I have spent a lot of time watching several gothic communities here on LiveJournal, and I've noticed something interesting about almost all of them: most of the pictures posted by members are of your typical waif draped in velvet and vinyl. There's certainly nothing wrong with that, and those women are often quite beautiful, in their own way...but what about the rest of us?
I started this community for the more voluptuous among us, those of us who can actually fill out our corsets--and then some ;)
This community is also for anyone who prefers a more curvaceous dark beauty--so men are welcome, as well as non-goths with an eye for the dramatic.
IMPORTANT NOTE #1: Although all types of people are welcome in this community, it was created primarily for voluptuous women--of all sizes--from gothic and related subcultures (I wanted to call it "Dangerous Curves", but that name was taken), for discussion of things relevant to the curvier goth and "the scene" in general.
IMPORTANT NOTE #2:gothic_curves is NOT a porn community--we do have minors in here, after all--and it was NOT created to supply you with masturbation material. There are more than enough LiveJournal communities for that without you having to troll this one, I am sure.
(on a related note: if you have applied for membership and been refused, it is most likely because I suspect that's your reason, based on your journal and profile. So...I figure telling you how pointless such a venture would be here on the info page might save both of us the trouble)
1. If you post more than one picture, a particularly large file or photo, an advertisement for a website, community, or auction, a quiz result, or an unusually long post, PLEASE use an LJ-cut. If you don't know how to use an LJ-cut, consult the FAQ. That's what it's there for.
2. This should go without saying, but I'm saying it, anyway: Any photos you post MUST be hosted on your own website or photo host, except where you have permission--that you can prove--to link from someone else's server. Also, the copyright(s) for any images you post must be yours, unless you have explicit permission from the owner of said copyright(s) to post his/her property. In the latter case, it's considered good form to give credit where credit is due.
3. Artistic, tasteful nudity (think "art museum") is okay; pornography is not. Again, this is an all-ages community. If you are not sure what is considered pornography, email me before posting the photo(s) in question. Also, if you are posting any pictures containing nudity, please use an LJ-cut, and make sure you give a "mature content" warning (preferably a fairly specific one) either in the cut text itself or in the body of the post. It should also go without saying that members under the age of eighteen are NOT permitted to post photos containing nudity. You are putting all of us in danger with those posts, and that is very inconsiderate of both me and the other members of the community.
4. Please don't post song lyrics or quiz results here--those things belong in your personal journal. I will make exceptions on a case-by-case basis if the song or quiz is somehow related to the subject matter of this community.
5. No derogatory, insulting, demeaning, or hateful posts or comments, even if they are aimed at yourself. That includes photo posts with remarks like "I'm ugly, but here's my photo anyway. Look if you want to be scared" (because that's just annoying and it makes it seem like you're fishing for compliments).
6. NO WEIGHT-LOSS OR DIET-THEMED POSTS. While our members are a wide range of sizes, gothic_curves is still a plus-size-friendly community which encourages self-acceptance, rather than conforming to society's standards simply because someone else thinks you "should".
1. Auction posts are allowed, but members may only make two posts per auction: one at the beginning, and one just before the end (that's per auction, not per item). If your auction advertisement includes a large image, please put that image behind a descriptive lj-cut.
2. The occasional link to other communities or websites is also acceptable, but only if said communities/sites are related to the subject matter and interests of gothic_curves. All other community advertising should be done in community_promo. And, like with auction promotions, it's a pretty good idea if you also make other contributions to the community, as well,and put any large graphics behind a descriptive cut.
3. By that same token, event or concert promotions are also allowed, with the same rules (large images behind a cut, make other contributions, etc.) as any other type of advertisement.
Feel free to email me if you have any comments or questions. I don't bite, I promise!