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It is often assumed that the anisotropy in time-resolved fluorescence and pump-probe experiments is always smaller than or at most equal to 2/5. From resonance Raman experiments it is well known, however, that the anisotropy can range... more
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      EngineeringVibrational Spectroscopy
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      TechnologyFemtosecond LaserFar Infrared
The low-frequency (1-200 cm ÿ1 ) vibrational spectra of peptides and proteins in solution have been investigated with ultrafast optical heterodyne-detected Raman-induced Kerr-effect spectroscopy (OHD-RIKES). Spectra have been obtained for... more
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      BiophysicsUltrafast OpticsBiophysical ChemistryProtein Secondary Structure Prediction
In femtosecond terahertz-pulse (T-ray) imaging of metal structures with dimensions of the order of the wavelength, it is observed that the T rays propagate faster than the vacuum speed of light. In the case of apertures this can be... more
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      Quantum PhysicsOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Ultrafast time-resolved anisotropy experiments in which electronically excited [5-( 1',4'-benzoquinonyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphinato]magnesium (MgPQ) was probed with polarization both parallel and perpendicular to the pump pulse have... more
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High-power femtosecond laser pulses have been used to excite surface plasmons in 500 Å silver and gold films. Nonlinear excitation results in the emission of electron bunches through multiphoton excitation at low power and laser-induced... more
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      EngineeringFemtosecond LaserEVANESCENT WAVE
We have measured the intermolecular dynamics of the 1,3-dialkylimidazolium-based roomtemperature ionic liquids (RTILs) [emim][BF 4 ], [emim][DCA], and [bmim]
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      Ionic LiquidDielectric Relaxation
The second-order processes of optical-rectification and photoconduction are well known and widely used to produce ultrafast electromagnetic pulses in the terahertz frequency domain. We present a new form of rectification that relies on... more
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      PhysicsPulse CompressionCollective ExcitationsHarmonic Generation
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      Optical WaveguidesOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic EngineeringTunnel Effect
Propagation of single-cycle terahertz pulses through and past wavelength-sized metal structures has been studied experimentally. In waveguides close to cutoff, it is found that the phase velocity can become superluminal and even negative.... more
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      OpticsEVANESCENT WAVEOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
We have developed a method of measuring the growth of nanoparticles during sol-gel glass formation based on labelling the particle with a fluorescent dye and determining the multiphoton excited decay of fluorescence anisotropy due to... more
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      EngineeringMeasurement Science and TechnologyFluorescence anisotropy
Changes in the ultrafast dynamics and terahertz Raman spectrum accompanying a helix-to-coil transition of a homo-polypeptide have been observed for the first time. Formation of the R-helix is associated with a shift to lower frequency of... more
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      Ultrafast OpticsProtein Secondary Structure Prediction
The photodissociation dynamics of the acetone S 2 (n, 3s) Rydberg state excited at 195 nm has been studied by using femtosecond pump-probe mass-selected multiphoton ionization spectroscopy. For the first time, the temporal evolutions of... more
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Structural relaxation in the peptide model N-methylacetamide (NMA) is studied experimentally by ultrafast optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy over the normal-liquid temperature range and compared to the relaxation measured in water at room... more
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When salts are added to water, the viscosity generally increases suggesting the ions increase the strength of the water's hydrogen-bond network. However, infrared pump-probe measurements on electrolyte solutions have found that ions have... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsDielectric RelaxationRotational Dynamics
A resonant "incoherent" rectification process is presented relying on the excitation of surface plasmons on a nanostructured metal surface. Excitation of gold and silver films with 800-nm femtosecond laser pulses results in the emission... more
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      PhysicsOptical physicsElectrical And Electronic EngineeringInfrared Rays
We report the generation of ultra-violet fluorescence from linear and cyclic saturated hydrocarbons in neat solution when excited with femtosecond near-infrared laser pulses at 800 nm. Fluorescence decay, spectra and power dependence... more
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      TechnologyElectron Impact Ionization