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The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

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Free Sticker Day! [Nov. 2nd, 2010|09:24 am]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

Free Sticker Day!

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(no subject) [Sep. 11th, 2010|01:08 pm]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth


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Surprise! [Aug. 5th, 2010|11:33 am]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth


Surprise rise in jobless claims casts pall on economy

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(no subject) [Mar. 6th, 2009|08:21 pm]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

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Props [Feb. 13th, 2009|02:14 pm]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

A hat tip to the 7 House Democrats who voted against the bill, today.

House passes Obama's economic stimulus bill

Shame on the rest.

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Hey, Colorado Voters! [Oct. 15th, 2008|09:46 am]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

[mood |pissed offpissed off]

Many of my fellow Coloradoans have heard about Mike Coffman's shady dealings surrounding the upcoming election. Well, guess what? I have discovered that some of the new voters I registered this year are not showing up on the rolls.


Everybody, please make sure you are registered. Tell others to do the same. Here is the link:
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Fighting Back [Sep. 10th, 2008|04:55 pm]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

I am disgusted by the GOP's tactics as of late--it's had me depressed. Well, no more; I will not take this shit lying down; I am empowering myself to keep the message of change alive.

And so, I plan to record my efforts and activities election-related until the big day.

On Defense: I showed a video of McCain saying "lipstick on a pig" while talking about Sen. Clinton's policies to everyone at work.

On Offense: I registered three new (pro-Obama) voters today, coworkers all.

I'm making a difference, goddammit. I'm active and I'm informed. And I'm willing to shout down anyone who's got the wrong information. Suck my dick, Karl Rove.
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It's easy to write a letter to the Governor ... [Sep. 8th, 2008|10:41 pm]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

[mood |angryangry]

... and here's why you should.

Dear Gov. Ritter,

It is my understanding that the Secretary of State's office has recently conducted an unprecendented purge of registered voters, removing fully one-fifth of voters registered in Colorado from the rolls. These voters are overwhelmingly low-income and minority voters who are likely to vote Democratic. With Colorado being a "swing state" in an election year, the timing of this move makes it difficult to believe that it is not a partisan move by Republican Secretary of State Coffman to move the state's electoral votes into the Republican column in November. As a Democrat, a veteran, a Coloradoan, and an American, I urge you to ensure that the upcoming election gives a fair voice to all the voters of our great state.

Daniel Dvorkin

It's not just Colorado, of course; Florida, Ohio, and New Mexico are other states notably undergoing such purges. Now, what do all these states have in common? Hmmm, let me think ...

(x-posted to danielmedic and peacevets)
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Why we need unions [Sep. 4th, 2008|10:05 am]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

[mood |impressedimpressed]

This may be the single best argument I've ever read for the place of unions in the modern economy.

"[M]y employer has several floors of lawyers -- how many do I have?" Bingo.

(x-posted to danielmedic)
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Biden Time [Aug. 23rd, 2008|09:18 am]
The Spooky Pundit Society: One Nation, Under Goth

I'm basically agreeing with flemco on his selection as Veep. However, I can see some of the reasoning.

1. He's going to eat Mitt Romney's lunch in the debates
2. He's generally recognized as having a good bit of foreign policy experience, which is one of Obama's weaker areas

Basically, folks who were strongly or moderately pro-Obama won't be put off by his selection; from an electability standpoint, Biden's presence appeals to folks that weren't already on board.
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