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Css Live Reload


A simple and powerful plugin. Often we simply edit a section on our style sheet file, so why reloading the entire page?! It creates many unnecessary requests and thus makes reloading slower, instead of just reloading the css files.
Now, we can achieve that with a simple plugin, by simply clicking on f9 and then reload all Css resources on the page!

As for mobile devices debugging, you can simply shake your phone and all Css files will be reloaded.
No cache, no unnecessary requests, no more slow reloading!


  • Desktop reload by press on F9 key screenshot-1.png
  • Mobile reload by shake the phone screenshot-2.png


Install from WordPress plugins repository:

  1. Login to admin dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins -> Add New.
  3. Search for Css Live Reload and install it.
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Continue developing and when are you want to reload your css just click on F9 🙂

Custom Upload:

  1. Download the plugin zip file.
  2. Upload the content of zip to your \”wp-content/plugins/\” directory.
  3. Login to admin dashboard.
  4. Go to Plugins.
  5. Search for Css Live Reload and activate it.
  6. Continue developing and when are you want to reload your css just click on F9 🙂

Preguntas frecuentes

How to use this plugin?

Just press on F9 key on your keyboard when you see your site front, it\’s will auto refresh your CSS resources.

How I can install this plugin on my site?

Like all plugins, for more information look at “Installation” section above behind.

Can I use another key for reload the css files?

Not now, further options will be available later.


11 de Xuño, 2017
Great plugin! I’m really comfortable working with him. I was just looking for a solution like this and it came to me in time Thank you !
11 de Xuño, 2017
Great plugin, saves me a lot of time when developing locally. Great job Moshe 🙂
Ler todas as 3 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


  • Initial release, Mobile shake for reloaded.


  • Update Tested up to: 5.0.2