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Paper ini menganalisa perilaku trader yang merupakan isu utama didalam market microstucture, karena perilaku ini dapat mempengaruhi inefisiensi pasar. Perilaku ini menetukan bid-ask spread yang komponennya terdiri dari order-processing... more
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      EconomicsIndonesianbank Indonesia
The study aims to explain the extent of risk disclosure of Indonesian non-listed banks' annual reports and to investigate the determinants which drive non-listed banks to disclose their risk. Risk disclosure is measured by Indonesian risk... more
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The purposes of this paper are to investigate the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting information at Indonesia sharia banks based on Sharia Enterprise Theory and explores the potential effects of Corporate Governance (CG)... more
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    • Corporate Social Responsibility
The purposes of this research are to analyze the effect of compensation, motivation and work environment on performance; to analyze the influence of compensation, motivation and work environment on job satisfaction; to analyze the effect... more
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionMotivationCompensation
This research aim is to examine the effect of good corporate governance (GCG) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with profitability, size and leverage as moderating variables at District Development Banks (BPD) in Indonesia. The... more
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    • Atlantis
The aim of the current study is to analyse the association between the determinants and the value relevance of risk disclosure in the Indonesian banking sector. The purpose will be derived into four research objective: to measure the... more
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      BusinessIndonesianUniversity of gloucestershire
Air Asia Berhad is very well-known as the low-cost airline, the headquarter is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is the largest airline in Malaysia by fleet size and destinations. It has consistently been named as the world’s best... more
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      Revenue ManagementAirAsiaPandemic
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence spiritual leadership and reward toward employee performance with quality of work life and job satisfaction as mediating variable. The object of research in this study is Pasuruan... more
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionSpirituality & LeadershipSpirituality and Leadership
This study aims to investigate Malaysian and Indian consumers’ preferred ways of shopping, the reasons behind their choices, and problems of transactions they faced during the pandemic. Data were primarily collected through a survey... more
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The aim of this study is to analyze the reaction of the Indonesian and American capital markets to the events of the 2016 America presidential election. The method used in this research is event study to analyze market reaction and test... more
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The purpose of this research is to measure the performance of PT. Bank Mayapada International Tbk, uses four perspectives in the Balance Scorecard method and makes a strategy map. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis... more
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      BusinessBalanced Scorecard
With the advancement of technology in this 21st century, food delivery services have emerged as a new wave in the food and beverage industry. People can now order the food with a simple click of a button. This study analyzes the factors... more
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      BusinessMarketingFood DeliveryConsumer Behaviour
This study aims to analyse the current practices of disclosure of financial and non-financial reports of waqf institutions in Indonesia; to identify the performance indicators concerning social economic and governance impact of waqf; to... more
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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkomparasikan jumlah pendapatan para pedagang di pasar tradisional sebelum dan sesudah munculnya minimarket di Kota Malang serta mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi pedagang di pasar tradisional berkaitan... more
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    • Economics
This study aims to determine the effect of inflation, interest rates, and the Covid-19 pandemic condition on the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) and the difference of the JCI before and after the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR). Data... more
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      Inflation CosmologyPandemicComposite indexCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The circulation of money in a country is influenced by several factors, namely e-money, GDP and inflation. The increased use of e-money should be able to increase the circulation of money so that GDP increases and suppresses inflation.... more
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    • Economics
This study aims to examine the effect of profitability, growth opportunity, and capital structure on firm value at non-go public banks. The type of data used in this study is secondary data. From a population of 103 companies, 20... more
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      BusinessCapital StructureProfitability Index
The purpose of this research is to study and analyze the determinant factors of nonperforming loan in retail and commercial working capital commercial banks' interest margin in Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Indonesia. This study... more
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      BusinessFinancial SystemLoanWorking Capital
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