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As the interrelated causes of deprivation, social exclusion and academic underachievement are increasingly recognised, multi-agency working has become the new norm in community development and education. Despite the increasing prevalence... more
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      Community EducationMulti-Agency Work
This report summarises major projects and proposals related to the social legacy of the London Olympic Games in East London, identifying the main parties involved and the progress of any plans. Also included are reactions from civil... more
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      Urban RegenerationSustainable Urban Environments2012 London OlympicsOlympic Games
This dissemination paper presents findings and recommendations produced from the research project entitled Policies Supporting Young Adults in their Life Course: A Comparative Study of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work... more
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      Adult EducationEducation (Social Policy)Vocational And Adult EducationAdult and Continuing Education
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      Social TheorySocial Research Methods and Methodology
The Social Innovation Fund (SIF) - funded by Scottish Government and the European Social Fund - adopts a ‘public venture capital’ model to support socially innovative organisations. This article critically explores the use of public... more
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WP1 reviews the international academic literature concerning the transfer and transferability of the dual apprenticeship model. Its aim is to address our project’s central research question: Can dual apprenticeships create better and more... more
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In this chapter, we explore the meanings and motivations young adults attach to their participation in lifelong learning (LLL) policies and aim to identify LLL policy “participation styles” among young people in three functional regions... more
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    • Philosophy of Agency
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      Technical and Vocational EducationPolicy TransferYouth TransitionsTechnical and Vocational Education and Training
Despite growing consensus around the need for a more holistic vision of development, realising the human development potential of educational interventions has proven a challenging task. This Forum grapples with how these tensions... more
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