allo nice community here.
I also am from mass. lynn to be exact.
Now I am trapped within nashua
I have a black/symphonic/orchestra metal band we lack now a female vocalist/keyboard player and a 2nd guitartist.
If any know of any who can fill that who live in nashua or near it please inform me.
here is a song I decided to post I guess it maybe a good intro here.
The gates as old as the earth they rest in
Bar the way for even the most devout
A peace most tranquil within
where the spirits of the trapped drift about
Rest is all they want
but they have yet to understand
that they are to linger and haunt
for they were inhumed in acursed land
at thier sides none to pray or weep
and none to learn
that though the have died they do not sleep
between the two we living have yet to discern
A wanderer lost in this lightless shell of black
Shadow-wights at his back
The midnight fantasy flows through the vein
Behold what they do not see
thier loved ones are also gone
but together they have yet to be
and that Is why I sing this song
Thier names we have forgot
none carved unto stone
They lost all for which they have fought
left to wander thier plot alone
I live with and comfort those departed there
holding them with a hand through thier hair
Calming despair with A heart and care for those forgotten