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Inperium Sell


Ready to boost your sales and speed your response to customer inquiries? It’s easy with the free Inperium Sell plugin for WordPress! With this plugin, you can add custom WordPress forms to your website — whenever a website visitor fills in the form, the data will automatically be recorded in the relevant fields in your Inperium Sell CRM.

What you can do with this free plugin:

  • Easily create custom forms to gather details about your website visitors
  • Automatically add new contacts in Inperium Sell
  • Automatically add new companies in Inperium Sell
  • Create notes for your account managers about new contacts or companies in Inperium Sell

Looking for a cost-effective sales CRM with no hidden fees? Learn more about Inperium Sell.


Before you start

Make sure you’ve got an account set up with Inperium Sell.

Not an Inperium user? Start a trial and create a free account now!

Installing the plugin

  1. In our WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins tab and select Add New.
  2. Search for the Inperium Sell plugin and select Install Now and then Activate. After activating a plugin, you’ll see a new Inperium tab on the left.
  3. Go to the Inperium tab.
  4. Provide an API key for your Inperium account. Don’t know what an API key is?
  5. Select Save API Settings.

Building your first form

  1. Provide a form name.
  2. Select the Inperium entity to be created upon the form submission. Currently, the plugin allows creating contacts and companies.
  3. Check the fields you want to show in your form.
  4. For each field, provide a display name (you can always keep a predefined name).
  5. By default, all fields are optional but you can make them required.
  6. Drag-n-drop fields to change their order in the form.
  7. To create a note alongside the entity creation, provide a text in the comment section.
  8. Select an action in the Redirect page section. After submitting a form, a client can be redirected to another page or stay on the page with a form.
  9. Save form settings.

Embedding the form

Each form has a shortcode assigned to it. To embed a form on your website, add its shortcode to a page or post.

Styling the form

The look&feel of the form depends on your current WordPress theme. Navigate to the Appearance tab to update the theme or to create custom CSS.

Preguntas frecuentes

What WordPress versions are supported?

The plugin was designed and tested to work with the latest version of WordPress.

Is the plugin free?

Yes, you can use all plugin options free of charge.

How many forms can I create?

With the Inperium Sell plugin, you can create as many forms as you need and implement them on as many pages or posts as you like.

Is there anything I should configure in Inperium Sell?

Yes, to integrate WordPress with Inperium Sell and start using the plugin, you should generate an API key in Inperium. Go Inperium Account and proceed to the API Keys page.

For more information, see Generating API keys.

I’m not an Inperium user. How to start an Inperium Sell trial?

Great choice! Please proceed to our website to create your free account and start a 14-day trial.


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