Tech NewsSocial Media
The Most Accurate Map of NCAA College Basketball Fandom
Like it or not, Facebook is a pretty good barometer if what people like. So it’s fun when it gathers up its considerable data troves and spits out maps of stuff we like. Today it broke down the fans of teams in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. The data uses simple Likes for the team … Continued
By Kyle Wagner -
Tech NewsSocial Media
The Single Creepiest Thing You Can Do on Facebook
Always be nice, and cool. That’s the motto around here. But sometimes you just want to make someone wildly uncomfortable. Or maybe you want to avoid social nightmare! Either way, here is some sacred social media advice. Heed or perish. It’s customary, when courting a potential sexual partner or vetting an employee, to go through … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech NewsSocial Media
WSJ: Facebook Stealing Hashtags From Twitter
If you’re #dying for #newwaystoexpressyourself then you’re about to read some #goodnews (#rumoralert!). The #wallstreetjournal says #facebook will “incorporate the hashtag” on its own (#copying much?). It seems inevitable: hashtags are probably hitting your news feed. #ugh. Details are scant: “It is unclear how far along Facebook’s work on the hashtag is and the feature … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Your Facebook Profile Just Changed Again
If you’re not the embrace change type, you’re going to throw another mini-fit today: Facebook is switching up the look of your profile. Again. Again, again. https://gizmodo.com/facebooks-new-news-feed-the-biggest-change-in-years-5989228 Slide the arrows in the image above left to right to compare the old profile with the new one. There are two main changes: apps are getting plugged … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech NewsSocial Media
It’s Time to Stop Sharing Your Netflix Password
Streaming video philanthropists of the world: your generosity streak is probably coming to a close. Starting today, Netflix goes social: everything you watch can be beamed to Facebook. So it’s time to cut off all your mooching friends https://gizmodo.com/your-facebook-friends-can-see-what-youre-watching-on-ne-5990303 It’s been a great run. Netflix doesn’t enforce any kind of login limits, so your tightwad … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Your Facebook Friends Can See What You’re Watching on Netflix Now
Brace yourselves and your news feeds: Netflix is finally giving you and your buddies the chance to announce what you’re watching on Facebook. That functionality has been available to non-US residents since 2011, but Netflix has been cautious when it comes to the States because of decrepit laws that could’ve landed it in hot water. … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
How Facebook’s New News Feed Was Developed Using… Post-Its
Some times, the good ol’ fashioned ways are the best. Seems Facebook would certainly agree: according to a blog post, its new news feed was developed using paper, Post-its, and a large blank wall. https://gizmodo.com/facebooks-new-news-feed-the-biggest-change-in-years-5989228 This is a apparently what came out of a series of focus groups, the overwhelming message from which was that … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
Study: Your Facebook Likes Alone Reveal Gender, Ethnicity, Religion and More
Every little piece of information you give away online can reveal something about you—but it seems your Facebook likes could reveal rather more than you bargained for. New research by the University of Cambridge and Microsoft Research has been analyzing Facebook Likes to see how much information they really contain. After quietly—and, apparently, innocuously!—collecting data … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
Do Facebook News Feed Revamps Even Faze You Anymore?
Back in the earlier days of Facebook, a UI update was a mind-blowing concept. An unprecendeted change. An Earth-shattering upheveal. If you’re not some sort of total newbie, you must remember the “how to keep the old Facebook!” groups and “Bring back X” petitions, the screams of heresy and the unshackled hope that maybe just … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech NewsSocial Media
How to Opt Out of Facebook’s Creepy New Targeted Ads
Facebook has announced that it’s teaming up with four of the world’s largest corporate data brokers to “enhance” the ad experience for users. Datalogix, Epsilon, Acxiom, and BlueKai obtain information gathered about users through online means (such as through cookies when users surf the web) as well as through offline means (such as through loyalty … Continued
Rainey Reitman - Electronic Frontier Foundation -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Here Are All Your Favorite Social Networks Explained
All those social networks we spend more than half our life on? There all just varying degrees of the same damn thing. Basically, look at my cat’s albums. Watch my cat videos. Read how I hashtag my cat. Check this filtered cat. And on and on we go. According to Devin made a hilarious comic … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech NewsSocial Media
All The Tiny Changes Hiding in Facebook’s Latest Redesign
Zuck bought Facebook its fanciest new outfit in many years this week, and naturally, the New News Feed is getting all the swooning. But FB added a handful of delicate tweaks and turns to the site—some you might not have noticed yet. https://gizmodo.com/facebooks-new-news-feed-the-biggest-change-in-years-5989228 It makes sense to toss in little changes in the shadow of … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Facebook’s Most Overlooked Design Change
Facebook showed us its new News Feed yesterday. It’s as pretty as anyone could have hoped, and a wonderful update to the design. But lost in the big images and new feeds was a pretty major change that actually started weeks ago: The first thing you look at on Facebook’s page has moved. https://gizmodo.com/facebooks-new-news-feed-the-biggest-change-in-years-5989228 Move … Continued
By Kyle Wagner -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Facebook’s Beautiful New News Feed Has an Ugly Side
The new new new new News Feed is Facebook’s latest stab at rendering your swarming, swirling online life easier to digest. According to Facebook. Yes, it’s cleaner than a German toilet. Yes, it’s beautiful. But more importantly, it’s about Facebook making more money. It’s about ads. Bigger, distracting, super-ads. This isn’t speculation, and it shouldn’t … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Facebook’s New News Feed: The Biggest Change In Years
The last time Zuck overhauled the website you check all day every day was two years ago. Two! You’ve probably changed a decent amount since then, but Facebook hasn’t in a way that’s done anything but make us cringe—until today. Enter the clutter killer. Here’s how you’ll be stalking the universe now. The News Feed … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech NewsSocial Media
This Naked Lady Photo Got a French Museum Blocked From Facebook
A gentle reminder to creative types the world around: if you try to put breasts on Facebook—even highly artistic breasts—Facebook will Shut. You. Down. Our object lesson today comes from the Jeu de Paume museum, which found itself in Facebook’s virtuous crosshairs after posting the above photograph by Laure Albin Guillot. The original, as you … Continued
Tech NewsSocial Media
Facebook Is Going to Revamp the News Feed By Adding More News Feeds
We knew Facebook was going to overhaul the News Feed this Thursday. Now we may have an idea what that means. According to TechCrunch, Facebook plans to introduce new ways to filter the News Feed. Meaning there’ll be a Photos feed for pictures, a Music Feed for what friends are listening to and more. https://gizmodo.com/facebooks-getting-a-news-feed-overhaul-next-week-5987893 … Continued
By Casey Chan