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WooCommerce On Sale Information


This is a very simple plugin that shows the sale start and end date on the product page. Works with simple and variable products.

It’s on the roadmap adding a couple of features like the discount percentage, however I do plan to keep this plugin very simple.


  • Adds the Sale start date on the product price (near the price);
  • Adds the Sale end date on the product price (near the price);
  • Works with Simple and Variable Products;
  • Allows for different discounts and dates per variation;
  • Does not add any CSS;
  • Lightweight;


  • Use the included automatic install feature on your WordPress admin panel and search for “WooCommerce On Sale Information”.
  • Install and Activate the plugin.
  • Done 🙂

Preguntas frecuentes

How can I style the sale information?

You will need to add custom css to your theme.
Currently there are 3 classes:

  • .vgy_wcosi_wrapper for the wrapper of both start and end dates;
  • .vgy_wcosi_sale_from_date for the start date;
  • .vgy_wcosi_sale_end_date for the end date;
Is this plugin compliant with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

This plugin does not collect or store any private data.


6 de Febreiro, 2019 1 resposta
uploaded plugin and activated and it displayed the sale end date for all my variable products which is exactly what I needed. thanks!
Ler a 1 opinión

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Rexistro de cambios


  • Made 1.1.2 the Stable Version (ops again…)


  • Fixed Version Number (ops)


  • Added support for sale start date.
  • Fixed issue where the class names where not printed.
  • Changed to


div> so it appears on a new line.
* Updated tested up to WordPress 5.3-alpha-45777 and WooCommerce 3.7.0-rc.2.
* Minor tweaks to code.


  • Updated tested up to WordPress 5.2.0 and WooCommerce 3.6.3.


  • Fixed duplicated filter name.
  • Removed language files from plugin files.
  • Minor tweaks to code comments.


  • Initial release.