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Epic Games Loses Supreme Court Appeal to Force Apple to Change App Store Right Now

The maker of Fortnite wanted to overrule a court of appeals decision that delayed an injunction against Apple. Apple is still preparing an appeal to SCOTUS.

The U.S. Supreme Court denied Epic Gamesā€™ appeal against Apple on Wednesday, which would have required the iPhone maker change its App Storeā€™s payment options. Epic Games, the owner of the popular video game ā€œFortnite,ā€ filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple in 2020 accusing the company of holding a monopoly over apps by requiring consumers to purchase through its app store. A judge dismissed the antitrust claims in 2021 but ruled that Apple could not prevent developers from ā€œsteeringā€ customers to links to make purchases because of California anti-competitive laws. Apple takes a 30% cut of any App Store or in-app purchases. Epic is fighting to be able to establish its own app store and circumvent the so-called ā€œApp Store tax.ā€ U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ruled against Epicā€™s antitrust claims but found instead that Apple had violated Californiaā€™s unfair competition law.

The Appeals Court told Apple it had 90 days to file a petition and pause on the Supreme Courtā€™s ruling last month, even as the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals criticized Appleā€™s arguments, saying they ā€œmay not be technically frivolousā€ but donā€™t acknowledge the rulings and factual records represented in the case, Reuters reported.

Epic requested to lift the 9th Circuitā€™s decision to delay the injunction but was denied in what may be a major setback for the video game developer.
The 9th Circuit ruled that Epic ā€œhad standing to seek injunctive relief against that provision pursuant to Californiaā€™s Unfair Competition Law.ā€ The law requires the plaintiff to show they have ā€œsuffered an injury in fact that is concrete, particularized, and actual or imminent,ā€ according to the case filing.
The 9th Circuit determined that Apple was in violation of antitrust laws because it harmed Epicā€™s sales by not allowing app developers to direct consumers to the Epic Games Store, which offered reduced prices and a lower commission compared to that in Appleā€™s App Store. Apple declined Gizmodoā€™s request for comment.

Under Rogerā€™s injunction, Apple was required to add the option for app developers to include options to direct consumers to other payment options for their digital content. However, the 9th Circuit decided to delay Rogerā€™s ruling while Apple appealed to the Supreme Court. Apple told the 9th Circuit that Rogers made a mistake by requiring Apple to allow all app developers to include their own personal payment links.

ā€œApple will be required to change its business model to comply with the injunction before judicial review has been completed,ā€ the company told the 9th Circuit, according to Reuters. ā€œThe undisputed evidence establishes that the injunction will limit Appleā€™s ability to protect users from fraud, scams, malware, spyware, and objectionable content.ā€

In light of the Supreme Courtā€™s decision to uphold the 9th Circuitā€™s decision, Epic complained about the ruling, saying the standard to put the case on hold is ā€œfar too lenient.ā€ The 9th Circuit has not stated how long it will delay Rogerā€™s decision.

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