Tech NewsGadgets
Finally, a Sleep Tracker You Don’t Have to Wear
There can be many reasons why you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, and a sleep tracker can help ensure it’s not your bedroom to blame. But who wants to head to bed with a device strapped to your wrist, or hiding under your pillow? ResMed’s new S+ sits out of the way on your … Continued
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?
The amount of sleep adults need has once again come under the spotlight, with a recent Wall Street Journal article suggesting seven hours sleep is better than eight hours and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine drawing up guidelines surrounding sleep need. So, what should the guidelines say? Unfortunately, when it comes to the amount … Continued
Gemma Paech – The Conversation -
Nod TV Show Is Set In World Where Humanity Loses The Ability To Sleep
What if the world suddenly lost the ability to go to sleep? What if the population was no longer tired? How long can the people of this hypothetical future function without sleeping? This is the premise of the new Fox series based on the novel Nod. Deadline is reporting that Fox is adapting Adrian Barnes’ … Continued
Doctors Say Schools Should Start Later In The Day
The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued its strongest statement yet in favor of delaying the start times of schools attended by adolescents to 8:30 AM or later. Currently, only 15% of schools meet this requirement. The abstract of the AAP statement reads like this: The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes insufficient sleep in adolescents … Continued
What Do Animals Dream About?
“Almost all other animals are clearly observed to partake in sleep, whether they are aquatic, aerial, or terrestrial,” wrote Aristotle in his work On Sleep and Sleeplessness. But do other animals dream? On that the Greek philosopher also had an opinion. In The History of Animals, he wrote: “It would appear that not only do … Continued
How Much Sleep Does Your City Get?
It may often feel like you’re running on a little less sleep than you should. But is how much sleep you’re getting (or not getting) a function of where you live? Here are the cities that sleep the most and the least. Jawbone, which makes the Up fitness tracker device, crunched the data from their … Continued
By Ria Misra -
Tech News
How Cities Sleep, Visualized
People in Melbourne get the most, those in Tokyo the least. No, get your mind out of the gutter: we’re talking about sleep here, and how much of it the inhabitants of certain cities manage to actually get. The Wall Street Journal has been playing with a new dataset released by Jawbone which tracks how … Continued
Why You Always Wake Up Early After A Night Of Drinking
Lots of people have a little booze before bed to help them get to sleep — but while a night cap may help in the dozing-off department, too much alcohol can actually do a number on the overall quality of your shuteye. Let’s take a look at some of the important differences between drunk sleep … Continued
Tech NewsGadgets
Use Your Smartphone To Improve Your Sleep
Stories of how technology is bad for our health are par for the course, but smartphones—and the apps on them—can be used to make significantly positive changes as well. One of the areas where you’ll find a cornucopia of brilliant apps is in the field of sleep. Here’s a small selection of apps that might … Continued
By David Nield -
The Simplest Way to Track Your Sleep Yet
A lot of us suck at sleep. But exactly how do we suck at it? Do we toss and turn a lot? Snore? Are we roused by outside noises? Well, the new Misfit Beddit Sleep System promises to answer those questions. You might remember Misfit as the makers of the Shine—one of the most attractive … Continued
By Brent Rose -
Can You Condition Your Body To Require Less Sleep?
One way to have more time for work and play every day is to sleep a little bit less. But eventually, staying awake for longer periods can have a negative impact on the quality of our lives. So where does the break-even point lie, and can it be shifted? What You Stand To Lose Few … Continued
The Sleep Schedules Of Some Of History’s Greatest Minds
Mason Currey’s Daily Rituals: How Artists Work is full of revealing insights on the creative habits of some of history’s greatest writers, scientists, musicians and philosophers. Here, bedtimes collected by Currey in the course of his research are compiled into a single, circular chart. Notice anything interesting? As FastCo notes, “The infographic seems to debunk … Continued
We May Finally Know Why Sleep Improves Memory
Countless tests have shown that a good night’s sleep makes it easier to recall what you’ve learned. But we don’t know why. For decades, scientists have hypothesized that sleep strengthens our brains’ neural corrections, but direct evidence for this has been lacking. Now, we may finally have that evidence. What Makes A Memory? Decades of … Continued
Do You Feel Like You’re Not Sleeping, Even When You Are?
Pseudoinsomnia is a sleep disorder, even though people who suffer from it appear to have perfectly normal sleep patterns. When pseudoinsomnicacs fall asleep every night, they feel as if they are lying awake, anxiously trying to get some rest. But they’re not imagining things. They really do have an unusual form of insomnia. In last … Continued
So This is What Hedgehog Snoring Sounds Like
YouTuber Vusiuz has an albino hedgehog and her tiny little snores are definitely the most adorable thing you’ll hear all day. Whether those sounds are associated with dreams we can’t know for sure, but hedgehogs do probably have dreams and nightmares. In The History of Animals, Aristotle wrote: “It would appear that not only do … Continued
Tech News
Scientists Have Induced Lucid Dreaming with Electric Shocks
We’re one step closer to on-demand dreaming you can control, after a recent study showed that applying a mild electrical current to the scalp can induce lucid dreaming. It sounds a little bit like Inception, only with more science and less espionage. It also sounds pretty fun. The study itself was pretty simple. Based on … Continued
Tech News
The Big Sleep: How Hibernation Could Overcome Life-Threatening Injury
Imagine it: you have been rushed into the emergency room and you are dying. Your injuries are too severe for the surgeons to repair in time. Your blood haemorrhages unseen from ruptured vessels. The loss of that blood is starving your organs of vital nutrients and oxygen. You are entering cardiac arrest. But this is … Continued
Frank Swain - Mosaic -
Sleep Disorders in Disney Cartoons Were Surprisingly Accurate
“Sometimes,” said Walt Disney, “we can recognize ourselves in animals. That’s what makes them so interesting.” He was more right than he knew. One group of people may have had particular insight into human sleep behavior and its disorders: Disney animators. It wasn’t until the 1980s that “REM Sleep Behavior Disorder,” or RBD, became formally … Continued
Tech News
The Mattress Gets Reinvented (and Stuffed In the Trunk of Your Car)
Mattress shopping can be a major pain in the ass. Something that Casper, a newly launched sleep startup, wants to remedy. The supposed solution? One single, painstakingly engineered mattress for the masses. Instead of focusing on the quantity of its offerings, Casper wants to hone in on quality, offering a single, (supposedly) universally appealing mattress. … Continued