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Assignments in Teams

What is it? #

In Microsoft Teams, assignments are a feature specifically designed for educators.  It allows teachers to create tasks, quizzes, or any kind of work for their students. 

Teachers can add instructions, due dates, and even include files for students to work on or turn in.  They can also track student progress and grades.

Microsoft 365 graphic for Teams

Why would I use it? #

You’d use assignments in Microsoft Teams if you’re an educator looking to streamline your workflow and boost classroom efficiency.

What are the benefits? #

Organised & Paperless: Assignments creates a central hub for students to find and submit work.
Detailed Instructions & Resources: Include clear instructions, rubrics, and relevant files all within the assignment itself.
Easy Grading & Feedback: Review student work efficiently and provide targeted feedback directly in Teams.
Track Progress & Grades: Monitor student completion rates and overall performance in the Grades tab.

Features within Teams Assignments #

Create Assignments: Design tasks, timed quizzes, or any type of work for students.

Create an assignment in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Support

Edit an Assignment: You can extend an assignment’s deadline or update its resources even after you’ve already assigned it.

Edit an assignment in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Support

Multi-Publish Assignments: Publish your assignments across multiple classes to save time and effort.

Assign work to multiple classes at once – Microsoft Support

Set Instructions & Due Dates: Provide clear guidelines and deadlines for assignments.

Create an assignment in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Support

Attach Resources: Include files like worksheets, presentations, or reading materials.

Create an assignment in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Support

Multiple Submission Types: Allow students to submit various formats like documents, videos, or code.

Turn in an assignment in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Support

Grade, Return and Reassign Assignments: Add grades and feedback directly into assignments so that you and your students are on the same page.

Grade, return, and reassign assignments – Microsoft Support

Group Assignments: Facilitate collaborative projects among students.

Create group assignments or assign to individual students – Microsoft Support

Grade a Group Assignment: You have the flexibility to give a group grade or give individual grades to members of the group.

Grade, return, and reassign assignments – Microsoft Support

Rubric Grading: Evaluate student work based on pre-defined criteria.

Create and manage grading rubrics in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Support

Feedback & Revision: Provide comments and allow students to revise and resubmit work.

Grade, return, and reassign assignments – Microsoft Support

Track Progress: Monitor individual student and overall class completion rates.

Track student progress in the Grades tab – Microsoft Support

Weighted Grading: Assign different weights to various assignments to calculate final grades.

Create an assignment in Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Support

Multiple Grading Schemes: Add your local grading scheme for assignments.

Grading Schemes in Teams Assignments – Microsoft Support

Grades view: See student grades and leave comments in a dedicated tab.

Track student progress in the Grades tab – Microsoft Support

User Feedback #

Please let us know how you are using any of the above features within Teams Assignments by reaching out via,

User feedback graphic