Tech News
When Apple Battles Indie Devs, Who Wins?
We all know how David and Goliath ended (BOOM, HEADSHOT). But what happens when Apple takes on the little guy, mimicking (or worse) their software? History is mixed—sometimes David flourishes, sometimes David get stomped the hell out. The question is fresh on our minds with the news that the Apple trademark mill has ground out … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech News
Mac OS X Lion’s Safari Reading List Competing Directly with Instapaper
This Reading List feature looks even cooler with the latest build of Lion. One 9to5 Mac reader found out that webpages saved using the tool are synced with iOS devices. This makes using Instapaper on your iPad pretty redundant. As you may already know, Instapaper is a great little app for iOS and Kindle that … Continued
By Kwame Opam -
Tech News
Future Versions of Safari Will Prevent Ad Networks From Tracking Your Browsing Habits
If you find hyper-targeted web ads to be really, really creepy like I do, you’ll be happy to know that the OS X Lion version of Safari will follow the lead of Firefox by preventing online ad-networks from being able to track your browsing history. That means no more dating sites advertising your future soulmate … Continued
Tech News
The Popularity of Web Browsers, Visualized
The browser wars may seem to have heated up only recently, but! Browsers have been slugging it out for your attention since as early as 1994. And this infographic, which actually lays things out in a visually interesting way instead of just throwing a bunch of numbers on a few squiggly lines, shows just how … Continued
Tech News
Apple Confirms Web App Slowdown in iOS 4.3
The Register received word directly from Apple that web apps are in fact running slower on iOS 4.3 because they’re not optimized for the new Nitro JavaScript engine. “The embedded web viewer does not take advantage of Safari’s web performance optimizations.” Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller tells The Register. It would seem that these optimizations include … Continued
Tech News
How Much Faster Is iOS 4.3 GM Than iOS 4.2?
So just what kind of Safari speed improvements can you expect when iOS 4.3 rolls out? I think the word you’re looking for is “moderate.” Or maybe “incremental.” Still, faster is faster, and this test over Wi-Fi shows that iOS 4.3 is a definite uptick. Update: Looks like the video’s been pulled. We’re looking for … Continued
Tech News
Mobile Safari and iPhone 4’s Gyroscope Secretly Play Nice
Occipital, purveyor of fine iPhone wares such as Redlaser and ClearCam, recently released a new iPhone app 360 Panorama. And in the process, they discovered you can navigate pages in Mobile Safari using the iPhone 4’s gyroscope. https://gizmodo.com/the-best-barcode-scanner-apps-5713768 Occipital goes as far to call this functionality augmented reality, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. … Continued
Tech News
AirPlay Will Enmagicalize Third-Party Apps and Safari With Video Streaming Next Year
Today, the potential magic of AirPlay is a little cramped in practice. Third-party video apps like Netflix don’t push out video, and Macs don’t push out anything, except through iTunes. A purported Jobsmail says that’ll change next year. https://gizmodo.com/forget-apple-tv-airplay-is-apples-sneak-attack-on-tele-5634087 Even if the Jobsmail isn’t 100 percent authentical, if AirPlay is Apple’s grand plan for your … Continued
Tech News
Google Gives Gmail for iPhone Some Sweet Tweaks
The newest mobile Safari-optimized version of Gmail isn’t a breakthrough, but offers some much appreciated improvements. Namely, a snappier, near-perfect inertial scroll, and a persistent toolbar that will follow you through your inbox for easier navigation. [Google Mobile Blog]
By Sam Biddle -
Tech News
Delibar App Syncs Delicious and Pinboard’s Bookmarking Services for iPhone
Shiny Frog‘s Delibar app, for iPhones running iOS 4 and higher, combines the social and antisocial bookmarking features of Delicious and Pinboard. Save, manage, and share web pages stored in the cloud, and integrate with services like Mobilizer and Instapaper. The Delibar app has the ability to sync across multiple computers and accounts and has … Continued
Tech News
H.264 Will Be Royalty Free For Internet Video Forever, Kinda, Mozilla Still Doesn’t Care
MPEG LA, the group that licenses the h.264 video codec, has extended its royalty-free use (for free internet video) from 2016 until, well, forever. Update: Kinda. But Mozilla thinks the better part of forever could belong to Google’s WebM format. https://gizmodo.com/h-264-will-stay-royalty-free-for-free-internet-video-th-5463728 The announcement serves as MPEG LA’s not-so-indirect response to Google’s announcement of their own … Continued
Tech News
Apple Safari Update Activates New Browser Extensions (And It’s Pretty Sweet)
Apple has released Safari 5.0.1, which activates extensions. They have some nice stuff lined up in their extension gallery, from Twitter, Bing, or Major League Baseball, Amazon, and eBay. It’s nice to see Safari catching up with Firefox. [Updating] Now they only need a few thousand extensions more to surpass them. But what they lack … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsPrivacy & Security
Turn Off Your Safari AutoFill, a Nasty Exploit Could Steal Your Address Book
The web’s full of vulnerabilities, but this exploit, which allows code to quietly yank your Mac’s Address Book with Safari’s AutoFill, seems bad enough that you should probably take a few seconds to disable AutoFill, just to be safe. 9to5Mac is bringing attention to the exploit, which was exposed and covered in detail by Jeremiah … Continued
Tech News
Chrome Passes Safari To Become #3 Most Used Browser In U.S.
According to StatCounter, Chrome just edged out Safari to become the third most widely used browser in the United States, claiming 8.97% of the market share to Safari’s 8.88%. I guess people really responded to that potato gun speed test. https://gizmodo.com/chromes-unconventional-speed-tests-are-incredible-5531741 Chrome has been beating Safari globally for a while now, commanding about 9% of … Continued
Tech News
Apple Hates Ads…Unless They’re the Ones Selling Them
Apple isn’t exactly a company known for its modesty. But with the introduction of Safari Reader, Apple’s made a doozy: Every ad on the web is a distraction from content. Big talk from a newly minted ad company. Apple loves talking about how much it supports the open web, vis-à-vis the buzzy but murkily qualified … Continued
Tech News
Safari 5 Clips Chrome and Apes Instapaper With Safari Reader
It didn’t warrant a keynote mention, apparently, but Safari 5 is here. The big new feature, besides speed—it’s a whole 3 percent faster than Chrome—is Safari Reader, which reformats web articles into a single view, sorta like Instapaper. Oh, and extensions, finally! It should be rolling out like nowish according to the release—though the Apple … Continued
Tech News
WWDC Prediction Recap: What Was Missing?
Like any good pundit, I took a stab at what Apple might present today at WWDC. And like everybody else, I was mostly wrong! New iPhone? Check. But take a look at everything Apple left on the table. UPDATED: Not all rumors are created equal, so we’ll stick to everything we thought had at least … Continued