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Journal created:
on 30 March 2004 (#2672952)
on 18 February 2006
Posting Access:
All Members

01. This community was created for Jessica Simpson fans to come together and peacefully discuss her current and past projects, and her music.
02. Members of this community are expected to act like mature adults.
03. Posting graphics related to this community is highly enoucouraged. Graphics refers to friends only signs, lj icons, backgrounds, and other original creations.
04. There is absolutely no drama allowed in this community. If you are found to intentionally be causing drama, you will be removed from the community.
05. If you wish to post pictures, please use an lj cut. If you do not know how to use one of these, you can use the rich text mode when writing your entry, or the code can be found in the livejournal FAQs.
06. Promoting is allowed in this community, but only for communities which in some way directly related to Jessica Simpson. If you are discovered to be promoting a community which is not in some way related, you will first be warned and your post will be deleted. For your second offense, you will be banned from the community.
07. Pornographic images are in NO WAY allowed in this community. If you feel the need to post something which contains pornography, please link to wherever the content is hosted. There is no warning for this rule, you will automatically be banned.

If you ever have a question about the community, or you are interested in becoming a moderator yourself, you may contact the moderator by the following methods:
AIM: MellieBellie349
Email: [email protected]
LJ-User: XxMeltyxX

A memberlist is kept in this community, if you don't see your name on this list, then contact the moderator. If you have just joined the community, wait a few days since updates are made every other day.
