDs (mg/cm³) were measured from T12 to L5 as screw free levels by using QCT measurement software. Comparisons between preoperative and postoperative BMD values were assessed using paired t-test. The mean postoperative BMD values of both group 1 and 2 weresignificantly lower, compared with the preoperative values (79.2±31.3mg/cm³ vs. 91.5±31.4mg/cm(3), 76.1±25.5mg/cm(3) vs. 89.3±30.4mg/cm(3), p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001 and p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001, respectively). There was no significant correlation between BMD loss and number of fused segments. Vertebral BMD loss was significantly higher in the L3 vertebra when located caudally to the operation site than when located cranially (-27.7±19.8% vs. -12.8±27.1%; p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.01). The vertebral body BMD values are decreased at the adjacent of the posterolateral fusion with transpedicular screw fixation levels in both cephalad and caudad sides at an average of 9-months-follow-up postoperatively. This BMD loss persisted, but not worsened at an average of 32-months-follow-up. Vertebral BMD loss was significantly higher in the L3 vertebra when located caudally versus cranially to the surgery site.
European Urology Supplements, Oct 31, 2012

Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 2003
Kuvvet a/r;umleri oncesi yapllacak uyum ve a/I~ma evresinin kuvvet a/r;um/erine etkisini smamak a... more Kuvvet a/r;umleri oncesi yapllacak uyum ve a/I~ma evresinin kuvvet a/r;um/erine etkisini smamak amac/ ile yap/Ian bu ara~t/rmaya, B.E.S. YO' unda okuyan 30 sagl/kli erkek denek katllm/$ ve denekler 6-3 tekrar ve kontro/ grubu a/mak uzere 3 gruba aynlml$lardlr. 6 tekrar grubu, test aracmda 4 gun bayunca gunde 6, toplamda da 24 tekrar, aym $ekilde 3 tekrar grubu gunde 3, taplamda 12 tekrar yapm/$tJr. Kantrol grubuna test aracmda hir;bir $ekilde tekrar yaptmlmaml$llr. Bu r;al/$manm·sonur;lan goslermi$tir ki; 6 tekrar grubunun on test ve son test alr;umleri arasmda istatistiksel ay/dan an/ami/ fark bulunmu$tur ( z= -2,490; p<0,05). Buna benzer 3 tekrar grubunda da on test ve son test 61yumleri arasmda istatistiksel ay/dan anlamll fark bulunmu$tur (z= -2,934; P<o, 05). YapJlan Mann Whitney U analizine gore 3 tekrar grubu sonur;/an kontrol grubundan istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir $ekilde farklJd/r (z= -2,024; p<0,05). Sonur; olarak kuvvet testleri ancesi lest aracmda 4 gun boyunca gunde 3 toplamda 12 tekrar yapma, test sonuylannm daha guvenilir olmasl y6nunde katkJlar saglayacag/ bulunmu$tur. Bu sonuylar derinlemesine tartJ$IIIP yorumlanmaya r;all$llm/$tlr.

In this study, the effects of 3-month fitness activities on body composition of sedentaries were ... more In this study, the effects of 3-month fitness activities on body composition of sedentaries were investigated. 3-month cardio exercises (45/60 min: 10 min warm-up + stretching, 25 min treadmill, 15 min cycling, 10 min cross, 7 min cooling + stretching) were applied to 299 sedentary individuals (206 men, 93 women) ongoing to Life Gym Fitness and Lifestyle Centre operating in Istanbul in the line of the purpose of the study. Analysis related to body composition was done with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method for 3 times in a time interval of 3-month. Lean Body Mass (LBM) kg, Soft Lean Mass (SLM) kg, Total Body Water (TBW) kg and Percent of Body Fat (PBF) % were detected with the body composition analysis done using BIA method. The status of participants' medical histories and the levels of participation in and readiness to physical activity were observed during the process. The assessments were made by age groups for both sexes. Descriptive statistics techniques in data analysis and variance analysis for repeated measures were used. As a result of the study, it was observed that 3-month fitness activities made positive impacts on body composition parameters of sedentaries. It was seen that changes in men were more dramatic, at the same time, the maximum change was in the age group of 25-44 and the minimum change was in the age group of 45-64 in both sexes. As a result, it was again recorded in this study that continuation to regular physical activity had positive results in terms of both genders and all age groups.

Eating habits of individuals, especially income level, culture, and so on may vary depending on t... more Eating habits of individuals, especially income level, culture, and so on may vary depending on the variables. The purpose of this research, members of healthy living and sports center to investigate eating habits according to income level. The aim was prepared according to the survey, were applied members of two different sports and the life center (62 men, 44 women) at the European side of İstanbul. The survey results were analyzed by SPSS 14.0 statistical program. Cronbach's alpha coefficient to determine the reliability of the questionnaire, the frequency and percent of surveyed members to determine the demographic characteristics of descriptive statistics, the income level of members' eating habits according to the chi-square (χ2) test and Independent samples t-test have been employed to compare.In conclusion, the study of eating habits are similar to those of members according to income levels, differentiation was found to be related to the use of alcohol. Low-and high-income members to consume less oil, margarine and canola oil has been concluded.

