Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.

Lorem User Generator


Lorem User Generator uses API to generate as many random user data as you want to your WordPress for application testing.
It’s like Lorem Ipsum, but for users.


  • The main plugin page
  • The settings page


  1. Upload the lorem-user-generator folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Go to the Plugins menu in WordPress and activate the plugin.

Preguntas frecuentes

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the lorem-user-generator folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory.
  2. Go to the Plugins menu in WordPress and activate the plugin. API you say?

Yes. Random User Generator is a free open-source API for generating random user data.

You can checkout their GitHub repository.

Can I set up parameters for the randomized data?

Absolutely! Besides the quantity of users to be generated, you can specify their gender and nationality.


12 de Marzo, 2019
Ideal plugin for testing environment. Hasn’t been updated in a while, but works flawlessly still on WordPress 5.1 and PHP 7.2.
29 de Setembro, 2018
Easy to use So functionally and do the best very good support any user type and create them try become better thanks.
Ler todas as 4 opinións

Colaboradores e desenvolvedores

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Rexistro de cambios

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this plugin adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.3.0] – 2018-04-23

– Added a new Role filter so users can pick one WordPress User Role to be preselected on all generated users
– Added option to add users automatically right after they were generated

– Better AJAX errors handling
– Minor code enhancements

– Fixed a couple of PHP warnings thrown under some envs running PHP >= 7.1

[1.2.0] – 2018-01-24

– Added Bulk Actions tool on the results table

[1.1.0] – 2017-12-29

– Added support for Portuguese (PT-BR) language

[1.0.1] – 2017-12-28

– Added screenshots to readme.txt

[1.0.0] – 2017-12-28

  • First release.