Patient Education Library

The Gout Education Society is pleased to offer a wide range of resources to help patients better understand and manage their gout. Materials can be downloaded free-of-charge, and printed copies of many materials are also available in English and Spanish.

To order printed copies (shipped free to those within the United States), click here, or contact [email protected].

Patient Brochures

This brochure provides the latest information about gout, including lifestyle, diet and treatment options. To order printed copies for your practice, click here.

This brochure provides the latest information about gout and the importance of uric acid testing. Learn more about working with your physician to get your uric acid checked and to keep your gout under control.

Patient Tracker

Gout is linked to many serious health issues, so help your patients keep track of other healthy benchmarks – like blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate – with this helpful, easy-to-use score card! Score cards are available for download or printed copies are available by clicking here.


This infographic poster provides six quick facts about gout and hyperuricemia, and offers a few easy-to-remember suggestions for controlling your gout. Printed copies are available by clicking here.

Hang this poster in your practice to provide patients with quick facts and information about gout. The poster is available in both English and Spanish. To order printed copies, click here.

Display this poster in your office to educate patients about the importance of knowing their sUA number and keeping it below 6.0 mg/dL.

Comorbidities Brochure Series

This educational brochure series provides information about the link between gout and other serious health issues. Learn more about:

Gout Fact Sheets

Do you have questions about gout? Click on the fact sheets below for more information. Printed copies are available for all gout fact sheets. Click here to order.

Additional Online Resources


Find a Gout Specialist


Gout Cartoons

Check out this months featured gout cartoons, inked by artist Shaun Boland.

Education Library Resources - Take a Stand on Gout- Implications of the ACR Guidelines for Gout Management

Gout Education Library

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Gout Education Survey

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