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SCF Dummy Content


I hate wasting time adding dummy content to a theme.

SCF Dummy Content quickly populates a site with dummy titles, content and featured images. It can create posts, pages, custom post types and terms for registered taxonomies.

I appreciate your comments and any ideas for improvement!


  • Fresh WordPress install before SCF Dummy Content plugin is executed.
  • Fresh WordPress install after SCF Dummy Content plugin is executed.


  1. Unzip and Upload all files in to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go the the Options page to customize the dummy content

Preguntas frecuentes

Can I upload my own images

Yes you can. In the options page there is an image uploader just for that.


Non hai recensións para este plugin.

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“SCF Dummy Content” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.


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Interesado no desenvolvemento?

Revisa o código, bota unha ollada aorepositorio SVN, ou subscríbete ao log de desenvolvemento por RSS.

Rexistro de cambios


  • Intial Version.


  • Added Screenshots


  • Added option to edit the title for terms
  • Created shortcode for creating terms. User can insert the term being created into its title.
  • Did some minor CSS to make the wysiwyg smaller and table larger.
  • Filtered out some of the built_in post types and taxonomies(attachement, navigation items)
  • Add javascript confirm box before executing the create posts script.
  • Default post titles are “post_type” + number of post.
  • Default term titles are “taxonomy name” + number of term.
  • Added screenshots for


  • Added functions to delete all posts and terms created by plugin. Thus deflating the site.
  • Added link to Ipsum Lorem Generator


  • Edited some content.


  • Bug fix – user could only create posts and no other custom post types