Year End Appeal 2020
“Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.”
YOU can be a hero and make a difference in someone’s life so they can eat safely. In fact, you are already a hero to GIG. Because of you, GIG is strong. We are forging ahead with our new mission:
Making life easier for everyone living gluten-free.
Together, we’ve accomplished so much in 2020. Because of your support, this year GIG:
CELEBRATED community heroes like Christine, a physical therapist who volunteered to work in the COVID unit of her hospital. Working long hours in often harrowing situations has been taking its toll on healthcare workers. After we gifted GFCO certified gluten-free treats to over 100 front-line heroes, we heard back that this small gesture lifted spirits. Small kindnesses can have big impacts in someone’s moment of need.
ADVOCATED for all gluten-free consumers with the food industry by contributing vital information about gluten-free food safety to industry publications; conducted a study on the safety of yeast; rebranded our certification marks to minimize consumer confusion; and spoke with industry leaders about the importance of transparency in labeling. Our advocacy makes life easier for everyone living gluten-free.
REACHED out to our community in new ways, like sponsoring a community expo. We were able to make difficult days a little easier for young people living gluten-free through virtual activities. All in all the GIG community grew 50% demonstrating a strong need for resources during these trying times. GIG was considered an essential work force for the food industry. Our auditing team was strained to meet the COVID safety requirements while making sure foods were safe. During this time, we certified more products like Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and Oreos, and validated safe spots like the Mayo Clinic, more ways we are making life easier for everyone living gluten-free.
EDUCATED tens of thousands of people, in a socially distant way. We’ve made it easier for people to access the information and support they need for their gluten-free lives through virtual support meetings, a virtual education series, the launch of three new websites with a GFCO product search and GFFS restaurant finder, and a new guide to living gluten-free.
SUPPORTED countless individuals and families through our support group activities, like Jenny, a young woman recently diagnosed with celiac disease. She found that the support of a GIG group was just the motivation she needed to go back to school to become an RDN. She made a commitment to help others in a year when social support was more important than ever.
While we celebrated many wins this year, we couldn’t have done it without your support. We also had some tough conversations – particularly around the racial and socio-economic disparities we recognize are a growing problem in the gluten-free community. While many people who are living gluten-free are able to get the products they need to improve and maintain their health, there are many more underserved populations who struggle to get access to safe foods. GIG CARES is our core values, and we commit to making a difference!
Help us launch our new GIG CARES program in 2021.

With your gift of $25 today, you will help us
support underserved and food insecure consumers.
For your gift, we’ll send you this reusable tote
bag to fill with GFCO certified gluten-free groceries!
Help us make significant change in 2021 and beyond. Together, let’s solve the problem of disparities in people’s access to safe foods.
We’re on a meaningful mission – making life easier for everyone living gluten-free… won’t you join us?
Contribute to GIG today. We thank you for your ongoing support!
P.S. Be a hero to all people living gluten-free. Great things really DO start with you.