Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.



A WordPress plugin that displays post titles chronologically, and uses post content as external links. Create a category, add one or more posts to this category. Post titles will be link text, post content should consist of only URL(s) and will be used at the href, link address in the rendered widget.
This allows for a news stream widget to be populated, using posts.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload /newstream to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Preguntas frecuentes

Why another post category plugin?

Because this one, uses content as link to (an external) resource. Easily add a news flash/stream widget, using posts and post content.

How do i set news update items?

Create a custom category e.g. News. Add posts to this category.
Post titles are link text and post content, will consist of only a single URL.


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Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

“Newstream” é un software de código aberto. As seguintes persoas colaboraron con este plugin.


Traduce “Newstream” ao teu idioma.

Interesado no desenvolvemento?

Revisa o código, bota unha ollada aorepositorio SVN, ou subscríbete ao log de desenvolvemento por RSS.

Rexistro de cambios


  • Added barebones, non styled functioning.
  • Added category selector.


  • Added multiple instance support.