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Travel Mania

Travel Mania

  • Versión 1.4
  • Última actualización Outubro 7, 2024
  • Instalacións activas 60+
  • Versión de WordPress 4.7
  • Versión de PHP 7.0

Travel Mania WordPress theme with a focus on a passion for travel, tours, vacations, adventure, culture, and exploration.It is a fully responsive WordPress theme with Bootstrap 5 support, modern design, and customizable features.It includes easy-to-use customization options via the WordPress Customizer, allowing you to change header and footer text and background colors.With support for featured images, multiple-page layouts, and a mobile-friendly design. It contains the front page and page templates like about, services, and contact.You can also customize the front page using Customizer. The contact form has an option to add an inquiry form and Google Maps with the help of a customizer.

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Instalacións activas: 60+


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Este tema está dispoñible nos seguintes idiomas: English (US) e Українська.

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