Papers by wesly hutabarat
plantaxia, 2016
xii, 156 p. ; 23 cm

This research aims to develop learning material in the form of colloid learning system module int... more This research aims to develop learning material in the form of colloid learning system module integrated with PjBL model in accordance with curriculum 2013 and to find out the increasing of students learning result after using learning module of colloid system integrated with Project Based Learning (PjBL) system. The type of the study is development research and experiment. It examines how the module of Integrated with Project Based Learning (PjBL) integrated with PjBL model is organized based on curriculum 2013 and the experiment is managed by analyzing the using of the module in senior high school. The study was carried out to the students of 9th grade of SMA Negeri 1 Sunggal and SMA Swasta Muhammadiyah 18 Sunggal school year of 2018/2019 in second semester. The data are examined by using independent sample of T-test by using SPSS 23 program. The result shows that colloid system module integrated with PjBL developed model is valid and appropriate to be used based on BSNP.The score...

Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal, 2021
This study aims to determine the suitability, feasibility, and integration of character and psych... more This study aims to determine the suitability, feasibility, and integration of character and psychomotor in class XI senior high school chemistry practicum guidebooks used in schools with BSNP criteria. This study is a research and development model modified from the Borg & Gall model. In this study, there are 5 stages carried out; The needs analysis stage, the development stage, the validation stage, the revision stage and the product trial. This research trial was conducted at the Satrya Budi Perdagangan private high school, Simalungun regency. The sample in this study was taken by using cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques used BSNP questionnaires, test instrument sheets, character assessment observation sheets, and psychomotor assessment observation sheets. Research result; (2) The innovative chemistry lab guide based on multimedia for class XI Semester II is integrated with character education according to The 2013 curriculum is included in the valid and...

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif inferensial yang bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor-fak... more Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif inferensial yang bertujuan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja guru dan membangun suatu Model teoritik yang dapat menggambarkan hubungan kausal antar variable laten yang mempengaruhi Kinerja Guru SMA Kota Medan. Penelitian dilakukan di 10 SMA Negeri Kota Medan dengan melibatkan 143 responden yang terdiri dari guru-guru mata pelajaran yang telah berpengalaman mengajar minimal 10 tahun dan menerima tunjangan sertifikasi secara berkelanjutan (tidak termasuk guru bimbingan dan penyuluhan). Data budaya organisasi, struktur organisasi, motivasi kerja, dan kepuasan kerja diperoleh dengan mendistribusikan angket bentuk Skala Likert dengan lima pilihan kepada responden. Sedangkan data kinerja diperoleh melalui observasi kinerja guru-guru mata pelajaran ketika sedang mengajar di dalam kelas secara regular. Instrumen penelitian diujicobakan untuk menguji validitas dan reliabilitas masing-masing dengan menggunakan Product Moment da...

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penggunaan Media Animasi Flash dala... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penggunaan Media Animasi Flash dalam pembelajaran kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar kimia pada materi sistem Koloid di SMA Negeri 8 Medan pada kelas XI IPA semester genap tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 8 Medan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara random sampling yakni 2 kelas dimana kelas eksperimen I dibelajarkan dengan STAD dengan Media animasi flash dan kelas eksperimen II dibelajarkan dengan STAD tanpa Media animasi flash. Sebagai alat pengumpul data hasil belajar digunakan tes objektif yang berjumlah 25 soal yang telah teruji validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, dan daya beda soal. Hasil analisis data diperoleh rata-rata nilai Gain belajar kimia kelas eksperimen I 0,6344 ± 0,1300 lebih baik dibandingkan pada kelas eksperimen II diperoleh rata-rata 0,5342 ± 0,1004. Peningkatan Hasil bel...

Abstract. This research aims to know the feasibility of Chemistry Materials for grade eleventh S... more Abstract. This research aims to know the feasibility of Chemistry Materials for grade eleventh SMK in the second semester for acids and bases solution topic that exist today in accordance with BSNP (National Education Standards Beureu); to know the feasibility of Chemistry Materials based chemo edutainment for students grade eleventh SMK in the second semester for acids and bases solution topic in accordance with BSNP (National Education Standards); to know the differences of increase learning outcomes that learned with Chemistry Materials based chemo edutainment for acids and bases solution topic compared than learning outcomes that learned with Chemistry Materials without the development; and to know the differences of increase students motivation learning outcomes that learned with Chemistry Materials based chemo edutainment for acids and bases solution topic compared than students motivation learning outcomes that learned with Chemistry Materials without the development. Th...

