Tech News
The Vaccine Will Get You Laid: White House
The White House has correctly estimated that if Americans don’t want to perform a selfless act for their fellow citizens, then they might get off their butts for seeeeexxxxx. The Biden administration today announced that it’s teamed up with nine dating apps to add “vaccinated” badges and visibility boosts to user profiles, in its bid … Continued
Tech News
Tinder, Bumble, and Grindr Are Under Investigation For Allowing Minors
Online dating is a hellscape, but the U.S. House Oversight and Reform subcommittee is fed up with just how shitty apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Grindr have been with regard to their users’ safety and privacy. Yesterday, it launched a new investigation into dating apps for doing an inadequate job of screening for minors, and … Continued
EartherClimate Change
Caring About Climate Can Help You Get Laid
People on OKCupid are swiping right on climate action—or something? I’ve never used a dating app. But I do know the company has filters so you can get rid of climate deniers when you’re searching for someone, whether it’s The One or a one-night stand. In a viral tweet earlier this week, the company highlighted … Continued
By Dharna Noor -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Tinder Owner to Facebook: 🍆🔪
It’s still unclear who, exactly, has been begging to give Facebook even more intimate data, but the social giant’s newly announced dating features nevertheless pose a significant threat to other online dating businesses. News of Facebook Dating sent shares of the Match Group (the parent company of Tinder, OkCupid and Match.com) tumbling on Tuesday, and … Continued
By Hudson Hongo -
Tech NewsPrivacy & Security
OkCupid’s New Real Name Policy Is Dumb
OkCupid announced this week that it would scrap all of the usernames on its site and require prospective daters to use their real names instead. Naturally, a bunch of OkCupid users are now worried about being exposed to harassment from people they turn down on the dating site. “Before the new year, we’re removing OkCupid … Continued
By Kate Conger -
Tech News
The Future of Online Dating Is Unsexy and Brutally Effective
When I give the dating app LoveFlutter my Twitter handle, it rewards me with a 28-axis breakdown of my personality: I’m an analytic Type A who’s unsettlingly sex-focused and neurotic (99th percentile). On the sidebar where my “Personality Snapshot” is broken down in further detail, a section called “Chat-Up Advice” advises, “Do your best to … Continued
Tech News
Before Getting Banned From OkCupid, White Supremacist Chris Cantwell Wrote Tips for Dating Online
OkCupid has banned white supremacist Chris Cantwell from their dating site after a Vice News documentary about the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, featured him expressing his violently racist views. Gizmodo first learned of OKCupid’s decision from a now-deleted tweet by Vice News social editor Rex Santus. OkCupid confirmed to Gizmodo that the … Continued
Tech News
Bartenders Talk About Your Terrible Tinder Dates
Oh, Tinder, OkCupid, Grindr, whatever your particular dating app poison. Your first date dramas play in bars the world over. Because bars are a typical venue for painfully awkward first encounters, bartenders all have a front-row seat—and they’re definitely talking about it. The bartenders in this video by The Daily Share explain that spotting a … Continued
By Darren Orf -
Tech News
OK Cupid on Oregon and Vermont’s Shared Porn Interests, Shower Hatred
With enough data, even the most seemingly random, disconnected sequence of events can be teased apart and explained through the power of statistical analysis. And thanks to the reams upon reams of data points collected through his hit dating website, OKCupid co-founder Christian Rudder explores the kinks, tendencies, habits, and patterns that make up the … Continued