The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of resistance training with elastic bands on... more The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of resistance training with elastic bands on strike force at the martial art of Taekwondo. During the study, 24 Taekwondo athletes were randomly but homogenously classified into three groups. In 2 of these groups elastic bands (Uguralp® Istanbul-Turkey) with different elasticity levels were utilized while the 3 rd group remained as the control group. The 1 st group used a kind of elastic band with (n=8):1.5 m stress value and 7.25 kg impact value which was particularly designed for the sport of Taekwondo (Type 1 band); the 2 nd group used a kind of elastic band with (n=8):1.5 m stress and 14.5 kg impact value (Type 2 band); and the 3 rd group did not used any elastic bands and maintained their usual Taekwondo training schedule. Each of these groups went on with their training which comprised of a 6-week training period for 3 days a week with 90 minutes a day covering the same number of strikes and techniques. During the pre-and post-training periods of the 6-week long training period, the variations of impact force of the participants were measured for Palding chagi (roundhouse kick), Dollyo chagi (turning kick) and aeryo chagi (downward kick). In order to realize the measurements, Herman Digital Trainer®, which measures and records the impact of a preselected number of hits, was utilized. As a result, it was established that resistance training sessions conducted with elastic bands have positive effects on strike force of Taekwondo athletes (p< .05). The same way, it was observed that through 2 different elastic bands better results were obtained for the members of the 2 nd group (p<.05).
United European Gastroenterology Journal, 2015
Background: The ERAP1 gene cleaves the receptors and reduces their ability to transmit chemical s... more Background: The ERAP1 gene cleaves the receptors and reduces their ability to transmit chemical signals to the cell that affect the process of inflammation and, secondly, it cleaves many types of proteins into small peptides that are recognized by the immune system.

Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, Jan 14, 2014
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disease characterized by dysregulation of T cells.... more Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disease characterized by dysregulation of T cells. Programmed death (PD) 1 and programmed death 1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) are cosignaling molecules, and the major role of the PD-1 pathway is the inhibition of self-reactive T cells and to protect against autoimmune diseases. We measured levels of serum soluble PD 1 (sPD-1) and serum soluble PD-L1 (sPD-L1) in 67 patients with ITP (24 newly diagnosed ITP [ndITP], 43 chronic ITP [cITP]) and 21 healthy controls (HCs). We determined decreased serum sPD-1 levels both in patients with ndITP and in patients with cITP when compared to HC. Moreover, there was a positive correlation between sPD-1 levels and platelet counts. The sPD-L1 levels were decreased in patients with ndITP when compared to patients with cITP. This is the first study investigating PD-1 signaling pathway in ITP. Decreased sPD-1 levels may have a role in ITP pathogenesis as without the inhibitory regulation of PD-1, sustained activatio...

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Physical activity level (PAL) is an important factor to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle ... more Physical activity level (PAL) is an important factor to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle along the whole life cycle. The children and adolescent period is the critical time to acquire positive lifestyle habits. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of both high school entrance exam (HSEE) and parental behaviors on habitual PAL of students during the preparation of this exam. Totally 319 Elementary School students (154 girls, 165 boys) between ages of 11-13 were selected randomly for this study. PAL of students were evaluated by using the Beacke Physical Activity Questionnaires. There were a no significant differences between attendance and non attendance to extra courses for HSEE in terms of word activity (WA), sport activity (SA), and leisure activity (LA) scores (p<.05) among the students. It was shown that regular physical activity attendance of mothers plaid a significant role in LA scores (p≤.03) among the students. However, WA, and SA scores of students were not affected from their mother's habitual activities (p<.05). On the other hand, there were significant differences in WA, and SA according to father's regular physical activity attendance (p≤.01).As a conclusion, parental habitual physical activity level played an important role in high score of student's LA. It is recommended to monitor and promote parental physical activity.

International Urology and Nephrology, 2014
Currently, the most widely used method of treatment of urinary tract stones is extracorporeal sho... more Currently, the most widely used method of treatment of urinary tract stones is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (SWL). Patient and stone characteristics are important for SWL success. We evaluated noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT) characteristics of urinary tract stones for the prediction of SWL success. Records of patients who underwent NCCT before SWL treatment between January 2008 and June 2012 were retrospectively evaluated. Demographic data were recruited from patient files. Hounsfield units (HU), stone size and skin-to-stone distance (SSD) were measured on NCCT. After serial measurements of the highest HU value (HUmax) and lowest HU value (HUmin), HU value was calculated as the average of these two values (HUave). These parameters were compared between successful [stone-free (SF) group] and unsuccessful [residual fragment (RF) group] cases after SWL. A total of 254 patients, 113 kidney stones and 141 ureteral stones, were evaluated. Mean age was 51.0±14.6 (18-87) years, and mean stone size was 10.9±3.7 mm. Stone diameter, HUmax, HUmin and HUave were significantly lower in SF group when compared with RF group for both kidney and ureteral stones (p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.05). We also found that SSD for kidney stones was predictive for SWL success. We suggest that HUmax, HUmin and HUave values are significant predictors of SWL success for both kidney and ureteral stones. They might be used in daily clinical practice for patient counselling.
Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 2015
Background: Prolactinoma is the most common adult pituitary adenoma. Survivin is a member of the ... more Background: Prolactinoma is the most common adult pituitary adenoma. Survivin is a member of the family of inhibitors of apoptosis proteins. Its expression is observed in many tumors. Survivin expression has shown in prolactinoma tissue before but no study exists showing serum survivin level. The aim of the present study was to investigate serum survivin levels in patients with prolactinoma and demonstrate its value in diagnosis of the disease.
Medicine Science | International Medical Journal, 2013
Case Reports in Medicine, 2013
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2014
Papers by fatih öner kaya