Tech News
Instapaper iOS App Gets A Makeover With Latest Update
Ooh la la! Looks like the Instapaper iOS app, one of our favorite tools, has received quite a makeover and plenty of new features in its latest update: – Article list on iPhone now includes the first few lines of text from articles, like on iPad. On iPad, more text is now shown. The text … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Sprint ZTE Peel Turns Your iPod Touch Into the Pseudo-iPhone It’s Always Wanted to Be
Our first thought when we got ahold of a MiFi: Why not build this into an iPod touch case? All the benefits of the iPhone, minus AT&T’s horrible service. That’s Sprint’s ZTE Peel case. https://gizmodo.com/verizon-mifi-2200-3g-portable-wi-fi-hotspot-review-5256825 The ZTE Peel is an iPod touch case with a built-in 3G hotspot. It’s a little gimped compared to a … Continued
Tech News
OK, Running iPhone Apps on a TV Could Be Pretty Awesome
Just yesterday, the Giz team was discussing the possibility of beaming iPhone and iPad apps to Apple TVs via AirPlay. Some of us weren’t sure why you’d want to in the first place. Well, precisely this: The Incident, supersized. Now this isn’t exactly what we had in mind. What you’re seeing here is a preview … Continued
Tech News
Bang & Olufsen’s BeoSound 8 Docks iPods, iPads and iPhones For $1,000+
It took them a good few years to cobble together some speakers and a docking station, but finally Bang & Olufsen has an iPod dock—the BeoSound 8, which costs (are you ready for this?) $1,400. If you convert it from the UK price of £900, that is—the final US price hasn’t been specified just yet. … Continued
Tech News
The Art of the Boob Ninja
The Boob Ninja is a tricky character who sneaks around and grabs girly body parts while dodging kitchen utensils—and you should aspire to master his art. Or at least that’s the message this iPhone game is sending. Boob Ninja is a fairly basic game which might feel repetitive after a while, but it’s amusing enough … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Kik Messenger: A Simple, No-Frills Way To Keep In Touch On Android, iPhone, And BlackBerry
Kik Messenger’s a no-frills app, but it could easily become your favorite way of keeping in touch. It’s a simple cross-platform instant messenger which’ll work for you and your friends—no matter which mobile platform or country you favor. Think of the app as being like BlackBerry Messenger without the mobile operating system limitations. You’ll get … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Watch This App Transform Kitteh Into iPod Killer
Meesha looks like an adorable kitty, and I’m sure she’s a joy to be around. But something about the Cat Toy app unleashes the jungle beast within. Hardware lovers beware: you’re about to witness savage iPod abuse. As if this brutality weren’t enough, Meesha’s owner confirms that destruction’s not limited to the Cat Toy app’s … Continued
Tech News
That iPhone Is Burning a Hole In Your Pocket
What can we make of this credit card spending by smartphone platform data from Pageonce? That iPhone owners spend like crazy, and WinMo holdouts are probably saving up for a new phone, for starters. https://gizmodo.com/iphone-apps-we-love-pageonce-is-our-cheap-personal-ass-5028422 The data was taken from a random sampling of 275,000 Pageonce users, and includes at least 5,000 users per platform. … Continued
Tech News
Hasbro Reinvents the Viewmaster…With An iPhone
Take one look at the new “My3D” from Hasbro and tell me that’s not just a simple stereoscopic imager with a slot for an iPhone at the end—it’s a Viewmaster with apps and augmented reality! According to the AP, the new $30 kit will include apps that allow for 3D motion tracking. That means with … Continued
By Joel Johnson -
Tech News
Mutant Bash TV Is Id Software’s First Rage Game for iOS
Having seen the phenomenal Infinity Blade, I’m not impressed by the much simpler Mutant Bash TV—the first game that will use the Rage engine for iOS. The graphics, however, are extraordinary, as you’d expect from id software. https://gizmodo.com/infinity-blade-is-the-only-ipod-and-iphone-game-i-want-5684016 Sadly, instead of being free exploring game like Infinity Blade, Mutant Bash TV runs on rails, using … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
When a Keyboard Loves an iPhone Dock…
Jobs may’ve once called the iPhone a “computer for your pocket,” but when it’s docked to a computer keyboard it’s more of a computer for your keyboard for your computer. If you catch my drift. The WOWKeys keyboard is from Omnio,and has actually been Apple-certified so you can dock (and charge) with the quiet knowledge … Continued
Tech News
Did You Oversleep Because Your iPhone OS Alarm Failed Today?
Remember the iPhone recurring alarm DST bug that affected Australians and Europeans, making them oversleep? Well, I didn’t. It just happened to me and I’m sure it has happened to you too. If it did, write to us in the comments. https://gizmodo.com/if-you-have-an-iphone-you-may-oversleep-when-daylight-5659087 The United States changed to Daylight Saving Time yesterday. Apple’s iOS has a … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Stick These Stickers On Your iPhone To Get Some “Real” Control
Gaming on the iPhone is great! That is, until you try to hadouken. Then you realize its limitations. So if you’re sick of using those stupid touchscreen controls, here’s a desperately bright idea: attach plastic stickers to moonlight as physical buttons. The hilariously cheap looking “buttons” are called Tactile+Plus and they’re actually more like plastic … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Google Instant Hits Android and iPhones in US
Several Android phones started showing Google Instant early, but Google’s made the addition official, writing on its blog that a beta version has hit (or is hitting) “most iPhone and Android devices in the US.” Basically, that’s Androids running Froyo, and iOS 4 devices. https://gizmodo.com/google-instant-search-trickles-out-to-android-phones-5672898 If you remember, this is when the search results actually … Continued
Tech News
Apple’s New Gaming Patent Would Allow iPhone Laser Tag
“Interactive Gaming with Co-Located, Networked Direction and Location Aware Devices,” sounds dull, but Apple’s latest patent is anything but. The tech described would use augmented reality tricks to open up whole new forms of portable gameplay—iPhone guns, anyone? The gist of the patent is its ability to take advantage of the phone’s position-sensing guts—gyroscope, accelerometer, … Continued
By Sam Biddle -
Tech News
Damn You, Auto Correct!
I’m typing these sentences on my iPhone and the ducking auto correct feature is getting in the way so much that that I want to hump up and down in frustration. Damn you, auto correct! Damn you to ducking he’ll! My nerves may be pretty frayed after this little post, but I can’t really complain … Continued
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
How Fanboys, Fandroids and Crackberry Junkies See Each Other
I think this is the best summary I’ve seen of how all those smartphone platform fans see each other. Spot on. Sure, it’s missing Symbian talibans and the Palm minority. And it probably would need to be updated soon with Windows Phone 7 users, but it’s good. [C-Section—Thanks Charlie!] https://gizmodo.com/windows-phone-7-series-everything-is-different-now-5471805
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Google Instant Search Is Now Available On Your iPhone And Android Devices
If you’re a fan of Google’s sometimes awkward Instant Search feature then I’ve got some great news for you: It’s now available on your iPhone or Android devices—as long as you’re running Froyo or iOS 4. [Google Blog]
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
iPads and iPhones To Get MIDI Support With iOS 4.2
What a pleasant surprise! The fellows over at Create Digital Music have discovered that iOS 4.2 will allow iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touches to support MIDI devices over both USB (via camera connection kit) and Wi-Fi. The above video shows what the 4.2-ready version of Pianist Pro will be capable of, and Create Digital Music … Continued