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The concept of “multispeed integration”is a re-occurring theme, evoked periodically by both supporters and opponents of deeper integration, when the consensus on the speed and direction of the integration was weak. This also leads to a... more
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      European integrationEuropean UnionVisegrad GroupVisegrad cooperation
As a result of various crises, the European Union (EU) witnessed the rise of Eurosceptic and/or populist parties in its member states. However, the link between Euroscepticism and populism remains under-theorized, and the East-Central... more
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      MigrationPopulismEuropean UnionRule of Law
Democratic backsliding has definitely become a trend in the Visegrád countries with Hungary and Poland leading the charge. We compared the V4 countries from various aspects in 2018.
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      European UnionMediaRule of LawDemocracy
Europe’s populists routinely channel subversive Russian propaganda and help erode Europeans’ trust in the EU, NATO, and liberal democratic politics at large. Some of them even have financial ties to the Kremlin. This paper provides an... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulismEuropean UnionRussia
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A clientelistic network of media ownership plays a significant role in the unprecedented media capture in Hungary. The government wields power informally, using powerful individuals and companies aligned with Fidesz to silence critical... more
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      European UnionMediaRule of LawDemocracy
This paper is a reflection on Zsolt Boda's essay on "Polarization and the disintegration of the polity. Reflections on populism and the future of liberal democracies". He is discussing two specific consequences of populist politics,... more
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Populism in CEE teaches us amidst the ongoing pandemic crisis, the democratic public is seeking policy changes that give them hope for a brighter future. Left unmet due to the economic downturn, their demands could evolve into pressure... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismEuropean UnionDemocracyPoland
This paper provides a nuanced picture of demo­cratic backsliding in Hungary and Poland by analyzing the uncodified, informally enforced interactions of the Fidesz and PiS governments that create an uneven playing field to their benefit.... more
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      Hybrid SystemsEuropean UnionPolitical CorruptionPoland
The aim of this policy paper is threefold. Besides explaining the linkage between Euroscepticism and populism in Hungary and Poland, my goal is to put these cases into comparison with Western (Italian, French) examples. By zooming into... more
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      PopulismEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean UnionFrance
The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) educational organization and does not take institutional positions on any issues. The views expressed here are those of the author(s).
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      Political SciencePolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulismEuropean Union
Hungary and Poland have seen the most widespread erosion of democracy in the European Union since Fidesz and Law and Justice started their authoritarian remaking in 2010 and 2015, respectively. Despite the EU's introduction of various... more
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      Rule of LawElectionsEuropean Union PoliticsPoland
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      European UnionMediaRule of LawDemocracy
Hungary and Poland have seen the most widespread erosion of democracy in the European Union since Fidesz and Law and Justice started their authoritarian remaking in 2010 and 2015, respectively. Despite the EU's introduction of various... more
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      LawRule of LawDemocracyElections
In a new MapInfluenCE paper, Edit Zgut-Przybylska analyzes the link between the clientelistic hybrid regime built by Viktor Orbán‘s Hungary and Budapest’s burgeoning ties with China. The paper argues that while the Eastern Opening... more
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      PopulismChinaPolitical CorruptionAuthoritarianism
The subject of the thesis is to track the provision of Europeanness justification by capitals of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, whereas the justification is concentrated in less spatial, but slightly more temporal duties based on the... more
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      Russian StudiesNationalism
Presented Master thesis reveals transformation of Lithuania's foreign policy under framework of Eastern Partnership programme in 2009-2014, thus assessing, whether Lithuania's foreign policy has experienced a shift from small state policy... more
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      European Foreign PolicyEastern PartnershipEuropeanisationSmall States
The article addresses Lithuania’s foreign policy vis-à-vis the Eastern Partnership programme in 2009–2014 from the perspective of small states’ abilities to influence decision- making processes within the European Union. The author aims... more
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      InfluenceEuropean UnionEastern PartnershipSmall State Studies
The article addresses Lithuania’s foreign policy vis-à-vis the Eastern Partnership programme in 2009-2014 from the perspective of small states’ abilities to influence decision making processes within the European Union. The author aims at... more
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      InfluenceEuropean UnionEastern PartnershipSmall State Studies