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Ultra Excerpts


This plugin lets you have more control on how excerpts show up on your wordpress site.

Ultra excerpts offers the following features:

1) Restrict length of the excerpt based on word count or characters.

2) Add custom ellipsis.( Three dots at the end of the excerpt, example of an ellipsis: Here is an excerpt… )

3) Enable/Disable read more link and customize the read more link with your own words.

4) Remove/Keep all headings and their content from excerpt.

5) Remove/Keep all HTML tags from the excerpt.

6) Ability to override any other content filtering applied by themes or plugins to the excerpt.

7) Add custom classes to excerpt container and read more link.

8) Intuitive user experience.


  • Ultra Excerpts settings in admin dashboard.


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Settings can be accessed via Settings » Ultra Excerpts


17 de Decembro, 2023
This plugin is installed on two sites now, and it works great. Well-designed UI with ability to specify how long you want your excerpt to be, if you wish for all tags to be stripped, and the design of your read more link.
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Rexistro de cambios

— 2.0.0 ( Dec 4th, 2023 ) —
* Plugin update new version.

— 1.0.0 ( June 2nd, 2021 ) —
* Plugin major release.