Manage Membership Options #
To access the Class Team settings click on the … symbol next to the Class team name.
This is where you can get access the Manage team settings to Add members, Get a link to team and Generate Team code.
Class Teams are Private, meaning you’ll have to add the people or groups you want on the team.
NOTE: It is useful to add more than one staff member or a co-teacher to the team to ensure continuity if someone is absent or leaves a school/establishment and to assist with moderation.
You can manage membership of your Class Team in a number of ways outlined below.
* Please note that School Data Sync (SDS) is not currently enabled in Glow.
If a Team owner is moving establishments they should ensure their Teams are handed over to an appropriate staff member before they leave.

Using Join Codes #
Join codes allow you to issue a code to allow members to quickly and easily join your Team.
Create a code #
If you’re a team owner, go to the team name and click More options > Manage team. Select the Settings tab > Team code > Generate. Click Copy. Share the code with your invitees however you choose—send the code to a single person via chat or write it on a white board for a whole room full of people.
Use a code to join a team #
Click Teams on the left side of the app, then click Join or create a team at the bottom of your teams list.
Go to Join a team with a code, paste the code in the Enter code box, and click Join.
Settings in Glow O365 #
* Staff will be able to view the ‘Create team’ and ‘Join a team with a code’ sections.
*Students will only view the ‘Join a team with a code’ and are unable to create new Teams.

Create a link #
If you’re a team owner, go to the team name and click More options > Get link to team. Click Copy and send the link to the person you want to invite to your team.
That person can simply paste the link into any browser to join the team.
The Team Owner will need to accept the request to add members.
Pending Requests #
Go to your Team in the Teams list and select More options > Manage team > Requests to accept or deny requests to join your team. NB this is only where people have joined using a link or have requested to join a private team – if a join code is used they will be admitted automatically.
Request to join #
To join a specific team, select Teams > Join or create a team at the bottom of the teams list. Type a specific team name in the search box at the top right and press Enter. Find the team you’re looking for and select Join team.
You will have to request to join a private team and wait for the owner’s approval to access the team and its channels.
Note: If a team owner hasn’t enabled discoverability of their private team, you won’t be able to find it via search and will have to contact them directly to request to join.
Add members individually #
Add Members using Groups #
If you want, you can add multiple people by typing the name of a contact group, security group, or Office 365 group.
RM Unify Admin Console and O365 Group Creation #
Using the RM Unify Admin console you can create O365 groups using membership from your classes and year groups in SEEMiS. These groups can then be used to add membership to a Class Team.
To manually send and create a group in Office 365:
Add Members using an Office 365 group #