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WooCommerce Sort By Stock


WooCommerce Sort By Stock is a relatively simple plugin. It does one thing and one thing only: allows you to sort by stock amount in WooCommerce.

Upon activation of this plugin, you will be able to sort products by the amount of stock remaining on your WooCommerce product dashboard page. Simply click on the Stock admin column to arrange by ascending or descending.

If sorting in ascending order, out of stock items will be shown first, followed by in stock but inventory not managed (no stock amount number), and finally showing in stock items which have a stock amount number, starting with 1 and increasing.

If sorting in descending order, will provide the opposite, starting with items with the largest amount of stock, moving down to out of stock.


  • Showing products sorted in descending order by stock amount (from greatest to least).


  1. Upload the wc-sort-by-stock folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. There are no options. Just go to the Products dashboard page, click the Stock column header, and you will be able to sort by the amount of stock

Preguntas frecuentes

Do I need to change any settings when installing this plugin?

No. Once you activate the plugin, you’ll be able to sort by stock amount. No options or setting changes are required.

Does this change the ordering of products on the front end (what the website visitor sees)?

No. This plugin only allows you to sort by stock amount on the dashboard (backend) of your site. This will not affect your front end in any way.


3 de Abril, 2024
Just wanted to say that this plug-in is still working great on WP 6.5, WC 8.7.0, PHP 8.3.4 👍🏽 Thank you!
3 de Xuño, 2017 1 resposta
Straight to the point and does literally what is says. Saved us from a major headache. Many thanks for this plugin.
Ler todas as 8 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


  • Fixed code quality to bring up to PHP style guide standards
  • used the $wpdb->prepare() method, just in case


  • Added fix to allow plugin to work on sites with changed database prefixes from the default
  • Added GROUPBY parameter to query to prevent duplicate product listings


  • Fixed an issue where products were ordered incorrectly by stock amount.


  • The very first version