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dan inferensial yang ditujukan untuk mencari tahu pen... more Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dan inferensial yang ditujukan untuk mencari tahu pengaruh budaya organisasi, dan struktur organisasi terhadap motivasi kerja guru SMA N di Pemko Medan. Sampel dipilih 128 orang dari sepuluh SMA Negeri. Sebanyak 128 orang guru terpilih sebagai sampel yaitu guru yang telah berpengalaman mengajar paling sedikit 10 di bidangnya dan telah menerima tunjangan sertifikasi secara rutin dan tidak termasuk guru bimbingan dan penyuluhan. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik stratified random sampling technique. Alat pengumpul data digunakan angket dengan 5 opsi pilihan berskala Likert. Kuesioner didistribusikan kepada sampel dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan teknik analisis jalur dengan bantuan SPSS versi 19. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa, koefisien jalur budaya organisasi dan struktur organisasi masing-masing sebesar 0,245, 0,567 dan 0,246. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya organisasi dan struktur organisasi berpengaruh la...
Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2019
Secondary metabolites investigation of local plants, such as Psidium guajava L, Curcuma longa rhi... more Secondary metabolites investigation of local plants, such as Psidium guajava L, Curcuma longa rhizome, Citrus hystrix and Lawsonia intracellularis shown that they have antibacterial activities against Propionibacterium acnes (ATCC 27853) and Staphylococcus epidermis (ATCC 12228) with chloramphenicol as antibiotic controlled. The phytoscreening method used to find out compounds in the plants and inhibition tests carried out by diffuse test with a concentration variation of 10, 5, 2.5 and 1.25 %. It was found that Lawsonia intracellularis plants has the highest inhibitory growth of 17; 12, 15, 14, 12 mm at 10 % concentration.
Characterization of Oil Palm Trunks (OPT) in height rod different OPT that compregnated with poly... more Characterization of Oil Palm Trunks (OPT) in height rod different OPT that compregnated with polystyrene resin modifications have been done, polystyrene resins modified with acrylic acid and benzoyl peroxide incorporated into the OPT pore size 15x2x2 cm3 shaped beam that is placed in the compregnator has been modified with -5 atm pressure for 15 minutes. Based on the tensile tests conducted showed that the optimum mechanical properties of the OPT on the bottom of the stem height. with the addition of 20% resin. Similarly, the thermal properties OPT marked increases with increasing temperature degradation of OPT compregnated modified polystyrene resin at a concentration of 20%. From the above two tests showed that OPT improved quality of prior treatment compregnation, analysis of thermal degradation by using Thermogravimetry
Publikasi ilmiah pendidikan kimia melalui jurnal internasional, Aug 12, 2009

Asian Journal of Social Science Studies, 2018
Investigation of the impact multimedia-based off-line learning towards student motivation and out... more Investigation of the impact multimedia-based off-line learning towards student motivation and outcomes was carried out based on ADDIE model, and the 2013 vocational high school curriculum content standards. It was found that the implementation of the multimedia was highly usefull as a learning device. The population of this study were students of grade XI of a vocational high school 1 in Percut Sei Tuan, Medan Indonesia. The sample selected was 2 classes of the grade XI and classified into experimental and controlled groups which consisted of 36 students respectively. The experimental group was taught by the MAOL and the controlled group taught by web-based adobe flash-based instruction (WAFI) learning approaches. Instruments used to collect data student motivation and outcomes were questionnaires and achievement tests respectively. The Data collected were analyzed with SPSS softwares. The results showed that the student motivation and achievements of the experimental group were sig...

Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019), 2019
The purpose of this research was to observe the influence of practical guide based on the inquiry... more The purpose of this research was to observe the influence of practical guide based on the inquiry approach toward student achievement on the subject of pH scale and the use of indicators. The research was carried out in the chemistry education study program, Universitas Negeri Medan. Before the hypothesis measure test, the normality and homogeneity test was performed first, signed both of distributed samples has normal and homogeneous. The results of the research shown that there was the influence of practical guide based on the inquiry approach toward student achievement on the subject of the pH scale and the use of indicators, the average of the learning result and percentage gain which taught by practical guide based on inquiry approach are 78.74 and 66.9 respectively while the results of learning chemistry and percentage gain taught with conventional practical guide are 73.03 and 59.4, with difference of percentage gain equal to 7.4. The hypothesis in this study was tested by using the right-t-test and hypothesis testing results obtained t count higher than t table with the value, 3.167 higher than 1.669 with level of significance or alpha is 0.05. There was an influence of practical guide based on inquiry approach toward students' achievement on pH scale and use of indicator subjects.

The research was conducted on grade 11 of SMA Negeri 15 Medan,North Sumatera. The effect of probl... more The research was conducted on grade 11 of SMA Negeri 15 Medan,North Sumatera. The effect of problem based learning integrated with cooperativelearning teams games tournament on students’ achievement was investigated inorder to know the significance difference between students’ achievement in 1th experimental class and 2experimental class using problem based learning model.The populations were all of the students in grade 11nd SMA Negeri 15 Medan andsamples selected by purposive random sampling techniques. As many as 20validated multiple choice questions used to measure students’ achievement andobservation sheet used to measure lesson materials. Pretest used to determinestudent background knowledge. Afterward, teaching treatment was carried outtoward both 1st experimental and 2ndth experimental classes. The last step is to carryout posttest for both of the classes. Data collected were analyzed by SPSS -17 forwindows. Results showed that there was a positive effect of problem based l...

Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2018), 2018
Problem Based Learning (PBL) is one of the cooperative learning models that is often used today. ... more Problem Based Learning (PBL) is one of the cooperative learning models that is often used today. To provide the best results, research is needed with PBL learning models assisted by instructional media that are easy and attract students to understand the material. This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model assisted by Prezi media with the Prezi-assisted Direct Instruction Learning model on student learning outcomes in colloidal material. The research will be conducted in MAN 2 Medan Model. The method used in this study is quasi experiment. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling technique and obtained a sample consisting of experimental classes which were taught by PBL learning models assisted by media prezi and control classes which were taught with Direct Assistance-assisted media prezi models. The research instrument in the study consisted of 25 test questions in the form of multiple choice questions, which had previously been through validation tests, difficulty level tests, different power tests, and reliability tests. Then the data is analyzed by calculating homogeneity and normality. And the research hypothesis was tested using 2-way ANAVA statistical test. The results obtained are the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model assisted by Prezi media with the Preziassisted Direct Instruction Learning model on student learning outcomes in colloidal material.

The development of electrochemical sensor for the determination of urea is needed as a strategy t... more The development of electrochemical sensor for the determination of urea is needed as a strategy to obtain an accurate analytical instrument. It is known that the concentration of urea in the body fluid is a key indicator for some diseases such as kidney problem, coronary heart diseases, and stroke. Therefore, a sensitive analytical instrument for the determination of urea is compulsory in the laboratory for fast and accurate assay. The aim of this research is to develop an electrochemical sensor in a potentiometric method for the determination of urea. The research was carried out by constructing of a sensing device selective for urea through immobilization of enzyme urease in the electrode surface, followed by interfacing of an working electrode with a potentiometer as instrument transducer, and the optimization of the urea sensor. The research results showed that immobilization of urease onto the surface of wolfram (W) wire has successfully done by using of poly vinyl alcohol (PVA...

Buku ini ditulis sebagai pedoman dalam rangka mengukur kinerja guruprofessional baik di sekolah d... more Buku ini ditulis sebagai pedoman dalam rangka mengukur kinerja guruprofessional baik di sekolah dasar, menengah pertama dan menengah atas gunamembangun kinerja guru di tempat kerjanya. Dengan perkembangan teknologi informatika (technological information atau IT) dan internet yang sangat cepat memasuki dunia pendidikan, maka dapat dilihat betapa besarnya pengaruh IT dan Internet mempengaruhi dunia pendidikan terutama dalam proses pembelajaran disemua tingkatan persekolahan di Indonesia. Peningkatan Kinerja guru dapat dilihat dari peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang sedikit banyaknyadipengaruhi perkembangan IT dan internet tersebut. Dengan masuknya IT dan internet ke dalam jejaring pendidikan dengan segera merubah budaya organisasi sekolah dari budaya non-IT ke budaya IT dimana siswa dibekali dengan pengetahuan internet untuk mengakses berbagai bidang studi ilmu pengetahuan terbau. Sehingga pengaruh budaya organisai sekolah mempengaruhi kinerja guru. Guru dituntut untuk dapat menggun...

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi pening... more Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dengan media power point pada pokok bahasan Struktur Atom di SMA Negeri 1 Pegajahan. Penelitian menggunakan dua kelas sampel yaitu satu kelas eksperimen (kelas XA) yang diajar dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dengan bantuan media power point dan satu kelas kontrol (kelas XB) dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional dengan bantuan media power point. Peningkatan hasil belajar kimia siswa diketahui dari kemampuan siswa dalam mengerjakan tes hasil belajar dalam bentuk tes objektif sebelum dan sesudah proses pembelajaran. Tes objektif diujicobakan sebanyak 30 soal kepada siswa kelas XI dan diperoleh 20 soal yang valid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan Struktur Atom yang menggunakan model kooperatif tipe NHT dengan bantuan med...

Abstract. Introduction of Weber’s organizational structure into Indonesian Educational system sin... more Abstract. Introduction of Weber’s organizational structure into Indonesian Educational system since the Dutch colonial resulted in a difficult time. The use of Weber ‘s organizational structure had made it difficult for teachers to make decisions concerning with schools facilities, curriculum, and student recruitment. The school principals usually had to wait for sometimes from their superintendents to make decisions concerning with school facilities, curriculum and student recruitments. Introduction of School based management into Indonesian Educational system since 2003 has made a great impact on teacher job satisfaction and job-performance. Recent studies showed that 57.30% of school based management directly contributed to job satisfaction and indirectly 11.10% contributed to job satisfaction through work motivation. Further investigation reported that total effect of school based management toward job-satisfaction and job-performance were 48.4% and 30.8% respectively. It...
Papers by wesly hutabarat