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      1980s New ComplexityThe music of Roger Redgate and Brian Ferneyhough
During the 1980s, the Darmstadt Summer Course for composition gave rise to a body of works engaged with the topic of complexity, often referred to under the label “New Complexity.” This complexity involves many aspects, the most... more
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    • 1980s New Complexity
Over the past quarter century, commentators have lamented the lack of detailed discussion of Haydn's opus 50 string quartets. W. Dean Sutcliffe, in his monograph on the quartets, notes that opus 50, "finding itself in the middle of the... more
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      HaydnHaydn String Quartets
, orchestration with Paul Edlin, and theory with Eva Mantzourani, during which time he received the Canterbury Festival Composition Award. In 2006, he received a Master's degree with distinction in composition from Goldsmiths College,... more
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      Notation (Music)1980s New Complexity
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      Benjamin BrittenMeter and Rhythm
Benjamin Britten's vocal music of 1943–1945 represents an apex in the composer's captivation with metric conflict. The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard (1943), the Holy Sonnets of John Donne (1945), and Peter Grimes (1945),... more
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      Benjamin BrittenMeter and Rhythm
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      Benjamin BrittenMeter and Rhythm
Over the past quarter century, commentators have lamented the lack of detailed discussion of Haydn's opus 50 string quartets. W. Dean Sutcliffe, in his monograph on the quartets, notes that opus 50, "finding itself in the middle of the... more
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      MathematicsString theory (Physics)HaydnHaydn String Quartets
The songs of the Tamil saints are integral to ritual worship and musical and cultural practices in London's Tamil Hindu diaspora. Despite being written in the first millennium and detailing sites of pilgrimage in South India and Sri... more
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In this article, I explore the 'Songs of the Saints: Tamil Traditions and New Creativities' collaborative music project that took place in 2016 between London-based Carnatic, or South Indian classical, musicians, two composers... more
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This article examines creative projects amongst second-generation, Tamil diasporic female musicians (focused on British Sri Lankan examples) located within London’s Carnatic music scene. Several scholars have suggested that the... more
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This article explores the digital dissemination of Carnatic-South Indian classical-and Tamil devotional songs, singing and learning in London's Tamil diaspora. Carnatic and Tamil devotional singing are key cultural practices in this... more
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This article examines creative projects amongst second-generation, British Tamil diasporic female musicians (focused on Sri Lankan examples) located within London's Carnatic music scene. Several scholars have suggested that the... more
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      SociologyCreativitySouth Asian DiasporaPhilosophy and Religious Studies
The songs of the Tamil saints are integral to ritual worship and musical and cultural practices in London's Tamil Hindu diaspora. Despite being written in the first millennium and detailing sites of pilgrimage in South India and Sri... more
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This report presents the research findings of an AHRC supported Northern Bridge Research Fellowship project mapping the relationships, policy and practice surrounding traditional music and the rural creative economy in Argyll, Scotland.... more
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    • Sociology
This paper examines the key issues that emerge in the understanding of traditional music as micro-enterprise in the rural creative economy of Argyll and Bute, Scotland. Using evidence from detailed ethnographic fieldwork, with musicians,... more
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      SociologyCreative IndustriesCreative Economy
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      MusicMusic TechnologyComputer MusicElectronic Music
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      Environmental PsychologyMultidisciplinaryCurriculum and Pedagogy
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    • Visual Art
Fax: C44 (0)1803 863569 the fact that their actions increase a public (possibly Organised Sound 4(1): 25-9
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      PhonographySoundscape compositionSound Art