After some of the best years of my life, I’m leaving Gizmodo. I love this staff like family, but it’s time for me to move on. We’re going to need a new fearless leader. Job requirements:
• At least TK years experience in design and tech journalism.
• You work like TK [wild animal].
• You know what TK means.
• You are not a wuss.
• You are located in New York.
• A creative mind that will do amazing things with Kinja, our badass new publishing platform that lets you almost touch gadgets and discuss any aspect of an image.
• The best, most ferocious crew on The Internet doesn’t chew you up and spit you out like unpopped corn.
• As always, no attachments. Contact Joel Johnson—if you dare.
A note to our readers: I love you. I’ll be in the comments to talk it out.