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Excerpt Extension


The Excerpt Extension adds more options for the excerpt output.

This plugin is an add-on for the Term and Category Based Posts Widget and available here


  • Option to allow HTML in the excerpt
  • Option to remove the excerpt ‘more’ text
  • Option to override Theme and plugin excerpt lenght filters
  • Option to override Theme and plugin excerpt more filters
  • Option excerpt length in characters
  • Option to hide shortcode
  • Option to hide social buttons, banners, shortcodes and more used in the excerpt
  • Option to show social buttons, banners, shortcodes and more only once in the outputed excerpt
  • Polyfill excerpt ‘line-clamp’ for IE and FF

Try before buy

With Term and Category Based Posts Widget version 4.7 or higher we let people download a version which will not require a license as long as it is used on a local development server (in other words, a localhost or if the site domain resolves to the local host IP address of

Download the Term and Category Based Posts Widget for a free trail from here:


While using this plugin if you find any bug or any conflict, please submit an issue at
Github (If possible with a pull request).


  • Adds more options for the excerpt output.
  • Allow HTML in the excerpt.
  • Solves the double rendered shortcode bug in the excerpt.


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Category Posts Widget,

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
  2. In the search field type ‘Excerpt Extension’ and click Search Plugins.
  3. Once you’ve found plugin, you can install it by simply clicking ‘Install Now’.
  4. Then, go to plugins page of WordPress admin activate the plugin.
  5. Now, goto the Widgets page of the Appearance section and configure the Excerpt Extension.

Manual installation

  1. The premium widget Term and Category Based Posts Widget is being expected.
  2. Download the Excerpt Extension add-on.
  3. Upload it to the plugins folder of your blog.
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  5. Now, goto the Widgets page of the Appearance section and configure the Excerpt Extension.

Preguntas frecuentes

I can’t see the widget

This is only a extension for the premium widget Term and Category Based Posts Widget.
The premium widget Term and Category Based Posts Widget is being expected.

How the polyfill for Excerpt length in lines for FireFox and IE works

Just install the add-on and activate it.
It’s a line of Javascript code which is added to your website’s front end footer, only if your blog reader use FF or IE.


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Rexistro de cambios

4.9.8 – Oktober 16 2020

  • Option excerpt in length (words or characters)

4.9.7 – Oktober 01 2020

  • Option Remove the excerpt ‘more’ text

4.9.6 – Oktober 01 2020

  • Bugfix Show social buttons only once, not the first post

4.9.5 – Oktober 01 2020

  • Bugfix Found two non-unique IDs

4.9.2 – March 23 2020

  • Bugfix Use the Optional Excerpt if available

4.9 – March 03nd 2019

  • Add a polyfill excerpt ‘line-clamp’ for IE and FF

4.8 – September 10th 2017

  • Add a option excerpt length in characters

4.7.1 – November 28 2017

  • Bugfix If Theme excerpt_more is not set

4.7 – September 10th 2017

  • Add a option to hide shortcode

0.1 – December 17th 2016

  • Add a option to allow HTML in the excerpt
  • Add a option to override Theme and plugin excerpt lenght filters
  • Add a option to override Theme and plugin excerpt more filters
  • Add a option to hide social buttons, banners, shortcodes and more used in the excerpt
  • Add a option to show social buttons, banners, shortcodes and more only once in the outputed excerpt