Este plugin non se actualizou en máis de 2 anos. É posible que xa non sexa compatible ou mantido por ninguén, ou podes ter problemas de compatibilidade cando se usa con novas versións de WordPress.

Landing Lion Landing Pages


Landing Lion’s plugin for WordPress gives you the freedom to create landing pages in Landing Lion and host them on
you existing WordPress website.

Start building pages today. For Free.

To publish a landing page on your WordPress website:

  1. Build and Publish you landing page in Landing Lion.
  2. Install and Activate this plugin.
  3. Using the plugin’s admin interface, add any of you pages in Landing Lion to you WordPress site.
  4. Edit all your landing pages from the Landing Lion Editor. They will update automatically on your WordPress website.


Install the Plugin on Your WordPress Site

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin Portal
  2. Click Plugins tab located on the left panel
  3. Click “Add New” in the top left of the plugins page
  4. Find, install, and activate the Landing Lion plugin in the WordPress plugin directory
  5. The plugin is now activated and the Landing Lion plugin should now be in the left panel of the admin menu

Add Your Landing Lion Page to Your WordPress Site

  1. Go to the Landing Lion plugin menu
  2. Log in to your Landing Lion account
  3. Click “Add Page”
  4. Follow the wizard to add your Landing Lion page
  5. On completion of the wizard a WordPress page will be created (with the same name as the Landing Lion page name) which represents your Landing Lion page

Preguntas frecuentes

Installation Instructions

Install the Plugin on Your WordPress Site

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin Portal
  2. Click Plugins tab located on the left panel
  3. Click “Add New” in the top left of the plugins page
  4. Find, install, and activate the Landing Lion plugin in the WordPress plugin directory
  5. The plugin is now activated and the Landing Lion plugin should now be in the left panel of the admin menu

Add Your Landing Lion Page to Your WordPress Site

  1. Go to the Landing Lion plugin menu
  2. Log in to your Landing Lion account
  3. Click “Add Page”
  4. Follow the wizard to add your Landing Lion page
  5. On completion of the wizard a WordPress page will be created (with the same name as the Landing Lion page name) which represents your Landing Lion page
Change the URL of the page created with the plugin

After you create your Landing Lion page in WordPress using the plugin:
1. Go to Pages in the admin menu
1. Click Edit on the page you want to change
1. Edit the Permalink of the page, and it will automatically update in the plugin

Delete Your Landing Lion Page From Your WordPress Site
  1. Click the “Pages” tab in your WordPress Admin Portal
  2. Trash the WordPress page you created with the plugin


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Rexistro de cambios


  • Initial release
  • Added admin error message if plugin is used in multisite WordPress.


  • Fixed global reference to the ajaxurl so that other plugins cannot overwrite it


  • Fixed AJAX request bug for older jQuery versions