Papers by Laurie Schintler

… Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Jan 1, 1998
AbstractÐThis paper presents a dynamic model that characterizes the changing states of trac volum... more AbstractÐThis paper presents a dynamic model that characterizes the changing states of trac volumes, design capacities, and pavement conditions in a transportation network's major commuting arteries. It also portrays the evolution of two system-wide eectsÐtotal vehicle miles travelled (VMT) and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissionsÐand accounts for lagged adjustments in travel behavior in its disequilibrium formulation. The model can be employed in optimal control exercises to determine what steps ought to be taken, when and where, and by how much in order to achieve planning objectives. Speci®cally, the model can be used to determine optimal combinations of trac demand management measures, lane widening, and highway maintenance for achieving desired peak-period congestion levels, reducing VMT and VOC emissions to levels mandated by the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), and keeping pavement conditions at acceptable serviceability ratings. Information on intertemporal tradeos between planning objectives, now required by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Eciency Act (ISTEA), is generated in solutions to such exercises. We discuss how the model can be operationalized and illustrate its practicability with a small empirical example. #
Networks and Spatial …, Jan 1, 2005
10 408 8900 Fax: +31(0)10 408 9031 Please send questions and/or remarks of nonscientific nature t... more 10 408 8900 Fax: +31(0)10 408 9031 Please send questions and/or remarks of nonscientific nature to [email protected].
Transport Reviews, Jan 1, 2000
Women form an increasingly large proportion of both the populations of the US and of European cou... more Women form an increasingly large proportion of both the populations of the US and of European countries. This, together with the changing role of women in modern society, has important potential implications for transport policy. Looked at from the micro level, women ...
Papers by Laurie Schintler