University of Gloucestershire
Faculty of Arts, Media and Technology
Report published by United States Commission on International Relgious Freedom
One of the precursors to this PhD project was an awareness that a great deal of writing about music aesthetics, the practice of making music and the nature of listening to music, is often either knowingly or unknowingly grounded in a set... more
This is a peer-reviewed, post-print (final draft post-refereeing) version of the following published document and is licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.
Old age is in western cultures under current neoliberal ideology increasingly linked to notions of decline, frailty and dependence as it is often equated with being unproductive and a burden to society. This case study is grounded in the... more
The world's population is growing considerably older and will continue doing so. Despite this demographic trend, in neo-liberal western cultures old age is often linked to notions of dependency, frailty and decline. This view does not... more
This paper explores the different stages that have led to the current stage of my PhD. and offers a presentation of the first results of my research. Overall, this paper is intended to illustrate how closely understanding one's own... more