

Todos os temas

Forever Young

Forever Young

Este é un tema fillo de Bizberg.

  • Versión 0.7
  • Última actualización Abril 18, 2024
  • Instalacións activas 100+
  • Versión de PHP 5.6

Forever Young is a bright blog theme with an absolutely stunning design. The theme is so designed that you can showcase your content effortlessly in a visually appealing way. It supports high-resolution photography and renders the image beautifully on the screen. Also, the design is fully flexible and responsive. The visitors can access the content from any screen size and device without compromising its design display. Easy and powerful customization is one of the best features of Forever Young. All of the modifications and edits can be accessed using the WordPress theme customizer.

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Instalacións activas: 100+


Aínda non se enviaron valoracións.


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Este tema está dispoñible nos seguintes idiomas: English (US) e Nederlands.

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