- Access Teams via the O365 App Launcher.

- Click on Teams
Teams can help you to share information and collaborate e.g. using Class Teams or Staff Teams.
2. Click on Teams
3. When the Teams screen opens click on Join or create a team at the bottom left of the screen.

4. Click on Create team.
This is where you will see the different types of Teams that are available: Class, PLC, Staff and Anyone.

5. Select Classes to create a space for teachers and students to collaborate on group projects.
6. Give your Class Team a name and description. (Description is optional)
7. Click on Next.
8. You can Add people to the Class Team at this stage. Start typing a name to choose a group, distribution list or person at your school.

9. There is a tab to add Students and one to add Teachers. Type in their name and click on the correct user or group to select, click Add.
10. Select Skip if you want to add members later as you can do this at any time.Teachers are owners of class teams, and students participate as members by default but this can be changed.
11. Click on Close when you have finished and your Team will be created.
A Class Team is private and you can add and change membership at any time.