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WP Custom Emails


How it works?

WP Custom Emails allows you easily customize WordPress notifications, so you can make it prettier and significantly improve user experience. Additionally the plugin gives possibility to complete turn off sending selected emails.

Emails are sent via WordPress wp_mail() function, so it is possible to use 3rd part plugin, to authenticate them by SMTP protocol.

Notifications that are currently available to use are:

  • Lost Password (user)
  • Password Changed (admin)
  • New User Registration (user)
  • New User Registration (admin)
  • New Comment (moderator)
  • New Comment (post author)
  • New Trackback (moderator)
  • New Trackback (post author)
  • New Pingback (moderator)
  • New Pingback (post author)

More features:

  • Define sender name
  • Define sender email
  • HTML content type
  • WPML compatibility


  • Xeral
  • Menage notifications


  1. Install the plugin from within the Dashboard or upload the directory wp-custom-emails and all its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Active o complemento a través do menú ‘Complementos’ en WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings -> WP Custom Emails and set your preferences.
  4. Enjoy the managage emails.


17 de Xullo, 2017
The best plugin ever to customize wordpress default messages! Thanks a lot! A little upgrade was to remove site name from subjetc, or set as an option.
2 de Xaneiro, 2017
Just wanted to say how much I like this plugin. I am using it on all my Wordpress sites and my client sites. I dont understand why this is not part of the core Wordpress as it is so easy to use and I can’t imagine running a Wordpress site without it. Keep up the great work.
3 de Setembro, 2016
I give 4 stars to thank for authors’ great jobs. However, it is not compatible since WordPress 4.3+! New registers cannot receive password email. Probably the main reason is that the function wp_new_user_notification() in wp_includes\pluggable.php is very different since in WP 4.3+ from that in WP 4.2.5.
Ler todas as 4 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


  • Fixed warning caused by wp_password_change_notification


  • Fixed fatal error when a multisite is enabled


  • Added text/html content type.
  • Fixed undefined variables.


  • New User Registration (user) updated for WordPress 4.3


  • First release